Chapter 470: Who is the Hunter?

“Ha ha ha ha, this old man don’t have to worry, my destiny is not in this realm, so…the god emperor and lord in your eyes is not worth mentioning in my eyes.”

Qin Wupao’s expression was gloomy, with his vision, how could he not know the power of the spiritual fire that day.

only! ! !

Why do you say that this life is his good fortune?

His body is ghost and evil, but now, his soul penetrates the human body.

Therefore, as long as he can master the method, he may not be able to integrate the spirit fire into the body.

“Oh by the way, Elder Dan, I came here to tell you one thing, your precious apprentice, I’m back.”

Qin Wupao gave a gloomy smile, instantly causing Elder Dan’s body to tremble, and he felt a little chill in his heart.

Xiaoyu, are you finally back?

Although in the past three years, he has been looking forward to Qin Yu’s return.

Seeing the sarcasm on Qin Wupai’s face, he suddenly felt a little nervous.

After all, this demon is hiding in the dark, and no one knows his existence.

even! ! !

Before Qin Wupai revealed his true face, he had never heard of this name!

This is the most terrifying place.

A demon who is proficient in spiritism and full of scheming, has not shown any clues.

Even if Xiaoyu is the man of heaven, he still looks naive and weak compared to him.

Damn… how to send a message to Xiaoyu!

“Moreover, we have already fought each other, Elder Dan, the defensive treasure you left him is not bad, but…I will let you see with your own eyes how I killed him.”

The corner of Qin Wupa’s mouth raised a touch of playfulness.

At that time, with Qin Yu’s life as a threat, I don’t know if this old thing will be as stiff as it is now.

“Dare you!!! Qin Wupai, you will regret it!!!”

Elder Dan shouted angrily, but a hint of doubt flashed across his face.

Soul defense treasure?

I’m gumpy.

I don’t seem to pass on a treasure like Xiao Yu, right?

Could it be that he has had another chance in the past three years?


It must be so!

No wonder Emperor Qin once said that my son Qin Yu has an eternal appearance.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu would be good fortune during this dormant period.

Defensive spirit?

Haha, in this way, Qin Wupai, I think you have any abilities! !

Suddenly, Old Dan got wet… his eyes.


stand up! !

“Regret? I only regretted once in my life. I just believed in people.”

Qin Wupao turned around, leaving behind a resolute back, “So… this time, I will punish all those who stand in front of me.”

“If people hinder me, I will kill, if the sky hinders me, I will cut the sky.”


Elder Dan gritted his teeth, but in the end he didn’t open his mouth again.

What he can do now is to keep the secret of Spirit Fire.

Otherwise, once Qin Wupao knew about it, Xiaoyu would have died.

As long as he is not sure, he will definitely not dare to shoot Xiao Yu easily! !

In the harem of the Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Wupao stood with his hands in his hands, staring at the sky.

The immediate task at the moment is not to capture the spirit fire from Ling Xiao, but… to find a way to convince Qin Wushuang that Ling Xiao is an evil demon.

In this way, she doesn’t have to hesitate anymore, let alone hold him back with any promises made by her body.

Xiao Beifa was a bit strong, and Qin Wupao had no chance of winning at all.

Don’t forget, there are still four soul slaves imprisoned in his soul palace, each of which is at the level of a god emperor.

Although he has lost his body now and his combat power has been greatly reduced, with the combined efforts, killing a Xiaobei Expedition should not be a big problem.

It’s just… the price of doing so is too great.

The five emperors of the Soul Palace were not only his slaves, but also the nourishment for his breakthrough.

Even their cultivation base has been sucked and dropped several times in the past three years.

Now the Great Qin God Emperor, either he can’t kill, or there is only Qin Wushuang, which is of great use.

Kill one Xiao Beifang and ruin four soul slaves…

No matter how you think about it, it’s not very cost-effective.

Not to mention that these four slaves are all famous figures of Da Qin, among them is his old father.

Once exposed, he will be completely passive in this game.

So… the safest way is to make Qin Wushuang send a strong man to do it.

As long as Qin Wushuang can desperate everything, Ling Xiao will undoubtedly die.

Her subordinates also had two loyal supporters, and one of them had reached the sixth rank.

Inexplicably, since the moment he saw Ling Xiao today, Qin Wupao’s heart has been a little uneasy.

If Ling Xiao didn’t get rid of it, he couldn’t worry about it.

“What should I do…have…”

Suddenly, a smile appeared at the corner of Qin Wupa’s mouth.

Judging from the current situation, the Northern Expedition of Xiao Bei will inevitably guard Lingxiao’s safety day and night.

Therefore, he probably didn’t have much chance to kill the latter.

But he couldn’t kill Ling Xiao, but that didn’t mean that Ling Xiao couldn’t kill him.

Now in this world, there is only one thing that can make Qin Wushuang completely desperate.

That is… I die.

As long as he can hold this pot on Ling Xiao’s head, Qin Wushuang will be furious at that time, and he will no longer be afraid of Xiao Beifei.

There is a reason, what happened to killing a young gentleman?

Sanctuary of Blood Dragon?

He didn’t act on this Fang Daqin’s most mysterious force. After all, it is said that when this group of people entered the temple, a ray of spirits entered the soul monument.

He is afraid of stunning the snake.

But as long as he was given some more time to step into the emperor realm, any obstruction would be meaningless.

Ling Xiao killed himself, and Qin Wushuang avenged his younger brother. This excuse can block the mouth of the great Qin officials.

Even if Xiao Bei was defeated, what would it be?

The ghosts and evil gangs may even be the chief culprit who killed the imperial clan.

As long as Qin Wupao incited a moment, Ling Xiao’s status as a young master might not be convincing.

After all, who can say clearly about the means of ghosts and evils.

Then Ling Xiao, maybe a puppet controlled by someone?

In this way, even if Xiao Beifa is defeated, it might not necessarily be the opposite, right?

Everyone is dead, and they’re a feather.

This so-called kills two birds with one stone and is foolproof.

Next, let’s see how he prepares and performs!

As for how he came back from the dead?

Haha, a trash body, what is there to miss.

As soon as Ling Xiao died, he grabbed the spirit fire, tried to pry open Elder Elder’s mouth, and then seized a strong physical body to fuse this divine object.

When he returns, he will no longer be Qin Wupa, but Emperor Qin, Qin Wushuang’s husband-in-law! !

For thirty years, all preparations have been made!

In this world, who else can stop his hegemony! !


After all, Qin Wupao still underestimated the blood palace’s loyalty to the Dragon Lord.

In other words, he didn’t expect that the Blood Dragon Temple was just a pinch of power in Ling Xiao’s hands.

Even Qin Wushuang was not really afraid of the Blood Palace, but Ling Xiao!

But in Qin Wupai’s cognition, Ling Xiao is Qin Yu, a human ant who has been living for three years in order to avoid disaster.

If he had not been protected by Xiao Beifa, and there was the Lingbao bestowed by Elder Elder in the soul sea, he didn’t need to work so hard.


Thinking of the moment his soul was shattered today, Qin Wupao still felt an inexplicable fear.

I’m afraid it’s a treasure in Ling Xiao’s soul sea. It’s not easy.

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