Chapter 492

“Di, the Son of Destiny is sincerely convinced by the villain. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 200 points and the villain for 2000 points.”

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, don’t look at Han Zhan deeply.

He is the only one who can be called the Son of Destiny.

Although his luck was almost plundered by Ling Xiao.

And the soul mark in the soul sea also cut off his fairy fate.


As long as he can truly surrender, his soul mark or something, he can’t just go.

When the time comes, with good luck and loyalty to Ling Xiao, isn’t he good for such a tool person?

Taming requires a process, especially for these protagonists, no matter how short-sighted they are, they are ultimately arrogant.

only! !

I am Lingxiao, the world is magnificent, I am righteous, the benevolent is invincible, hum ha ha!

I believe that as long as they are given time, they will be moved by my unique personality charm!

“Elder Pill, you are the power of the pill, you can use the spiritual materials here at will, and…I have some spiritual materials here, which may be of great use to your physical body recovery.”

Ling Xiao handed Elder Elder a universe bag, which contained all the ingredients needed to reshape his flesh.

When Jiuyou recovered his physical body, it was precisely a pill made by Xuanyuanyue.

And since this Elder Elder became famous in Xijiang, his alchemy attainments might not necessarily be under Xuanyuanyue.

Recovering the physical body should not be a big problem.

“this is…”

Elder Elder opened the Qiankun bag and looked at the dazzling array of wonders in the world, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Only in a moment, a smile appeared on his old face.

no surprise.

The demon flame may turn Yu’er into a demon, but in his heart, he still cares about me as a master.

Every spiritual material in this Qiankun bag is called rare.

Even looking at the west, trying to find these kinds of spiritual materials is as difficult as reaching the sky.

He gave it to me so easily.

There is no hesitation, no reluctance.

Tears gradually blurred his eyes, Elder Elder took a deep breath and smiled gently towards Ling Xiao, “Don’t worry, Lord, with me, this medicine hall will definitely become the most prosperous Danzong in Western Xinjiang. Apart from alchemy, I will Pass on their ancient prescriptions of alchemy so that they can all be alone.”

Until this time, Elder Elder still didn’t know that this realm was the evolvement of Ling Xiao.

In other words, in the barren land like the Holy State, no one can possess the divine power of the evolving realm.

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, then turned and headed towards the Temple of Heaven.


Moved another one.

Ling Xiao’s move was of course to help Elder Elder regain his strength.

After all, a pill emperor of the fifth rank of the god emperor can exert his most scorching light of life.

“elder brother!!”

Ning’er’s cry came from a distance, and Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the air, and hugged the little girl who had come by.

In the next moment, his eyes quietly condensed.

At this moment, Ning’er’s realm had actually entered the late stage of breaking delusion, which was even more exaggerated than Hanzhan.

Moreover, the most important thing is that her luck has risen to two thousand.

“Brother! Where have you been in the past few days, why don’t you always come back to see Ning’er.”

Ning’er looked up at Ling Xiao, and grumbled.

“Sister Qingchan is gone, you don’t want to come back, are you?”

“Why, brother has something to do in the past few days, you stay here to practice, don’t you have Miss Feng Chime to accompany you?”

Ling Xiao gave a wry smile, looking towards the main hall.

Feng Ling was dressed in black, sitting on the roof of the hall, and glanced at him with a cold expression.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Ling Xiao seemed to see that the wind chime seemed to be…a little bigger.

Although it is not obvious, there are indeed ups and downs.

“Hee hee, fortunately, Feng Ling’s ancestor took Ning’er to play with, otherwise it would be really boring.”

“Playing? You have been playing these days?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and his tone was a little surprised.


You mean, if you play, your cultivation level breaks through a big realm?

“Yes, brother, my little ancestor took me to many places, so we just ate and played, so happy…”

Ning’er smiled brightly, and her eyes were pure and clear.

But Ling Xiao had some guesses in his heart.

I’m afraid that the wind chimes took her to eat, but it was not an ordinary mountain treasure, most of it was the fairy material in his spiritual garden.

Although there is Han Zhan, there will be no end to what kind of Lingcao Xianjin.

But that immortal brand is powerful and domineering, but Han Zhan’s strength is not enough.

It takes time for this spiritual material to grow!

It seems that when he has time, he cares a lot about Hanzhan and tells him to work harder.

If you want a horse to run fast, of course you can’t feed the horse, you have to give him medicine!

“Hehe, don’t patronize and play on weekdays, practice hard.”

Ling Xiao rubbed the blue silk on the top of Ning’er’s head, then turned to look at Feng Chime, “Can’t you teach her some powerful techniques?”

“How do you know I didn’t teach?”

Feng Ling looked at Ling Xiao coldly, with a touch of arrogant ice on his face.

As if in front of Ning’er, she must maintain this majesty.

“Ning’er, follow your wind chime sister to practice hard, she is amazing.”

Ling Xiao ignored the wind chimes. This girl had a weird temper and a changeable personality, but she was not bad-hearted.

Ling Xiao felt relieved with her company with Ning’er.

“Well, don’t worry, brother, Ning’er will definitely work hard. Little ancestor said, brother is a big demon. If you want to stay with your brother, you must be cruel and kill a lot of people! Ning’er is working hard.”

Ning’er nodded solemnly, but when she heard what she said, Ling Xiao almost squirted out old blood.

Gan! !

I knew it! !

Following the wind chimes, this little girl will learn badly sooner or later!

“Uh, hehe, Ning’er doesn’t actually need to learn this, as long as you practice hard, have a strong cultivation base, and protect yourself.”

Ling Xiao smiled awkwardly, but Ning Er shook her head seriously, “Little ancestor also said that my brother will kill useless cumbersome… I… I… um, I don’t want to be a cumbersome.”

Ning’er suddenly burst into tears, with a sad look, apparently following Feng Ling’s side and received a lot of stimulation these days.

“Can you stop scaring her all the time?”

Ling Xiao frowned and turned to look at Feng Chime.

“Am I wrong?”

Feng Ling snorted coldly, a rare embarrassment flashed across her small face.

I’m afraid she didn’t expect that Ning’er would actually tell Ling Xiao everything she said.

“Ning’er, brother won’t hurt you, don’t worry.”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, but in the end he didn’t argue with Feng Chime, and his figure disappeared in place.

What a joke.

Isn’t it a pleasure to stay with such a cute little green plum to grow up?

Although we are not the protagonist of Destiny, can we not enjoy their opening treatment?

According to the plot, a female protagonist like Ning’er who is supposed to run through the life of the Son of Destiny will inevitably awaken a strong talent and Taoism in the future.

Besides, I can’t eat as many meters as I raise until I am eighteen.

I, Ling Xiao, is such a stingy person?

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