Chapter 493: Deploying Southern Xinjiang

Territory, in front of a palace to the north.

Ling Xiao’s figure appeared out of thin air, and dozens of figures suddenly came from all directions below, standing respectfully.

At this moment, they stood in front of Ling Xiao, their faces were all indifferent, like sculptures, they never made a sound.

“You wait to go to southern Xinjiang, look for opportunities, worship the forces, and then wait for my order with your own strength.”

When the words fell, the sixty young Tianjiao instantly bowed and bowed, and disappeared in place with Ling Xiao’s figure.

Lingxiao has never been to the land of southern Xinjiang.

But it is said that this place is an endless sea. Although human races live here, most of them are barbaric and alien, and they are not cultivating Taoism, but evil Gu techniques.

Of course, it is the Jiao people and many sea tribes who really dominate the southern Xinjiang.

Some of these sea races contain the bloodline of great famine, with a long history, but they can’t stay away from the sea for too long.

Otherwise, the master of the Holy State today may not necessarily be the human race.

Of course, although there are countless treasures in the sea, it is too risky for the human race.

Therefore, in recent years, Shengjiao’s control over southern Xinjiang has been relatively loose, which shows that this place is dangerous.

These sixty dark guards are all taught by Duan Ying, with excellent talents. There are even a few people who are lucky and are good at concealing assassinations. They first enter the southern Xinjiang. However, if there are three or five people standing firm, it is for Ling Xiao. In terms of it, it can also be called a helping hand.

Even if they all fell to the southern borders, they would find another group to train in a big deal, and it wouldn’t be a loss.

Moreover, Nanjiang has been dreaded by the sacred religion, and there must be some strong people among them.

From the mouth of Han Qingqiu and Jiuyou, Ling Xiao already knew that Shengjiao had been hunting and killing the evil spirits of Tianjiao who had embraced Dao Ze for a hundred years.

There are many foreign races in southern Xinjiang, and they are not controlled by the Holy Religion. Maybe some of them will grow vigorously.

Whether I go or not is one thing, but the villain must do things without leaking and take precautions.

Moreover, the most important point is that these sixty dark guards are not directly controlled by Ling Xiao. There is no soul mark in their soul sea, and there is no risk of exposure.

It’s just that a strand of their spiritual consciousness is held in the hands of Die Ying, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

In this way, southern Xinjiang can be seen.

Daqin Palace, before the main hall.

Qin Wushuang was wearing an imperial robe, standing with his hands behind him.

Seven days, seven days.

She stood in front of the temple like this, looking at the sky, as if waiting for someone.

Behind him, Hu Yan, Yan Zheng, and Xiao Beifan stood in silence.

Farther away, countless guards of the imperial army held long knives and stood ready.

“Emperor, you can’t wait any longer, wait any longer… The corpse of Master Wubao is going to stinks!”

Hu Yan sighed, with some worry in his old eyes.

Ling Xiao and the evil demon disappeared at the same time that day, and never appeared again.

Although the three of them killed the three soul slaves, but…

To be able to hold the three emperors as slaves, how strong is the power of the evil demon?

Ling Xiao is so talented that he can even see the weirdness of that cat and beast at a glance.

But after all, he was only a seventeen teenager, and his cultivation was in the realm of god generals at most.

So how could it be the opponent of the evil demon?

Qin Wushuang sighed softly, and after a few days, his pretty face was tired.

On that day, she saw with her own eyes that the father’s soul was made into a soul slave, and she was heartbroken.

But after all, it has been ten years since the fall of the father, the grief in her heart is real, but it is no longer intense.

There is nothing in this world that is most disintegrating than a sudden loss.

Qin Wushuang experienced it once, but at that time, Wubao was still young, and she was responsible and did not dare to commit suicide.

Unexpectedly, ten years later, she experienced it again.

For Ling Xiao, Qin Wushuang has mixed feelings.

From the initial alert, to the subsequent dependence.

Every sentence of that young man seemed to contain sunshine, warming people’s hearts.

even! !

Qin Wushuang really thought about marrying Ling Xiao, letting go of the country, letting go of hatred, and rest assured that after he lays down the western borders and helps Wubao ascend to the throne of the emperor.

Just a blink of an eye, all hope, all disappointment.

She lost the only Shengyang in her heart again.

The whole world is in darkness.

very tired.



In the end, a drop of tears fell from the corner of Qin Wushuang’s eyes, and his gray hair became more and more desolate.

How she didn’t know the horror of that evil demon.

Ling Xiao is going here, I am afraid that it is already too bad.

But she didn’t want to believe it, or could not believe it.

Because, once her last hope is broken, her Dao Heart will be completely broken.

The evil demon hasn’t condemned, she… dare not die!

Ling Xiao, are you really…not coming back?

What you said, I want to lay down Xijiang and serve as my dowry.

Are you lying to me?

Qin Wushuang slowly closed his eyes, his face was beautiful.

only! !

Just when the last ray of light in her eyes was about to disappear, a figure suddenly appeared above the void.

Qingjun is tall and straight, floating like a fairy.

Qin Wushuang smiled bitterly in his heart. Before, he only heard about it, what he thought in his heart, and what he saw in his dream.

Unexpectedly, I, Qin Wushuang, would have a day of thinking about people and becoming sick.

“Dragon Lord!!!”

However, before she was sorrowful for too long, writing behind her, Xiao Beifa’s voice suddenly resounded.

The sadness on Qin Wushuang’s pretty face disappeared almost instantly.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the pair of Ruyang warm eyes lowered his head, his eyes facing each other, and the corners of Qin Wushuang’s mouth raised an arc unconsciously.

“Ling Xiao!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky, standing in front of Qin Wushuang, reaching out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“I knew it!! I knew you wouldn’t fall so easily!!”

At this moment, Qin Wushuang couldn’t care about any imperial majesty anymore. He threw himself into Ling Xiao’s arms and cried bitterly.

“The evil demon is insidious, and it took some tricks. Didn’t I come back now?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sighed bitterly.

It seems… I can exercise happily again.

Since Ye Qingchan left, he hasn’t exercised for a long time.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, for my physical and mental health, I decided tonight, exercise all night!

Qin Wushuang nodded helplessly, but before opening his mouth, he hugged Ling Xiao tightly, for fear that he would disappear out of thin air.

“The evil demon has been condemned, Wushuang, shouldn’t you thank me well?”


Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, especially the greed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, which made her feel a little panic inexplicably.

She had said it herself, as long as Ling Xiao found out the evil demon and avenged her father, she would agree with her.

But now…

People have never thought about it so simple, but since a promise is made, isn’t it a debt owed?

Although I, Qin Wushuang, is cold and ruthless, I am the most unhappy and unbelieving person in my life.

“Everything… depends on you…”

“it is good.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, embraced Qin Wushuang, and walked towards the main hall.

Behind the two of them, Hu Yan and Yan looked at each other with a bitter expression.

Emperor, your brother… is almost stinking.

Would you like to… do the business first, and then do other things?


work? !

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