Chapter 469

“Sister…what did you say?”

Qin Wupai’s face solidified almost instantly.

At this moment, he looked at the seriousness on Qin Wushuang’s face, almost directly condensing the soul mark, completely controlling her.

With Qin Wupai’s current strength, under the god emperor, there were almost no opponents.

Even the god emperor, who is completely unguarded against him, can easily be dealt with.

It’s just that like Xiao Beifa’s perennial killings, those who comprehend Taoism or high-grade god emperors, are extremely risky to control.

This is why he appeared in front of outsiders as a trash.

No matter who it is, he will be on guard when he sees a strong person in his own realm.

But you see a pig, an ant that can be crushed to death by reaching out, do you feel jealous?

of course not!

This is so-called, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

only! !

Qin Wupai is pretending to be a pig, but not a Gou, so why is he willing to catch up with his own woman?

“Wupao, don’t worry, I have a sense of measure! You can heal your wounds with peace of mind, and don’t care about anything else.”

Qin Wushuang smiled softly. In her eyes, as long as her younger brother can be healthy and happy, it is the only motivation for her to live.

As for Ling Xiao…

She still had to test it first, figure out his identity, and then figure out a way to get rid of him.

Otherwise, the risk is too great.

A young man who can make Ning Tiance bow his head and Qiao Yunli bow, you say he has no means, is it possible?

Before Qin Wupao opened his mouth again, Qin Wushuang had already covered his bedding, turned and walked outside the palace.


Qin Wupao gritted his teeth fiercely, the soul light in his eyes suddenly surging.

At the same time, in its soul palace.

Qin Wupai flashed over and stood with his hands behind him, staring coldly at the blood-colored palace in front of him.

The hall is three hundred feet high, with blood and light overflowing, and ghost lines growing on it, revealing a palpitating evil.

An ordinary first-grade god emperor, the height of the soul palace is only between a hundred feet, it is obvious that the strength of the spirit of this ghost clan person is far from comparable to that of the god emperor.

This is his support, but also his confidence in acting as a pig.

Until Qin Wupao walked into the hall, the world in front of him suddenly opened up.

At the end of the Blood Palace, nine stone pillars lined up neatly.

Among them, there are five stone pillars, and there seems to be a figure standing still, and the blood chain is tied around the body, which is obviously very strange.


What is even more frightening is that the breath of the five soul bodies in front of them are all in the emperor realm, and they must be the powerhouse who shocked the world before they were alive!

“Da da da.”

Hearing the sound of footsteps, one of the old-looking old men slowly raised their head, and a wrinkled face was clearly flashed with resentment.

“Hehe, Elder Dan, how are you thinking about it?”

Qin Wupai walked up to the old man with a wicked smile on his face.

The latter just snorted and closed his eyes instead.

“Elder Elder, don’t tell me! I know that you sealed the spiritual fire on Qin Yu. As long as you are willing to tell me the method of sealing the spiritual fire, I will definitely return you free, how?”

A chill flashed in Qin Wupai’s eyes, and the old man in front of him was naturally Da Qin’s famous Pill Emperor.

At the beginning of the Qin Palace Incident, he sealed the spiritual fire in Qin Yu’s body with his spiritual power, but his realm fell to the level of deception.

Originally, Emperor Pill was planning to find a place to stay dormant and restore his cultivation with a spirit pill.

Unexpectedly, the enemy found him so quickly.

Nonsense, can it not be quick?

It was not easy to find out Qin Yu’s whereabouts with Qin Wupao’s spirit means.

As for the powerful courtiers who rebelled at the beginning, he was naturally also planning.

He first punishes his father, refines him into a slave, and sacrifices hundreds of living creatures in the Zhennan Prince’s Mansion to break through the realm of the King of God.

Secretly, Qin Wupao used the soul-defying technique to control several courtiers of Da Qin. Using them as a guide, he planned the rebellion.

And that spiritual fire of heaven and earth is an unexpected joy.

These gods, even in his realm, can be called a treasure!

The plan that was originally seamless, but in the end there was a flaw.

When the Qin Palace was turbulent, Emperor Dan got the news and sent Qin Yu to leave the Qin Dynasty.


What surprised Qin Wupai again was that this old man actually knew how to integrate spirit fire into his body! !

People of the ghost race are inherently weak.

No way, the avenue is fair and the surplus and deficit are balanced.

The innate talent of the soul makes every strong ghost expert good at killing and killing the soul.

However, the flesh of the heavens and the ghost race is considered the weakest race.

But… if a heaven and earth spiritual fire can be integrated into the body, it will definitely make the physical body reach a level that can be called horror.

Qin Yu, an ant from the lower realm, had not broken the realm of arrogance or even a lower realm three years ago, how much more powerful his body can be than himself?

Inexplicably, Qin Wupa felt that this was a good fortune bestowed on him by God.

What makes people feel strange is that as soon as Qin Yu left, it was as if a mud cow entered the sea, and there was no more news.

In the past three years, Qin Wupao has used countless methods to force Emperor Dan to speak, telling the whereabouts of the former and the method of fusing the spirit fire. Who knows that this old thing not only does not let go, but even puts a ban in his own soul sea. Forcibly searching for the soul, you will immediately break the soul sea.

Don’t say, this alchemy has more methods.

“You are dreaming! The evil demon will be banished sooner or later!”

Emperor Dan’s expression was indifferent, unmoved at all.

In three years, he had witnessed Qin Wupao’s weird methods.

Especially the stone pillar that bound him was extremely evil.

Not only can it seal his soul power, but it seems to be able to faintly swallow his cultivation base and nourish the soul palace of Qin Wupao.

In just three years, Qin Wupao has moved from the first rank of the god king to the fifth rank.

As for the remaining four soul shadows, they were all his slaves trapped here, and they were all god emperor powerhouses.

“Hahaha, old stuff, you really think you put a seal in the sea of ​​souls, and I can’t help you? To tell you the truth, the classics of my cultivation are the classics of the upper realm, the treasure of the ghosts, and wait for my cultivation to enter the emperor realm. , These little tricks of you, I can break them with a wave… then…”

Qin Wuposen sneered, the whole blood palace seemed to have ghosts and shadows, which was extremely evil.

“Hmph, then you have to have your life to break through the god emperor.”

Elder Dan’s eyes condensed slightly, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly appeared in his heart.

Calculating the time, it is now three years.

According to the plan, Xiao Bei Expedition should have already led his troops back to the imperial court.

The reason why Emperor Qin sent Qin Yu out of the palace at the beginning was precisely because there was a heavenly official who counted Da Qin as having such a catastrophe.

As long as the Blood Dragon Temple is immortal, Xiao Yu should still have the opportunity to change his fate against the sky.

After all, according to Emperor Qin, Qin Yu is the hope of the Qin clan’s great prosperity, a person protected by heaven and earth.

This can be seen from his physique and the matter of fusion of spiritual fire.

This Qin Wupao is very powerful, and his methods can be called evildoers.

But as long as Xiaoyu merged with that peerless fierce fire and took control of the Blood Dragon Temple, it was not impossible to fight him!

The spiritual fire of the heaven and the earth, the most masculine and strong, is a wonderful treasure to restrain these demons.

It’s ridiculous, he actually wants to take that spirit fire as his own, isn’t he afraid of burning himself to death with a fire?

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