Chapter 472

“Ah! Senior sister… I am…”

Xia Feng lowered his head nervously.

Ever since he came to Hanyue Immortal Palace, he has been looking forward to seeing the fairy in this dream all the time.

Even many times, Xia Feng felt that he could be reborn and come back, not because of hating Ling Xiao.

But because… Han Qingqiu can’t be forgotten.

The humbleness of the previous life should have been swept away.

He originally planned to become the crown prince first, and then come to Hanyue Immortal Palace to see Han Qingqiu.

Can! ! !

Who could have imagined that the two bitches Qiao Shuang and Sikonghui actually caused him to bear a magic name.

All of a sudden, he lost his identity and became a true demon who was scolded by others! !

He hates it! !

I can’t wait to kill him back to Daxia right away and punish the Sikong clan, the queen, and his two younger brothers.


That’s all, it’s still a gou.

Han Qingqiu is really scented, but you can only have the chance to have her if you are alive!

Originally, Xia Feng was thinking that only if he found that great fortune in the secret realm, he would have the opportunity to stand in front of Han Qingqiu.

But he never dreamed that today, his fairy took the initiative to walk towards him! !


This is the so-called whether it is extremely peaceful, there are gains and losses?

“Hehe, I heard from Master that Junior Brother has a good talent, and Senior Sister is optimistic about you, maybe you can explore the secret realm later with Junior Brother.”

Han Qingqiu smiled indifferently, although it was just an ordinary word of encouragement, Xia Feng’s face instantly flushed with excitement.

“Qingqiu…really…you are willing to…”

Gan! !


I will play you a monkey.

Qingqiu is what you ugly can call?

In the entire martial arts arena, there were bursts of curses in an instant, the unparalleled power converged into a whirlpool, and the world was full of gusts.

If the eyes can kill people, Xia Feng is already a piece of ground meat at this time.

“Junior Brother Feng, please pay attention to your words.”

Han Qingqiu’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, and he glanced at Xia Feng coldly, then turned and left.


And just as he turned around, the sound of offensive collisions and…Xia Feng’s screams suddenly came from behind him.

The son is saying, help him enter the secret realm.

But I also said, teach him a lesson, don’t make him too happy.

After all, oppression can make the Son of Destiny grow faster.

The faster he grows, the more luck he will have.

Pigs, there will be more meat after fattening.

This Xia Fenggou’s force, expecting him to find setbacks on his own, is afraid it will be very difficult.


Xia Feng, don’t thank me!

This is what I should do.


Looking at the image of Ruxian walking on the mountain path, Xia Feng got up from the ground, gritting his teeth severely.

But just when everyone thought he was going to fight back, then… under everyone’s stunned gaze, he slapped himself three times.


The whole martial arts venue was quiet again.

Didn’t see, this night was actually a ruthless person?

You even smoke yourself when you are so cruel?

However, maybe these Immortal Palace disciples didn’t know at this time, Xia Feng really wanted to slap himself, rather than please them.

He…I’m really mean.

Xia Feng! ! Find out who you are! !

What qualifications do you have to call the fairy by name now!

Even with your current appearance, your behavior just now can be called a blasphemy against the fairy.

“Feng Ye, do you think you can offset your impoliteness by slapping yourself?!”

“Yes! Feng Ye, dare you to be a frivolous fairy, I will kill you!”


“Brothers, is that enough?”

With two slaps, Xia Feng finally smiled apologetically under the gaze of the disciples of the Immortal Palace, holding the pig’s head, turned and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

But at this moment, at the end of the square, suddenly there was a shadow in a red dress floating down.

“Master… Master?”

Xia Feng’s eyes condensed slightly, instinctively a little afraid.

Hanyue Immortal Palace, True Person Yue Xiao, the powerhouse of the sixth rank of God Emperor, is in the same realm as Qiao Yunli, the strongest of his great summer.

But this month Xiao’s age is much younger than Qiao Yunli’s, a pretty face is calm, beautiful and beautiful.

“Go, knock down those who humiliated you.”

Yue Xiao’s voice was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion, but Xia Feng’s expression was instantly dulled.

“Master… Master…”

“It’s okay, use your full strength to kill, count mine.”

Yue Xiao raised her head and looked at the disciples standing in front of the martial arts field. She was a sixth-rank emperor who swept across the sky and frightened everyone in place. She didn’t dare to move anything lightly.

Yue Xiao, the younger sister of the former palace lord, is now the youngest elder in Hanyue Immortal Palace.

Even the current Palace Master Hanyue was somewhat respectful to her.

“But… but they…”

Xia Feng was panicked at this time. He had spent 20 years and had never done anything extraordinary.

Although he had killed people in secret, when was it as blatant and noticed as now?


He is a disciple of Yixin Beginner, who just offended Han Qingqiu. Those disciples bullied him and insulted him, really… he deserved it.

But, Master actually wants me to knock them down, or even kill them?

I’m gumpy.

I don’t want to be famous. Being famous is easy to get black.

Now those sprays are really terrible, with one button in hand, I have the world, slam the air, get up, and directly use the iron rod to slap yourself.

I just want to be honest, mix into the fairy trail, quietly harvest good fortune, and I’d better have the opportunity to kill Ling Xiao and win Qingqiu’s favor, so I’m satisfied.

But…Master, isn’t it difficult for you to trouble me?

I have a respected master, but don’t people have a respected master?

In case their master is unhappy, and put on small shoes behind my back, isn’t it me who is unlucky?

Or, just go up and make two gestures, and then pretend that you can’t beat it?

“If you don’t defeat them today, I will drive you out of my teacher.”

Just as Xia Feng was pondering in his heart, Yue Xiao’s words instantly made his mind tremble.

“Yes… Master!”

The corner of Xia Feng’s eyes trembled, and finally did not dare to disobey Yue Xiao, took a deep breath, raised his foot and walked towards the martial arts field.

He is Gou, but he must not miss the opportunity to enter the secret realm! !

Looking at the young man whose expression gradually became firmer, Yue Xiao breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Her little apprentice is good everywhere, but…too low self-esteem.

Gengjin Dao Ze, should never go forward, only in this way can the cultivation of Taoism be successful.

So weak and cowardly, how to achieve the pinnacle of the avenue?

In fact, to be honest, Yue Xiao understood him.

According to Xia Feng himself, he had no father and no mother, and his face was cruelly ruined with a knife when he was young.

So in his heart, he must be humble.

He has endured too much suffering to live so carefully.

But… Ye’er, you are now my disciple of Yue Xiao.

With a respected master, no one can despise you in this Xijiang!


On the martial arts field, there was a sudden whistling of spiritual wind.

In the first place, the three young men who mocked Xia Feng suddenly bloomed over the sky.

They are all the famous Tianjiao of the Hanyue Immortal Palace, and the master is also the position of the elders.

How can a disciple who is just beginning to be their opponent?

Yue Xiao and the others didn’t dare to offend, but the elders would definitely not interfere in peer disputes.

In this way, I take this opportunity to give a lesson to this ignorant night!



I thought for so long and didn’t dare to practice something, but today I let you do it!

Not sucking your mouth is simply disrespect for Junior Sister Han! !

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