Chapter 816

“How is it possible? How can you refine this seal?”

Zi Yan stood in place, her expression inexplicably flustered.

This divine seal is a symbol of the power of the holy religion.

But compared to this, Zi Yan also knows another secret about it.

At the same time, it is also what she has planned in these three hundred years!

“It seems that the purple emperor is either an old person, or… it is an acquaintance with an old person.”

Dugu Yunxuan’s expression is calm, and the golden seal on the top of his head is floating, overflowing with brilliance.

Faintly, there is a terrifying force of suppression covering the sky, and I want to seal all the spirits.

At this time, the deceased in Dugu Yunxuan’s mouth naturally refers to Ye Qingchan.

Although Zi Yan is the Ninth-Rank God Emperor, Dugu Yunluo didn’t take it seriously.

Because the god seal in his hand is an ancient thing, and his rank has already transcended this realm.

At the beginning, he surrendered to the divine lord and got the gift from him, and he was invincible in the world.

Over the years, he has traveled through the four borders, looking for Taoism is evil. When he grows up to a certain level, he will be suppressed and captured by not only the nine-rank emperor’s prestige, but also the great seal of the world.

Zi Yan, whether it’s her name or her breath, he has never seen it before.

In other words, this woman shouldn’t know the name of the god and the past three hundred years ago.

But she knew.

This shows what?

It means that Ye Qingchan is really in the Sea Emperor Hall!

If it weren’t for her, there would never be a fourth person in the world who knew the past that year.

Master Ye, you are finally… exposed.

“Why can’t I refine this seal?”

Dugu Yunxuan sneered, and stepped out, there is a thousand feet of divine sun on his body, like a god descending from nine days.

“No! This god seal is wrong!”

Suddenly, Zi Yan’s eyes condensed slightly, but the expression on her face became more and more frightened.

Could it be that Zhou Yandao really took that step?

Or is it that he has just taken that step by integrating the qi in this seal? !

Damn it! !

“Purple Emperor! Your death date is here.”

Dugu Yunxuan frowned slightly, especially the complex and lonely face on Zi Yan’s face, which made him feel uneasy for no reason.

Could it be that there is still a secret in this divine seal?


Endless divine power descends from the sky, vast and majestic, crushing thousands of miles.

At this time, Zi Yan and others only felt that a general trend of heaven and earth was falling from the void.

“Want to kill me! It’s not enough for you to be afraid!”

Zi Yan yelled and turned to look at the Three Demons, “Three, prepare to fight to the death.”

Faced with a Ninth-Rank God Emperor, there is no doubt about escaping.

With the method of Dugu Yunxuan, I am afraid that this sea area of ​​thousands of miles has been shrouded by his divine consciousness.

It is impossible to escape.


Wen Ruyu nodded lightly, sitting in the void again, and the celestial glory bloomed on the Qingxiao Guqin again.

The world was gloomy for a moment, thousands of visions were ups and downs, and unknown divine power was gradually surging.


The offensives containing the Dao Shengwei collided in the void, and the endless seas shook violently.

Countless sea clan powerhouses walked out of the clan land, broke through the sea curtain, and stood in the void.

At this moment, their faces were full of horror and trembling.

Just a moment ago, everyone only felt that the waves seemed to contain the general trend of killing.

Even some of the Sea Clan closer to the Sea Palace disappeared in that power.

Thousands of miles of sea area, instantly dyed red.

There is endless bloody breath drifting with the waves, shocking people’s hearts.

“So it was him.”

Above the void, Ling Xiao stood with his hand in his hand, a faint flash of surprise in his eyes.

From the moment he saw the true face of Dugu Yunyu, he finally understood why the voice of the first divine envoy was a little familiar.

And why, he would doubt himself for no reason.

It turned out that he was the old Taoist who had fortune-telled for him in Dongjiang back then!

Although Ling Xiao had doubted his identity when he appeared for the second time, he had neither luck nor discipline.

A Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor who was good at Xuanhuang technique wanted to cover his breath, even Ling Xiao couldn’t even notice it.

What’s more, this person also cut off his own fairy tale.

Is the secret gate master?

Interesting, more and more interesting.

When Ling Xiao saw the surprise on Zi Yan’s face, Zhou Yandao was afraid that it was the name of the Lord of Saint State.

Sure enough, it wasn’t the Ye Clan, that is to say, he did steal the Holy Religion, and also concealed the power of the Ye Clan from the upper realm.

Just for some reason, Ling Xiao always felt that there was a hint of conspiracy in it.

Zi Yan’s identity may be a descendant of a demon clan who was annihilated by the divine lord.

But she has no luck and no background, how did she escape?

Besides, the Ye Clan is both a vassal of the Immortal Clan, and the Ancient Upper Realm Clan.

They can seal this realm and suppress the cultivation base of all souls forcibly, but how can there be no gap in this realm?

If something goes wrong, there must be a conspiracy!

“Does the Taoist know this seal?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were deep, and there seemed to be an indescribable mystery and horror hidden by the mist of Hongmeng.

Originally, he thought that the secrets of this world were all in that divine master.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the methods of those ancient powerhouses.

The seal of the god of the heavens, the power in this seal, I am afraid that it has exceeded the scope of the treasure of the sky.

And where does such a spirit treasure that transcends the setting of this realm come from, and what is involved?

“I only know that there is a divine seal in the sacred religion to suppress this sacred state dragon vein. Looking at the power of this golden seal, it should be it.”

Taixuan Dao Master’s voice was low, and a solemn color also appeared on his face.

From his perspective, he could see the rank of this seal, but how could there be such a terrifying spirit treasure in the barren land of the lower realm like Shengzhou?

“Suppress the dragon vein?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, as it was something of the sacred religion, why would Zi Yan be so surprised.


What’s the identity of this woman? Why doesn’t Dugu Yunyun know her, yet she knows many secrets of the sacred religion?

Interestingly, it seems that the biggest gain from this trip may not be with Dugu Yunxuan, but with… Zi Yan.

As a loyal dog of the god, it is impossible for Dugu Yunxuan to have a sealing method in the sea of ​​soul.

It might be difficult to pry open the mouth of this divine envoy.

But Ziyan is different.

She is neither a member of the sacred religion, but also stands proudly on the top of the sea with the Ninth Rank. Perhaps there will be many unexpected secrets in the soul sea.

This woman is too vicious and sinister. If you can’t plant a seal to surrender, it’s better to kill her to avoid more disasters.

“Yes! I have heard that under the sacred mountain, suppressing a dragon vein, it is the strongest in the five borders, and this god seal has been there since ancient times.”

The Master Taixuan nodded, and there was also some doubt in his eyes.

As everyone knows, the so-called dragon veins are all the spiritual evolution of heaven and earth. If consciousness is born, who is willing to be suppressed and sealed?

It stands to reason that gods like the seal of the gods must not be moved rashly to avoid changes.

Why now, the Holy Church God Lord actually gave such an important thing to this first divine envoy?

He is not afraid, the dragon veins are lost, and the sacred spirit will be scattered?

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