Chapter 491

“Elder Dan.”

Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky, standing in front of Elder Dan.

Especially at this time, the dominance on the latter’s face made him a little funny.

Obviously, this pill god emperor, at this time, 80% wanted to eat ass.

Regain freedom?


Those that don’t exist, fall into my Ling Xiao’s hands, and you are at best a Danu.

It’s the kind of… if you don’t die, you will give me a tool to refine alchemy! !


Elder Dan frowned slightly and gave Ling Xiao a little surprised.

Elder Dan?

Sure enough, I haven’t seen each other for three years, and the relationship is still born.

However, looking at Yu’er’s current strength background, I am afraid that he has returned to Daqin and inherited the emperor’s business.

At his age, face is naturally important.

Now he is a soul body, a man who has been tortured by ghosts, and in the presence of the two gods, he does have the appearance of a misunderstanding.

Yuer! !

I understand you! !

Don’t talk about Elder Elder, even if you call me Emperor Stan, Master will not blame you! !

You are now the emperor of the Great Qin, above 10,000 people, and what you have to do as a teacher is to stand silently behind you to help you step down the western frontiers and achieve great unification! !

“That Ghost Wubao method is terrifying, even though I have punished him now, but…”

Ling Xiao smiled guiltily, but stopped talking.

It’s time to show real technology!

But Elder Elder stared at the disciple in front of him somewhat puzzledly.

Looking at it from such a close distance, there is really no trace of the past.

only! !

His appearance has changed, probably mostly to conceal his identity.

But the spirit fire fluctuations on his body and the stone ring on his fingers are correct.

Just now, he was so decisive to save his life.

Except for my Yuer, who else would have such filial piety?

“Yu’er, what can’t you say to me…?”

“Elder Elder, the body of a ghost without a demon, is unpredictable, you have been imprisoned by him for so long…hehe…you understand it? I want to…check out your soul sea, so as not to…”

Ling Xiao’s face was embarrassed, his eyes even a little guilty.

Although he didn’t know why Gui Wubao didn’t plant a soul mark on Elder Elder, he wanted to come mostly because the soul sea of ​​this old thing was unusual.

“Of course, if Elder Dan doesn’t want to, or doesn’t believe me, then forget it.”

“How could I not believe you! Yu’er! Your caution and magnanimity make me very pleased!”

Elder Dan shook his head and smiled, his eyes filled with smiles.

Yu’er, you really have grown up.

The emperor should have this defense.

This imperial road is difficult and difficult. If you are not careful, you may be persecuted and killed, and you will never be able to recover.

Especially nowadays, your cultivation base is still low, and there are many people who are coveting these ninety-five positions.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s request was not only reasonable in Elder Elder’s view, but also showed that he has become more mature and stable over the past three years.

Whether it is the emperor of the dynasty or the peerless Tianjiao, they should have this awareness.

Yu’er, I am optimistic about you! !

“Come on! Yuer…I’m ready.”

Elder Dan smiled gently and removed the seal of the soul sea by himself, looking at Ling Xiao lovingly.

But the latter immediately no longer had the slightest hesitation, the soul light in his eyes suddenly dazzled, and he directly sank into his soul sea.

Unobstructed, even in order to avoid the spirit backlash, Elder Elder tried his best to suppress his spirit power.

It wasn’t until a ray of soul light suddenly brilliance, turned into a small seal, and dissipated in his soul sea, only a faint doubt appeared on Elder Elder’s face.

What… trough?

That kind of volatility just now, why… a bit strange?

Also, what happened to this inexplicable induction that appeared in the sea of ​​souls?

At this time, this alchemy might seem to have an illusion, he seemed to be under control without knowing it?

Could it be…impossible…how could it be?

Was Yu’er really controlled by the demon flame and became a demon?


“Elder Pill, the seven-tier pill that you refined is very much in line with my desires. I suggest that if you don’t die, you can help me refine it. Of course, with me, it’s hard for you to die.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and looked up at Yuankong, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to see my spiritual garden.”


There was a flash of soul in Elder Dan’s eyes, and although there were all kinds of doubts in his heart, he said, “Master.”

turn out to be…


It was because the teacher hurt you! !

If I hadn’t sealed the demon flame in your body, how could you become the evil demon today?

The method of the soul seal is insidious and intriguing, and it is absolutely beyond the control of the righteous people.


Yesterday’s cause, today’s result.

In the end, it was Emperor Stan who took everything silently.

Be printed as a slave by a disciple! !

Haha, Yu’er, although you are now a demon, you really don’t blame you for being a teacher.

Because the law of this world is that the strong are respected.

What about the devil, as long as you can stand on the top of the sky, you will live up to the high expectations of your master! !

The two of them fell from the sky, but they saw Han Zhan and the others holding a medicine cauldron each, closing their eyes to make alchemy.

Elder Pill frowned slightly, and said in a cold tone, “Naughty, how is this Spirit Gathering Pill made like this?”


Hearing the sound, all the Yaodian disciples suddenly opened their eyes in a daze.

“Farewell to the Lord!!”

Han Zhan stood up in a hurry, bowed to Ling Xiao and bowed.

The latter just glanced at him indifferently, and then pointed at Elder Elder, “This is the emperor of Xijiang, and he will be in charge of alchemy in the future. You only need to plant good medicinal materials, and you don’t need to intervene. .”

“Xijiang Dandi? Could it be…Standi?!”

Hearing this, the faces of all Xijiang Tianjiao were taken aback, and then turned into a look of shock.

Lord… awesome!

Looking at the appearance of Emperor Dan, it was obvious that he had already surrendered.

With this status in Xijiang, even the emperor of the dynasty has to bow to him. Have you ever seen him bowing so humbly?

Suddenly, Han Zhan’s unwillingness in his heart dissipated quietly.

He was originally a mountain boy, with no talent and no foundation.

Occasionally, he got a fairy plaque and embarked on the road of spiritual practice.

Although this fairy card is superbly powerful, but the premise is…you have to have spiritual materials to play its role.

In the past, Hanzhan could only find some wild ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in the mountains, and then take it with Xian brand catalyst.

But since following Ling Xiao, he has only understood what is spiritual material and what is foundation.

In just a few months, his cultivation has entered the middle stage of breaking the illusion.

In the past, it was a speed that I couldn’t even imagine.

Although now, Hanzhan is a bit less free.

But when I asked Xianzong, he was forced by the master to plant medicine and refine alchemy, so he could only practice secretly at night.

Just… suddenly relieved.

Following Lord Ling Xiao, he no longer has to make many detours, and no longer need to worry about spiritual materials.

Is it unhappy to plant medicine, refine alchemy, and practice every day?

When one day, the Lord will stand proudly on the top of the sky, and I will stand beside him!

At that time, below one person, above ten thousand people, what else can we expect for such a privilege?


The mortal stream template, though tough-minded and calm in character, is a bit less domineering after all.

In other words, the image of Ling Xiao in his eyes is too tall today.

People who have never seen a real dragon are in awe of Jiao.

How can you not be reconciled to surrender when you first see the Dragon Dragon?

The strong is respected.

Amorous should laugh at me, it’s a licking dog.

Life is like a dream, and a dream is like life.

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