Chapter 820


Above the high altitude, the Taixuan Dao master stepped forward, and every step he fell, there seemed to be a Taoist rhyme permeated with mighty power.

At the center of his eyebrows, a god pattern evolves from ancient times, secretly inheriting the might of heaven.

Even on the Taoist robe, there seemed to be a bright light lit up, like a nine-day Taoist immortal, stumbled into the world.

The sky and the earth are vast, and all spirits worship together.

Not far away, Zi Yan did not dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with Taixuan Dao Master, obviously she was extremely guarded.

She saw the thunder light lingering all over her body, and the originally broken thunder dragon phantom stood in the sky again.

Even though this demon shadow looked somewhat illusory at this time, the demon power emanating from it was still terrifying.

Especially on the divine halberd in his hand, there was thunder sea ups and downs, piercing the sky.

Dugu Yunxuan’s expression was cold, even a little gloomy.

He is also the Ninth-Rank God Emperor, and now he is at the end of the crossbow.

But the clear light barrier arranged by the Supreme Profound Dao Master contains the charm of heaven and earth, and I am afraid that with his current strength, it will be difficult to break through for a while.

And once he gets distracted and breaks the boundary, the flaw will be revealed immediately.

Although the collision of the pinnacles is magnificent, it is difficult to decide the victory or defeat in a short time, but it is more dangerous and unpredictable.

If one is careless, it will be difficult to turn things around.

“Huh! I didn’t expect that my lone lone cloud poisonous roamed the Holy State for nearly a thousand years, and ended up in such a desperate situation. It’s ridiculous.”

Dugu Yun looked up to the sky and sighed, the only hope in his heart was that the strong Saints could arrive in time.

Although he knew from Ling Xiao’s words that the remaining three divine envoys were too bad, but… Shui Rou…

and many more! !

This Ling Xiao had calculated so far and conspired with Zi Yan, how could he easily let Shui Rou go?

Originally, he had no idea that the Great Profound Daoist was standing behind Ling Xiao, only thinking that with Shui Rou’s strength, he would be foolproof in passing the letter.

But now it seems… as if it’s a dead end! !

“Master Taixuan, the eight god emperors of my Heavenly Mystery Sect died in your hands?”

In the end, Dugu Yunxuan sighed lightly, and there was a touch of sadness in his old eyes.

Hearing this, the master of Taixuan Dao frowned slightly, but without a word, he stepped out to the top of Dugu Yunyu’s head in one step.

Thousands of miles are empty, and the situation changes suddenly.

Thousands of visions manifested from the sky, thunderclouds gathered, and the sky thunder fell down.

I saw his hand imprinted, and there seemed to be hundreds of millions of lines surging in his palm, and the flawless light covered the sky.

The avenue of killing and cutting contained therein makes Zi Yan feel a sense of trepidation.


Dugu Yunxuan coldly snorted, and sealed the seal of the god of heaven, suddenly blooming with golden splendor, like a awakened real dragon, heading towards the suppression of the light and clear clouds.


At the moment when the two collided, countless great sounds resounded loudly.

The rules of order, heaven and earth, fell apart in an instant.

At this moment, Zi Yan on the side made a bold move, bringing the thunderous intent that had shattered the ages down from the sky, and directed towards Dugu Yunyu.

Although both of them were in the 9th rank, the body of Ziyan monster beast was originally stronger than a physical talent.

Now that Dugu Yunxuan is full of spiritual energy in the seal, he has given Zi Yan a chance to kill him.

Zi Yan didn’t hesitate to perfuse at this moment, and used her full strength as soon as she shot.

When she wanted to come, Ling Xiao would never kill her, otherwise no one would be able to recite the pot of killing the divine envoy.

“court death!!”

Dugu Yunyu’s face has long lost the light and breezy before.

Even the golden robe outside his body was infested with many blood stains, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But facing Zi Yan, he didn’t retreat, or in other words, he couldn’t retreat at all.

I had to stretch out the palm of my hand and print to the void, and a hundred-zhang golden palace appeared out of thin air, crashing down with the force of suppressing the eternity.


The ear-splitting thunder sound spread through thousands of miles, but in the end the figure of Dugu Yunyun went back a hundred feet.

On the outstretched arm, lightning shot and eroded into the body, gradually wiping out his vitality.

The dignified first divine envoy, the first emperor of the five borders, and now the two emperors are fighting together, it is obvious that they are also somewhat powerless!

“Break it to me!”

The tens of thousands of miles in the sea, the master of Taixuan Dao stands out of thin air, and the Taoist rhyme of the whole body evolves into thousands of divine shadows.

The sound of the immortal sound that penetrated the heart was repeated, the auspicious clouds and the gods were reflected in each other, and then the seal of the heavenly god was enveloped layer by layer.


The god seal roared, as if trying to break free, with harsh sorrows.

But in front of an ancient strong man, it was dimmed in a flash after all, and was shrouded and annihilated by that infinite Dao pattern.


A burst of blood spurted from the corner of Dugu Yunyu’s mouth, and the despair in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Ling Xiao raised his head to look at the void, his eyes were extremely calm, but there was some doubt in his heart.

At the moment, the situation is set.

But the words that Dugu Yunxuan asked Taixuan Dao Master just now caused him to fall into deep thoughts.

He already knew that the eight emperors of Tianjimen were slaughtered, and it was not the result of the Taoist master.

Originally, Ling Xiao thought that it would be difficult for anyone to do this except for the Divine Lord.

But now it seems that he guessed wrong.

With the master-servant relationship between the divine lord and Dugu Yunyu, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill the emperor of Tianjimen at will.

What’s more, now that Dugu Yunxuan is dead, if the Lord is here, it is time to save him.

But no.

Who would punish the subordinates of this heavenly secret sect master and give Ling Xiao a great surprise?

With Dugu Yunxuan’s disposition, it was definitely not to die.

In other words, the cultivation base of these eight people should not be too weak.

But they were still killed for some reason, and even Dugu Yunyu didn’t know who did it.

What does this show?

It shows that the eight emperors are all dead together, and there is no time for sound transmission at all.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt a hint of surprise in her heart.

With this kind of cultivation method, is it possible that there is another honorable state hidden in the Saint State?

“Ahem, Young Master Ling Xiao… Excuse me…”

At the feet of Ling Xiao, the great demon Wen Ruyu was lying on the bottom of the sea, his bones were shattered, and even the soul was seriously injured.

“Senior Wen.”

Ling Xiao lowered his head, looking at the pale, wilting monster, a gloomy gleam in his eyes.

“My son… can I ask you something?”

Wen Ruyu gasped quickly, and even speaking required a lot of effort.

“Senior, please say.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, but from the bottom of his heart he had guessed what Wen Ruyu was going to say.

A three-hundred-year-old licking dog can have any bad thoughts.

It’s nothing more than three lives, one for the eyes, into a painting, and the snow-capped mountains and Qingyi are hard to forget.

But, Senior Demon, is it appropriate for you to show your feelings to my girl in front of me?

“I have a piano piece and I want to play it for Miss Ye. Now it seems that I am afraid that I won’t have this chance… ahem.”

Wen Ruyu looked lonely, and the corners of his mouth were full of bitterness.

One person, one piano, and business, have spent three hundred years.

In this life, Yu Xingshan has snow, and it can be regarded as a white head with Qing.

“it is good!”

Can! !

Before the Demon could finish speaking, Ling Xiao nodded happily.

Wen Ruyu looked stunned for a moment, then raised her head to look at Ling Xiao, her mouth trembling for a while, but she didn’t know what to say.

Is it so enjoyable?

Although Miss Ye and I were old acquaintances, now she is your sweetheart.

I thought you would hesitate and hesitate, but finally reluctantly agreed because I was about to die.

Why is it… alright?

Besides, I haven’t finished speaking yet, isn’t it!

“Senior! You don’t need to say anything, let me see for myself.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and suddenly there was a black moon floating and sinking in his eyes, with a mighty soul.

In an instant, the world was colorless, and Wan Lai became empty.

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