Chapter 818

“Dugu God Envoy, a good method!”

Zi Yan’s eyes trembled lightly, and her figure fluttered back.

The six emperors encircled, but were killed by Dugu Yunfu.

Ling Xiao, if you arranged this game, you might be disappointed this time.

Even Zi Yan had never expected that this first divine envoy would actually refine this sacred education treasure and seal the god seal.

The setting of this seal is above the Shengzhou Lingbao.

In other words, this print does not belong to Shengzhou, and it is unknown who was left on the mountain of Shengjiao to suppress the dragon veins.

Now, Dugu Yunyun’s Ninth Stage Emperor is in control of this treasure again, and with her and a seriously injured Wen Ruyu, it will be difficult to shake it.

If you don’t leave, you will lose your fate and fame today.

Fortunately, she separated from Ling Xiao from that day and hid Xi’er somewhere else.

Although Zi Yan didn’t believe it at first, a small human teenager could threaten her rule in the sea.

But in recent years, although she is domineering and cruel, she is also cautious.

In order to be able to one day avenge the young lady’s blood.

This is also worthy of her being an enemy of the Demon Realm back then, saving her from the barren mountain.

“Purple Emperor, it’s your turn.”

Dugu Yunyu sneered, and his figure disappeared in the same place instantly.

Above the void, the seal of Fengtian god turned into a horror, and many god patterns intertwined into a sea, covering the heaven and the earth, and slammed into Zi Yan.

At this time, the latter had retired, and there was no Five Demons from the side to hold him back. Now, facing this sacred treasure, his face suddenly flashed gloomy.

“Huh, arrogant!”

Zi Yan’s silver teeth bite, and the Thunder Dragon soared into the air behind him, turning into a shining light, and crashing into the golden seal on that head.

Yinguangyingying, there is an incomparably magnificent power ups and downs.

The void was stagnant, but the silver radiance pierced through the sky and made a deafening sound of breaking through the sky.


The full collision of the two Ninth-Rank God Emperors can be imagined.

The whole world collapsed in an instant, the avenue was wiped out, and the terrifying power of destroying the ancients burst out.


only! !

With the strength of Dugu Yunxuan, to urge this heaven and earth treasure with all his strength, even Zi Yan feels great pressure.

The Thunder Dragon shattered in an instant, and the golden seal was also dim.

Dugu Yunxuan’s body trembled lightly, blood stains flowing from the corners of his mouth, and Zi Yan even flew upside down, a burst of blood spurted from Yu’s mouth, her pretty face was already pale.

“Qin Demon!! He is injured, you stop him for a moment, I will punish him with my destiny supernatural power!!”

Zi Yan shouted angrily, panic was already seen in her eyes.

But Wen Ruyu only gently nodded, got up and stepped, and swept straight towards Dugu Yunyun.

In his body, he began to have souls and powers, and divine intentions were intertwined.

A deep and vast wave swept away, transforming into a galaxy, flowing above the void.

In the hands of Wen Ruyu, the Qingxiao Guqin also bloomed with brilliance. On the body, all Dao patterns seemed to be resurrected and awakened at this moment.

There are raging flames, the sacred tree is blooming, the river is countercurrent, and the sun and the moon become empty.

Layers of visions manifested around Dugu Yunxun, completely concealing his figure.

Wen Ruyu’s eighth stage emperor realm was only one step away from the ninth stage.

Now it is a fight to the death, burning blood and soul, the power can be imagined.

“I can’t help myself!”

Dugu Yunxuan snorted coldly, and then the golden light was sealed on the top of his head, and the divine power erupted, completely shattering the many divine and soul visions.

even! !

Whenever a ray of vision shattered, Wen Ruyu’s face became pale, until all the heavenly soul power dissipated, his figure suddenly fell from the sky, fell heavily to the ground, and it was difficult to get up.

Can! !

Just when he looked back at Zi Yan bitterly, he saw that the woman had already turned and fled towards the sky.

“The Purple Emperor…you…”

Wen Ruyu’s face was stunned, and blood stains dripped from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he did not expect that the Purple Emperor was so shameless. Instead of launching an offensive, he turned around and fled instead.

“Hehehe, where does the purple emperor want to go in such a hurry?”

only! !

Just when Zi Yan’s figure sank into the void and wanted to leave, a ray of light suddenly evolved between heaven and earth.

The infinite Dao pattern outlines and interweaves, and the whole world is locked in a short breath.

At the same time, in the void, two figures suddenly stepped out, looking at the three people below playfully.

For the first time, Ling Xiao was dressed in a black robe and was free and easy, and even his face was filled with a gentle and calm smile.

Behind him, the Supreme Profound Dao Master stood with his hand holding his hand, and there were thousands of divine patterns in his eyes.

It’s just that his figure is half a step behind Ling Xiao. It is obvious that this Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor is actually that young man?

“Ling Xiao!!”

Zi Yan and Dugu Yunxuan simultaneously showed a hint of shock on their faces.

Especially when they felt the terrifying trend of Taixuan Dao Master, the eyes of both of them trembled for a moment.

Of course, in Zi Yan’s eyes at this time, Ling Xiao is the holy son of Shengjiao, and he came here…mostly to kill herself.

But Dugu Yunxuan sighed lightly in his heart, and the steps he had intended to take towards Wen Ruyu also stopped.

He seemed to understand why the six elders of his Heavenly Mystery Sect and the two guardians would fall at the same time.

The cultivation base of the etheric profound path master, killing eight god emperors, is afraid that it will not waste too much spiritual power.


Dugu Yunluo couldn’t figure out how, how did this first emperor of Eastern Xinjiang, a Taoist who was quite jealous of the god master, get involved with Ling Xiao, the descendant of the Ling clan?

Although the Ling clan is an ancient clan and is quite famous in Eastern Xinjiang, how can it be worthy of the Lord of the Supreme Profound Dao to bow down?

Also, why do you feel that the Ling Xiao in front of you is a little different from the Ling Xiao you’ve seen before.

Although there is a fairy rhyme flowing in both of them, the former Ling Xiao is empty and spirited, and there is a kind of Taoism that is integrated with the heaven and the earth.

As for the Ling Xiao in front of him, there was a hegemony in his eyes.

“Purple Emperor, see you again.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and looked at the pretty pale Zi Yan in front of him.

He just watched the battle just now.

Now that four of the Five Demons have died, Wen Ruyu is still alive, and it seems that he can’t survive.

As for Zi Yan and Dugu Yunyun, not only were they extremely attritional, but they also suffered serious injuries.

This dispute should almost end.

“You… don’t come here…”

Zi Yan instinctively took a step back. From an unknown time on, she had an instinctive fear of this human youth inexplicably.

Destroy the Jiao Ren, slay the crocodile, deceive the big demon, and calculate the divine envoy.

Which of these things seems to be done by a teenager?

What’s more, with Zi Yan’s scheming identity, although she had noticed a trace of conspiracy early on, she just… couldn’t struggle and couldn’t find any flaws.

even! !

Whenever she made up her mind to punish this young man, he could use another temptation to force himself to follow the path he chose.

The mind is close to the demon, which means that the demon has a long life, and what he sees and experiences will eventually turn into scheming.

However, he was a Ninth-Rank Great Demon who had lived for hundreds of years, but now he was toyed with by a young man between applause, unable to extricate himself.

In the end, I can only wait silently for him…pull!

“What is the purple emperor afraid of? You call me, not to kill the lonely god envoy?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, a ray of magic flashed in his eyes.

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