Chapter 468

“No… Wubao, what’s the matter with you?”

Qin Wushuang looked at Qin Wupao who suddenly sat up in surprise.

For a moment, she seemed to feel… that the person in front of her was not her brother.

In Qin Wushuang’s eyes, although Qin Wupao was weak since childhood, he was a gentle and optimistic teenager.

But just now, what’s the resentment in his eyes?

“It’s okay! Sister, you can’t marry that boy, I suspect… he has something to do with his father’s death.”

Qin Wupai took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger in his heart.

After all, he still cares about Qin Wushuang in his heart.

After all, this sister has been caring for him since childhood.

Ordinary puppets, he can completely control them just by placing a soul mark.

Although doing so, there is indeed a risk of exposure, but as long as you are careful, no one will be able to detect it.

But Qin Wushuang alone, he hasn’t started for a long time.

At first it was because of his lack of strength, and then… suddenly he couldn’t do anything.

Qin Wupao originally thought that this kind of reluctance was just out of necessity.

Qin Wushuang was absolutely obedient to herself, so why take the risk to imprint her.

But now, this sudden appearance of Ling Xiao made him understand.

Perhaps, in these thirty years of getting along with each other day and night, he seemed to fall in love with this indifferent and ruthless sister, but gave all his tenderness to his elder sister.

That kind of warm and meticulous care gradually cracked his heart that had been cold for hundreds of years.

People of the ghost race have always been sinister, but it’s not that they have no feelings.

After planting the soul seal, Qin Wushuang would no longer be himself, but a puppet.

In this way, there must be a lot of less fun.

As for the idea of ​​unifying Western Xinjiang and helping him to continue his life, it was originally a rhetoric made by Qin Wupao who directed and acted himself.

The purpose is only to guide Qin Wushuang to conquer the world for him and destroy the descendants of that person.

Moreover, he had already understood this holy state land, there were very few soul cultivators, and his identity was really special.

Once exposed, with his current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive in this human race area, let alone return to the realm, revenge.

Hidden behind others and in control of the world, is the self-cultivation of a ghost clan evildoer.

There are even rumors that there are sages of the ghost clan who quietly controlled a realm with their soul thoughts, and they have not been noticed.

Ling Xiao?

Hmph, even if you have the treasure to defend the soul, I want to kill you, but it is just a wave of hands!


Qin Wushuang’s pretty face condensed slightly, his spirit power surging out almost uncontrollably.

“Wupao!!! How did you know?”

“Sister, you forgot! When my father was killed, the soul disappeared… Today, the palace lady was killed, and the blood soul was drained. But unfortunately, as soon as Qin Yu came, the evil spirits appeared in the Qin palace, don’t you think . Is it a coincidence?”

Qin Wupao sighed lightly, with some worry in his eyes.

“But… but… he was in the palace just now, so why bother?”

Qin Wushuang frowned, his expression puzzled.

She has always believed Qin Wupai’s words.

But what happened today was too strange, she couldn’t understand the purpose of Ling Xiao’s move.

“Sister, you are too innocent! Then if Qin Yu was the real murderer of his father, he must have come to the Daqin Palace now for a purpose, but before that, he must try to conceal his identity, with the strength of Xiao Beifang, What evil spirit can escape from under his nose? Obviously, there must be something tricky in it.”

Qin Wupai shook his head, his tone becoming more solemn, “Look, he won’t succeed now? Even you can’t figure it out, so…If there will be demons and evils in my Daqin Palace in the future, who will doubt him?”


Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes condensed and nodded blankly.

“Wupao, you are still smart, you can always see the problem so thoroughly.”

“Sister, you have to be more careful next. Since Qin Yu has acted in such a play, it is certainly impossible to be aimless. I suspect that there are other demons standing behind him, and sooner or later he will do something to you and me. When the time comes, It will be difficult for Da Qin not to fall into his hands.”

Qin Wupao gave a cold snort, with an arrogant expression on his face.

The ants on the first floor of the mere paltry, dare to play tricks with me?

When Laozi crossed the world, the evildoers of the upper realm would bow their heads and claim the court.

In terms of scheming, I, Qin Wupao, is not targeting anyone, everyone in Shengzhou is all younger brothers.


Why is that familiar?

“I know, elder sister, you must think that he obviously doesn’t care about the throne of Jiangshan, why is he still calculating like this? Haha, elder sister, have you ever thought about it, why does he have to marry you as his wife?”

“Wupao…you mean…”

“Men’s mouth, a deceitful ghost!!! In this world, no one except your close relatives can believe it! Then Qin Yu was just worried that Da Qin would be chaotic, so he chose the safest way to manage Da Qin. If you marry him , It’s easier. If you don’t marry, it’s our sister and brother…”

Qin Wupai sighed deeply, but there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Qin Yu, no, I should call you Ling Xiao now, right?

Don’t you want to marry Qin Wushuang?


“No… Wubao! I only trust you, but now that Xiao Beifan has taken refuge in him, what should we do?”

Although Qin Wushuang didn’t know, how did his younger brother sum up such a profound experience and lesson.

Man’s mouth, deceitful ghost?

Did your brother… have experienced it?

It shouldn’t.

“Sister, don’t worry, he has the Blood Dragon Guard, and it’s not that we don’t have a hole card in our hand, but depending on the situation, it’s better to…it’s better to start first.”

“No… Wubao, let’s wait. It’s too obvious to kill him now. Once the Blood Guard is aware of it, I am afraid that Da Qin will be in chaos, let me consider it again.”

Qin Wushuang sighed lightly, his brows filled with coldness.

Qin Wupao lived in the deep palace for a long time, and didn’t know how terrible Ling Xiao was.

She had personally seen that young man slay the god emperor one by one.

Moreover, what makes Qin Wushuang the most jealous is that that young man seems to have the ability to travel through the void! !

Such a person, either don’t provoke them, or just… one hit kills.

Otherwise, there must be endless troubles.


Seeing the hesitation in Qin Wushuang’s eyes, Qin Wupao’s face suddenly became gloomy, “Wait, you are not afraid that he will kill you and me?”

“It’s okay, Wubao, I will pretend to agree to his request first, make a marriage contract, stabilize him, and then we will continue to figure it out.”

Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the cold light overflowed.

Killing the father’s hatred is not shared.

After Qin Wupai’s analysis, she also felt that Ling Xiao was wrong.

But if you want to kill him, you must not rush, you must make a detailed and thorough plan.

For example, he was prescribed medicine on the day of the wedding, and unexpectedly stabbed him in the bridal chamber, even! !

As long as she can avenge this blood feud for the Zhennan Palace and the father, even if she dedicate her life, she will never frown!

It is said that when a man is happiest, he is most relaxed?

So… if you want to kill a young evildoer who can travel through space at will, of course you have to choose the safest way? !

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