Chapter 817

“The largest dragon vein in Shengzhou?”

Hearing what the Master Taixuan said, Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, and he suddenly guessed a possibility in his heart.

This Saint State Heavenly Way, shackles the cultivation base.

Originally, Ling Xiao was still wondering how this Divine Lord broke through to the Venerable Realm.

But now it seems that he has the answer.

The dragon veins that can be suppressed with these god seals make people feel terrified to think about it.

If Zhou Yandao merged this pulse, would he really take that step?

Just changing his mind, Ling Xiao denied what he was thinking.

Although this idea is reasonable, the time sequence does not seem to be right.

Since this dragon vein was under the sacred mountain of Shengzhou, Zhou Yandao had to kill Ye Qingchan at least before he could get it.

If he didn’t step into the realm of respect, how could he be Ye Qingchan’s opponent?

Could it be that Ye Qingchan’s killer… wasn’t him?


For an instant, Ling Xiao only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and fear was born in his heart for the first time.

“Master, do you want me to take this opportunity to kill this first divine envoy and take this treasure?”

There are thousands of idols in the eyes of Taixuan Dao master, and he asked in a deep voice.

“Not yet time.”

Ling Xiao shook his head. What he wanted to kill was not just a lonely cloud poisoner.

He also needs Taixuan Dao Master to capture Zi Yan in order to use her.

If too much spiritual energy is spent at this time, it will inevitably not happen.

The two Ninth-Rank God Emperors are afraid that they will fall easily in a short while.


In front of the Palace of the Sea Emperor, there are already ravines, and the heavens are gone.

The abyss can be seen everywhere, and where the waves are surging, there are still imprints of supernatural power.

In Zi Yan’s hand, I don’t know when an extra trident divine halberd appeared.


Whenever that divine halberd fell, the void would tear out countless terrible thunder cracks, which was extremely shocking.

Wen Ruyu sat alone in the void, with the soul in his eyes shining, and his nine fingers flicked lightly, but there were thousands of magical intentions flowing between the fingers.

It’s just that with the strength of the Book Demon and the Chess Demon, it is obviously a bit difficult in this kind of confrontation.

Even a ray of lingering power can make the two of them tremble, vomiting blood and flying upside down.

Facing the siege of the four people, Dugu Yunxuan did not have a trace of panic. Holding the seal of God, every time he fell, he carried the divine power of Fengtian, which made Zi Yan and the others embarrassed to resist.

“The Purple Emperor!”

Suddenly, Wen Ruyu gave a soft drink, and Zi Yan’s eyes also bloomed with brilliance.

Outside Wen Ruyu’s body, there was a sudden blood mist rising, and the sound of the piano between the heavens and the earth suddenly became bitter.

Vaguely, a straight path of heaven can be seen hanging down from the sky.

On both sides of the road that day, sacred trees stood tall, and heavy snow flew, only a figure on it, stepping out of the sky, was magnificent.

The sea of ​​clouds piles up, the mountains and rivers are boundless, but it is not as beautiful as a strand of hair, and the city is peerless.

This song is called Wang Hun.

It was made by the great demon Wen Ruyu back then by the love-wounding mad demon, and it is also a unique song in the world, a solo in nine days.

It’s just that although this soul song is mighty, it needs to be matched by Wen Ruyu’s blood and vitality.

Otherwise, how can you be worthy of a word?

Lovesickness is deep in the bones, the true feelings are unbearable, immortal… why forget?

The bigger the wind and snow, the sky was covered one by one.

Everyone only saw the blue shadow dancing in the snow, dignified and coquettish, like a god in the fairy world, and like a clear dream in the heart.

However, it is inexplicable and sad.

The world is the same, the sun and the moon are shining.

In the end, the blue shadow fell from the sky, and the jade hand protruded, printing towards Dugu Yunyu.


The endless divine light fell, the wind and snow all over the sky suddenly turned into blades, silk strands, endless.

Dugu Yunxuan’s eyes trembled, and he also felt a trace of anxiety in his heart. The spirit of the whole body was majestic, and the imprint on the top of his head was full, and he wanted to resist the power of the great devil’s soul.

Divine light rushed into the sky and shattered the sky.

I saw that in the golden seal, there seemed to be a vicissitudes of ancient aura regaining consciousness.

Then, in the tremor of the big demon’s eyes, it turned into a shadow of a hundred-zhang dragon, biting towards the fairy soul.


The terrifying general situation burst out, and the moment the two offensives collided, the space was completely shattered, and the two void rifts stretched for thousands of miles, almost penetrating the entire sea area.

And the figure of Dugu Yunyu also took a few steps backwards at this time, a pale color flashed across his face.

“It’s this time!”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared, and when she reappeared, she had reached the place where Dugu Yunxu was in front of her.

As she waved her jade hand, she saw a fierce thunder dragon tearing apart the void, and while Dugu Yun was unsteady, she immediately printed it.

The Thunder Dragon is about a hundred feet long, and every scale on it is made of silver, with demonic patterns and great charm.

“court death!!”

Dugu Yunxuan shouted angrily, his eyes were already flustered, and he immediately put out his hands and greeted the Thunder Dragon.

Only at this time, he had resisted in a hurry, but Zi Yan was gaining momentum.

Therefore, at the moment the two collided, Dugu Yun suddenly felt a terrifying divine power penetrated his arm, and the sky behind him was completely shattered.


Dugu Yunyu’s figure retreated violently, a bloodshot dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his heart moved, the seal of the God of Sealing Heaven fell from the sky, blocking the Zi Yan who was about to chase him.


only! !

At this moment, two stern shouts suddenly came from behind him, and they saw the chess demon and the book demon each holding spirit treasures, manifesting in the void.

Just a moment later, the chess demon used the way of formation to cover up the breath of the two, in order to hide in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to give Dugu Yunyu a fatal blow.

Killing the ancient formation and several magical shadows descended at the same time, blocking the retreat of Dugu Yun.

“The humble ant, how dare to attack the deity!!!”

Dugu Yunxuan’s expression changed again, and real anger was seen in his eyes. At the center of his eyebrows, a beam of golden brilliance suddenly spewed, like the third divine eye, surging with thousands of rays of light, transformed into a palace, and suddenly fell.

The Golden Palace rises in the wind, and within a few breaths, it is already a hundred meters in size.

The carved beams and pillars are magnificent and magnificent, and they have the potential to encompass the world and the stars.

At this time, in the golden palace, there seemed to be waves of immortal sounds, which contained mysterious Taoism, which made people sinking and inexplicably relaxed their guard.

“Tianji forbidden technique, Tianyan Palace.”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the jade hand printed out one after another, forcing the seal of the gods back.


It’s just that before she gets close to Dugu Yunyu, the Golden Palace has enveloped the two figures of Book Demon and Chess Demon.

The mighty god turned into a huge force, squeezing from all sides of the golden palace.

After all, the cultivation of the two demons is only in the sixth-rank realm, even if the two appear at the right time, but… in the face of absolute strength, any speculative means are useless.

The blood mist rises, and the Golden Palace disappears.

In the world, there are no more books and chess demons.

Wen Ruyu slowly closed her eyes, two tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.

After all, the seven demons are vertical and horizontal, and the six demons are all fallen.

What does it mean to live alone with him?

What’s more, if he hadn’t been obsessed with emotions and looked for Miss Ye everywhere, perhaps the Seven Demons are still in the world, playing games.

Or, when the sword demon fell, he should have understood, cut off Acacia, lived in seclusion, and would not be reduced to today’s tragedy.

It’s a pity that he can’t forget, can’t let go, can’t get it, and is greedy.

So in the end, he couldn’t tell whether he loved Ye Qingchan or… the dream that he loved dismissed himself.

Seeing each other late, I was in a dilemma. I thought it would be the shore to turn around.

But, after all, the end of the song disappeared.

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