Chapter 819


Zi Yan’s eyes trembled, her eyebrows clustered lightly.

Especially at this time, the gentleness at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth was more like a sarcasm, making her heart full of shame.

However, once she denies conspiracy with Ling Xiao and wants to kill Dugu Yunyu, she is afraid that because of the young man’s disposition, she will immediately stand by and stand by.

After all, he only said that he was invited here, but he didn’t say… he would definitely help Zi Yan.

Originally, Zi Yan wanted to use the Five Demons to get rid of Dugu Yunyu, and then lead the disaster to Ling Xiao.

A sacred god envoy died in the sea, and there was always someone to bear the burden.

Otherwise, once the Lord descends, I am afraid that the endless sea will completely become a dead sea.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly.

Now, she turned out to be that dark pot.

However, in this way, I am afraid that Ling Xiao will not easily punish himself.

In the eyes of the villain, there is no friendship, there is always only interest.

“The purple emperor forgot? That’s a pity, Dugu…”

“The son!!”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, her silver teeth clenched, and suddenly she opened her mouth and called Ling Xiao.

She had an incompatible hatred with the Holy Church and the God Lord, so she was not afraid to offend this power completely.

It’s just being exposed now, I’m afraid she will take Xi Erdong to hide in Xi’er for a long time to come.

“Huh? The Purple Emperor remembered it?”

The corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth were funny, but Zi Yan had to nod lightly, her tone suddenly cold, “I hope you can join hands with me to punish the first envoy!”

“Hehe, why should I join forces with the Purple Emperor?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, but Zi Yan’s face was completely solidified in an instant.

You he…!

To be honest, Zi Yan regrets somehow in her heart at this time. If she had agreed to Ling Xiao happily and conspired with big plans, I am afraid she would not have fallen to where she is now.

At this time, she was completely pinched by Ling Xiao, even if he wanted to ask for herself now, she was afraid that Zi Yan would not be able to refuse.

“If the son agrees to join hands with me, I will give all the details of the Sea Palace to the son!!”

Zi Yan gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

At this time, she felt aggrieved in her heart, one can imagine.

Obviously, this young man also needs her means to punish the gods.

But unfortunately, I asked him to please him in order to survive this catastrophe.

What can I do?

I am also aggrieved by a batch.

But I can’t die yet, otherwise the three-hundred-year plot will be completely shattered!

“The purple emperor has a bad memory. I can’t trust you. Why don’t you give me the Qiankun bag first as a deposit?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but there was no wave in his eyes.

From the beginning, he used Zi Yan to control her…her life.

Regardless of the Crocodile War or the Jiao Terran, it is a stumbling block that hinders Zi Yan’s dominance.

Ling Xiao got rid of them and made Zi Yan’s position stable, but… from the beginning to the end, Ling Xiao knew that what she wanted was definitely not a sea area.

Of course, no matter what aspirations she has, she has nothing to do with Ling Xiao.

It’s just that such a woman will not die willingly.

What’s more, she is still a villain.

Unscrupulous, sinister nature, as long as she can live, she can pay any price.


Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes stared fiercely, and the thunderous thoughts swept across her body, but it subsided again in a moment.

She took out a Universe Bag from her arms and threw it straight towards Ling Xiao, but the expression on Qiao’s face had calmed down.

If regret and anger are no more useful in the future, Ling Xiao won the game after all.

She only hoped to quickly punish Dugu Yunyu, leave the sea, and explore the world again.

“The purple emperor is refreshing! Dao master, you can join forces with the purple emperor and fight the first divine envoy in the first battle.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, turned his head to look at the lonely cloud dungeon that stood in the void.

From beginning to end, the holy religious envoy did not say a word.

After nine deaths, he finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

If he chose to return to Zhongjiang in the first place, it was his life.

But after all, he didn’t dare to disobey the divine lord, and feared Ye Qingchan’s return, only then arranged a lot of back players and chose to stay in the sea.

In this way, it is the nine deaths.

The master of Taixuan Dao has unpredictable cultivation.

Once at the foot of Wudao Mountain, Yizhang Town is famous for killing sage elders.

In the final analysis, no one in the entire Shengzhou has seen him make an all-out effort.

It’s just that the depth of this exchange is unknown to the world.

After all, from that day on, Taixuan Dao master never took a step out of Enlightenment Mountain, and Shengjiao unexpectedly swallowed this breath.

Before, Dugu Yunxuan had also estimated the origin and identity of Ling Xiao and this mysterious Taoist master.

But I only saw endless fog, which was covered up in layers.

Of course, if in the heyday, Dugu Yunyun would still be confident that he would deal with him by virtue of the seal of the god of heaven.

But now, he was already at a great loss, and was seriously injured by Wen Ruyu and the others.

Plus a Zi Yan who hasn’t done anything yet…Well, it’s the nine deaths.

“Master Ling Xiao, what do you mean?”

As the saying goes, the older the person, the more afraid of death.

What’s more, Dugu Yun had lived for thousands of years, and he would have spared his life. If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t have betrayed the Ye Master and voted for a new one.

In the final analysis, it was precisely because he had betrayed his master, Zhou Yandao never really believed in him from beginning to end, and he was always on guard.

This has only caused him to be isolated and helpless, with the title of the first divine envoy, but unable to use any trace of the power of the holy religion.

You can’t even send a letter.

Therefore, all dharma in this world is empty, but cause and effect are not empty.

Retribution always comes unconsciously.

“Why did the Lord God envoy ask knowingly? The Lord should have been staring at me very early, right?”

Ling Xiao raised his head, looked at Dugu Yunyun’s eyes, and laughed softly.

He had known about the enchanting things when the Holy Church and the Lord were looking for the Tao.

Now that I learned the identity of the first divine envoy, some of the confusion in my heart was gradually revealed.

I am afraid that at the beginning, the god envoy came to the eastern frontiers to tell the fortune for himself, but it was only to confirm what he thought in his heart, raising pigs and killing pigs.

Faithful servants of the gods travel across the borders, just to change their status and do some shameful deeds for the gods.

It’s just why he didn’t get the trust of God Lord, besides Zhou Yandao himself had a problem, it was obvious that the Lord God Envoy also had secrets that Ling Xiao didn’t know.

“Hmph! Kill me, you are not afraid that the Lord will know and destroy your Ling Clan?”

Dugu Yunluo let out a cold snort, trying to deter Ling Xiao with the Ling clan.

“Don’t worry about the divine envoy, I have tried other divine envoys before killing you, and now the divine lord is afraid… can’t get away.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, but Dugu Yunyun’s face suddenly turned pale.

“What? You… You killed other envoys?”

“A dead person, why know too much? Taoist, Zihuang, do it.”

Ling Xiao smiled, but did not look at Dugu Yunyu again, and walked towards the dying Wen Ruyu.

Thousands of miles are empty, suddenly there is thundercloud ups and downs.

In just a short time, hundreds of millions of waves swept across the entire sea.

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