Chapter 467 Destiny Behind the Scenes

“I’ll talk about this later! You can help me see Wubao’s injury first!”

Qin Wushuang glanced at Ling Xiao coldly, but before the latter raised his foot, Qin Wupao shook his head desperately, “No, I don’t need a sister, I’ll just take a rest for a while.”


Although Qin Wupai didn’t know, whether Ling Xiao’s slap was deliberate or really learned.

But let him slap twice, he was afraid that he would really die on the spot.

Even now, his brain is still dumbfounded.

“Well, then I’ll send you to rest.”

Qin Wushuang pushed Qin Wupao towards the back hall.

At this time, Ling Xiao didn’t stop him, but the ice cooling in his eyes didn’t hide it.

Originally, he came to Daqin to conquer Qin Wushuang and take this dynasty into his hands.

But right now, this journey seems to have become a lot more interesting.

“Long Lord, look… You are back now, should you change your name back?”

Among the ministers, a kind-eyed old man bowed and bowed his tone extremely humble.

In all dynasties, there are always some advisers, fearless of life and death, and single-minded.

Obviously, this old man should be of the kind who knows whether to live or die.

“Oh? Why should I change it back? Don’t you think that Ling Xiao’s name is more aggressive than Qin Yu?”

Ling Xiao smiled sensibly, and the veteran’s face suddenly became gloomy.

“Dragon Lord, you are the Great Qin Shaojun, how can you have a foreign surname?! This…this is simply ridiculous!!”

When Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the old official, the latter trembled and almost fell to the ground.

Only in a moment, the panic on his face completely dissipated, turning into a touch of decisiveness.

“So that’s the case, what you said makes sense…”

Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and the old official breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s just that he didn’t wait for him to be happy for too long, but he heard the boy in front of him suddenly open his mouth, “Then go and change the name of the country. From today onwards, the Great Qin Dynasty will be renamed Ling Dynasty. If anyone opposes, punish the Jiu Clan, the matter will be handed over. You do it.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao finally ignored the ministers and walked towards the outside of the hall.


Hearing this, the whole hall fell into a dead silence in an instant.

There was an unspeakable shock and fear on everyone’s face.

Even the veteran who opened his mouth slapped his face directly.

“General Xiao, go and call a waitress from Qin Wushuang.”

In the Hall of Blood Dragon, Ling Xiao sat on the hall, no one was around.

Soon, Xiao Beifa led a handmaid in red to walk in.

“Meet the dragon lord.”

“Get up, come here.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand, and the gate of the palace closed instantly, and the young girl walked to Ling Xiao tremblingly, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

But as soon as she bowed and knelt down, Ling Xiao pinched her lower Bara to the front.

Then, the world suddenly plunged into darkness.

“Handle it.”

Ling Xiao casually threw the handmaid onto the hall. From beginning to end, Xiao Beifa didn’t ask another question, and dragged the ignorant handmaid towards the outside of the hall.

“No wonder Qin Wushuang loves this hidden brother so much, it turned out to be like this…”

A smile rose from the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and he wanted to kill Qin Wupa happily, obviously he still had to start with Qin Wushuang.

Ling Xiao already knew the reason why the empress cared about the throne.

Ten years ago, the Zhennan King’s Mansion was massacred, only Qin Wushuang’s two brothers and sisters survived.

However, Qin Wupao was born with a lack of physical strength and was weak and sickly. If he had not been taken care of by his sister, he would have died long ago.

But it was also on that day that Qin Wushuang seemed to have suddenly regained consciousness. Not only did he increase his cultivation level, he also became resolute and cruel in his actions.

Not only did the Zhennan Prince’s Mansion not decline because of this, but under her leadership, it became prosperous day by day.

In the end, Da Qin was in turmoil, and Qin Wushuang took the opportunity to sit on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

All this seems to be a coincidence, but the murderer who slaughtered Zhennan Palace has not been found yet.

The reason why Qin Wushuang cared about the throne was that he wanted to take this opportunity to find the real murderer.

Secondly, I want to use the West Xinjiang Universiade to help my younger brother achieve world dignity, be enshrined by the world, and extend his life.

The origin of this statement is said to have been pointed out by an expert from outside the world.

But in Ling Xiao’s eyes, there was something of a conspiracy.

If Qin Wupao was not a ghost, did not hide his cultivation base, or said that he had no luck, Ling Xiao would not doubt him.

But right now, he must have a helper in this imperial palace.

It might even be his soul slave.

After all, in Xia Chen’s memory, Ling Xiao already knew that what this clan was best at was the Divine Soul Offensive, and what kind of soul-deteriorating imprint could be called a hand-to-hand catch.


With Qin Wupao’s strength, it would be difficult for an ordinary god emperor to be his opponent.

So, what is he worrying about?

Holy religion?

Or, past enemies?

The people of the ghost race are not the creatures of Shengzhou.

Therefore, most of Qin Wupao came from rebirth or seizure.

But since he appeared in this world, he must have something to do with the Holy State.

But…a ghost…could it be…

Suddenly, there was a flash of soul in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and the bloodthirsty ghost beads instantly appeared in front of him.

“Could it be… is Xia Chen?!”

In the depths of the Qin Palace, in a magnificent ancient palace.

There are guards here and they are heavily guarded.

At this moment in the hall, Qin Wushuang looked nervously at Qin Wupa who was lying on the bed, his brows were a little sad.

If it weren’t for this younger brother, she was afraid that she would have long since been far away from Su Chen, and would have gone looking for the enemy who killed her father.

The two gave birth to mothers and fell ill as early as childhood.

That year, Qin Wushuang was only ten years old, and Qin Wupao was just one year old.

Therefore, the two grew up with their father since childhood.

But… ten years ago, his father, a powerful fifth-ranked god emperor, died in the bedroom inexplicably.

Although the body is intact, but the soul is exhausted, extremely weird.

Not only that, hundreds of living beings in the Zhennan Prince’s Mansion were all dead in this way.

Over the years, Qin Wushuang searched Daqin, but failed to find a clue.

It was as if… the man who slaughtered Zhennan Palace disappeared into the world out of thin air.

If it weren’t for worrying about his younger brother, Qin Wushuang would not have the mentality to be in politics at all.

“Wupao, do you feel better?”

Qin Wushuang sighed lightly, and stretched out his hand to pull the cotton mattress on the bed.

“I’m fine, sister…”

A gloom flashed across Qin Wupai’s face, “It’s just…Sister, do you really want to agree to Ling Xiao’s request?”

“how come!!”

A panic flashed in Qin Wushuang’s eyes, and she was a little bit contradictory at this moment.

This young man’s methods were terrifying enough, and now he is in charge of the Blood Dragon Palace.

If he can use his hand to unify the Western Xinjiang, perhaps the diseaseless body can be resolved as soon as possible.

But, inexplicably, Qin Wushuang always felt that that boy was very dangerous.

This feeling of detached control made her hesitate.

After all, if she is not careful, she may be…

“But… Wubao, with him, may be able to complete the hegemony of unifying Western Xinjiang faster, then your illness…”

“you dare!!”

Qin Wupai suddenly yelled and sat up directly from the bed, staring at Qin Wushuang gloomily.

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