Chapter 471

In the center of Western Xinjiang, above a large mountain full of spiritual charm.

Xia Feng followed all the disciples to practice swordsmanship on the martial arts field.

Although he has not gone down the mountain in the past few days, he has heard a little bit about the major events that have occurred in Xijiang from some well-informed disciples.

Especially the name Ling Xiao filled his heart with resentment.

Finally, he came.

It’s just a little surprised that Xia Feng is, how did this true demon get along with Qiao Yunli?

Of course, these are not important in Xia Feng’s eyes.

In any case, there are still a few months left, which is the day when the secret realm of the Cold Moon Immortal Palace opens.

When everyone enters the secret realm, the cultivation base will be suppressed at the same level.

He is now in the third stage realm of the god general, let alone, the immortal Jin that an adult gave him is really mysterious, and it can draw the spirit of the world into the body.

Whenever the night is quiet, Xia Feng will practice with this object, the cultivation base can be called rapid progress!


What if you are a real demon?

Isn’t that what you’re afraid of right now?

and! !

According to the gossip, it seems that a divine envoy of the holy religion has come to Xijiang, and he has also found a peerless evildoer in Xijiang as the spokesperson.

This news is extremely secret.

Even the disciple who spread, only knows the fur, and doesn’t know who the lucky evil evildoer is.

Presumably the secret realm is opened, this peerless evildoer will definitely appear.

With Shengjia’s hatred of demons, he only needs to secretly unite with this person and kill a Lingxiao, isn’t it more than enough?

Of course, this gossip was naturally spread by Ling Xiao Minghan Qingqiu in a small area.

There was a mark on Xia Feng’s body. Ling Xiao naturally knew where he was.

The reason for doing this is naturally to make it easier to play with him in the future.

With Ling Xiao’s understanding of this Xia Feng, such an obsessive son of destiny, since he knew his secrets and kept hiding his heart, I am afraid it was not a good intention, but… he did not find a suitable opportunity to deal with him.

Therefore, he made some tricks and gave himself the identity of the spokesperson of the holy religion.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to frighten Palace Master Hanyue and play with the Son of Destiny?


Junior brother, you said Ling Xiao is a demon?

I’m gonna!

Do you mean that the divine envoy is also a demon?

Haha, you think I’m on the first floor, and when you come back, you are overlooking me?

Actually…what you see is what I want you to see.

In my eyes, you can’t even be called an ant.

You are still alive now, just because you have not exhausted the light and heat in your body.

“Look! It’s Junior Sister Han!!”

The originally quiet martial arts venue suddenly became noisy.

All the disciples of the Hanyue Immortal Palace stopped their hand movements and looked towards the distant mountains.

At this moment, a figure wearing a white dress walked slowly, like a fairy in the painting, gliding into the eye.

“Sister Han is so beautiful!!”

“Aren’t you nonsense! Is the title of the first beauty in Xijiang just a joke? Junior sister Han, I would like to call it the most beautiful.”

“Sister Han!!! You are the most beautiful A in my eyes. Every look in my eyes makes me intoxicated!!!”

“Hey, what are you ugly looking at! You hurry up and get me away, so that you can scare Junior Sister Han.”

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted coldly, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

It’s just that when everyone sees the scarred face, there is a strong contempt on the corners of their mouths.

Xia Feng’s eyes condensed slightly, but in the end he didn’t say much, turned and walked towards the corner.

In order to avoid the trace of anxiety in his heart, Xia Feng had ruined his entire face.

Even, he never thought of changing his appearance with pill.

After all, this Hanyue Immortal Palace has a line of inheritance, specializing in alchemy, and he may not fail to see the change in his appearance.

Only by ruining his appearance can he be foolproof.

Gou, of course, to eliminate all hidden dangers! !

Humph, just laugh.

In this world, women only look at their looks, and what men look at is always strength! !

When one day, when I stand on top of the sky, you will all kneel down and call my father.

But just as Xia Feng was pondering secretly, a strange fragrance suddenly floated in front of him.

But the noisy martial arts field, but somehow fell into a dead silence.

Until Xia Feng raised his head and saw that picturesque fairy face appeared in front of him, his face had already completely dulled.

“Are you Junior Brother Fengye?”

The corner of Han Qingqiu’s mouth raised a nice arc, and there was also a curious look in her beautiful eyes, like a star in the night sky, shining and charming.

“Han…Sister Han…”

At this moment, Xia Feng was suddenly flustered, even a little shy.

In his heart, he never regarded Qiao Shuang as his own woman.

Because what he loves is this cold palace fairy from beginning to end.

In the previous life, when the secret realm was opened, he had seen this shadow like a breeze in the mountains from a distance.

It’s just that Xia Feng at that time was not the prince of Daxia, or even the prince of the lineage.

He is just the foil of an era, the background of those so-called destiny.

Therefore, Han Qingqiu’s eyes never stopped for a while on him.

Until he was killed and fell, it was only heard that Han Qingqiu was indifferent by nature and hated demons most.

However, she has a very close relationship with Ling Xiao, and they have a good impression of each other.

only! !

How can there be true feelings for the murderous demon? !

He confused Han Qingqiu, but wanted to use her to lead the way and find good luck in the secret realm.

He didn’t guess this statement, but said it himself when the demon killed him.

To this day, Xia Feng still remembers the wild smile on that evil face.


Don’t worry, since the way of heaven called me to be born again, this time, I am willing to…try to protect you!

As long as there is a chance, I will kill the demon and prevent him from harming you.

If there is no chance, I will also… think of a way to remind you! ! !

“You are the new disciple of Uncle Yue Xiao? I heard that you have comprehended the Gengjin Dao Ze? Your cultivation is in the realm of gods?”

Han Qingqiu looked at Xia Feng with a smile. Before leaving, Ling Xiao had asked her to pay attention to the young man who had understood the Geng Jin Dao Ze.

Originally Han Qingqiu thought that the one who could be mentioned by Ling Xiao must be the enemy who wanted to punish.

After all, people like him probably have no friends at all.

But what surprised Han Qingqiu was that instead of asking her to get rid of this person, Ling Xiao asked her to help him improve his position in the sect as much as possible.

Of course, with Han Qingqiu’s vision, it is natural that Ling Xiao couldn’t guess what Ling Xiao was thinking.

This is a rebirth! !

Ling Xiao already knew that there was an ancient mystery in the Hanyue Immortal Palace, which contained the secret of becoming immortal.

No matter how Xia Feng died in his last life, he must know some secrets that ordinary people didn’t know.

But the premise is that he has to enter the secret realm.

This Hanyue Immortal Palace disciple has more than 3,800 without 4,000.

Xia Feng has just started, even if he has a terrifying talent, but nowadays, do you think that as long as you have the strength, you can occupy good resources?

What a joke!

Of course, whoever has the background can have the opportunity! !

Han Qingqiu is the descendant of Hanyue Immortal Palace. With her help, Xia Feng will surely get a place smoothly.

In this way, this son of destiny can have the opportunity to show his power! !

Xia Feng, don’t thank me.

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