Chapter 466

“You forgot. I told you in Da Zhou before that there was a marriage contract between us. Although my pulse was destroyed before, this delayed this matter, but…”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear and clear, and coupled with that handsome and determined face, he really had the temperament of a turbulent son.

“I still want to marry my cousin.”


Qin Wupai’s eyes suddenly widened, and he stood up directly from Mu Nian.

Qin Wushuang is his physical sister, but he is not the real Qin Wupa.

Over the years, he sat behind the scenes, controlling the situation in Daqin.

Although Qin Wushuang is just one of his chess pieces, even if it is a chess piece, he will never allow others to get involved! !

“You…you don’t want Jiangshan…you want me?!”

Qin Wushuang’s lips trembled lightly, and the gaze that looked at Ling Xiao for the first time was somewhat complicated.

Originally, she thought that Ling Xiao’s various actions were merely covering up her ambitions.

But she really didn’t expect that he really…doesn’t love Jiangshan?

Inexplicably, Qin Wushuang was curious about Ling Xiao.

That’s it.

Once a woman becomes curious about a man, she has fallen into a trap.

Silly sister, are you in love?

I have what you like.

Leng arrogant female emperor like Qin Wushuang, tired of the world has been written on her face.

But why is she still sitting in this seat, bothering and worrying?

Ling Xiao didn’t know the reason, but she must have its difficulties or reasons.

In this way, she must be concerned about the identity of Emperor Qin.

This can be seen from her guard against Ling Xiao.

So… what Ling Xiao has to do is to show her again and again, a self who doesn’t love the country and has no desires and desires.

In this way, it makes her doubt and bewildered, and slowly her mood will appear flaws.

As for whether she would fall in love with herself, Ling Xiao didn’t care at all.

What he cared about was of course Qin Wupa’s luck.

As Voldemort’s younger brother, sister or something, of course they are all forbidden.

No matter how bad, an old hidden behind-the-scenes, how could he be willing to watch his string puppet being held by someone else.

Using Qin Wupa’s means, it shouldn’t be difficult to control Qin Wushuang.

But on the latter, Ling Xiao did not see a trace of the soul mark.

In this way, I’m afraid that Qin Wupai is really greedy for this sister.

The woman was taken away, and she was so blatant, do you think Qin Wupai would go crazy?

Wubao, you, only saw the second floor, and thought of me as the first floor.

In fact, I am already on the tenth floor.

“Why cousin, this request is too much?”

Ling Xiao didn’t even look at Qin Wupai. A soul repair or ghost, no matter where he came from or what purpose, did not pose too much threat to Ling Xiao.

Not to mention the ancient Pangu stone, only the bloodthirsty ghost beads can kill it.

Of course, this requires a process, otherwise I would really be sorry for the dazzling luck in him.

“Cousin Qin Yu, now you have just returned to Daqin and you are anxious to marry your sister. Isn’t that inappropriate?”

The chill in Qin Wupao’s eyes was flowing, although he was also a little jealous of Ling Xiao at this time.

Obviously, there is a treasure in this boy’s soul sea.

He didn’t use his full strength just now, Ling Xiao looked like he was at most sixteen or seventeen years old, and his cultivation base was the strongest.

Originally, he thought that he could control the little prince as long as he used some means at will.

I didn’t expect…

Haha, it’s worthy of being a personal biography of that old thing, not very capable, but there are a lot of treasures on his body.

even so! !

There is a group of Shengzhou Tianjiao.

When this young master traverses the heavens and the earth, he can kill the god emperor with a single thought, and the tens of thousands of slaves follow behind him, and you…what kind of thing?

The woman who robbed me?

“Where is it inappropriate?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, “Who said it’s inappropriate?”

At this time, a dozen courtiers were still standing in the hall, with a hint of hesitation on their faces.

Xiao Beifan and Ling Xiao didn’t dare to provoke them, but Qin Wushuang was still the female emperor of Qin after all, and looking at her expression, it seemed that she was a little bit resistant to this matter…

The atmosphere in the hall gradually suppressed, but Qin Wupao’s eyes quietly lit up with a hint of soul.


Immediately afterwards, an old official coughed dryly, and smiled awkwardly, “Dragon Lord, it is indeed not suitable…Since you are unwilling to inherit the ruling, even if you want to marry the emperor, it is you who enter…”


only! !

Before the veteran’s voice fell, Ling Xiao suddenly waved his palm, saw a sword light suddenly tore the space, giving no time to react, and directly cut off his head…

“Does anyone object?”


The face of the ministers changed drastically, especially the bloody breath in the air, which made people feel endless panic.

This… just fucking killed?

Suddenly, the officials felt that Ling Xiao was right not to sit on the throne.

Otherwise, once he inherits the Datong, will these courtiers in the Great Qin Dynasty be enough to kill him?


Worthy of being the Dragon Lord of the Blood Palace, this killing and decisive determination is even better than Xiao Beifang! !


There was another “loyal minister” with a stern look, and took a step forward.

But this time, before he even had time to open his mouth, he saw a sword light passing by before his eyes, and then his head fell to the ground instantly.



A dozen courtiers, three of them fell instantly on the spot.

Even these three people, their cultivation bases are above Ling Xiao, two lords and one general.

If they played normally, Ling Xiao wouldn’t be unable to kill them, but it would take some effort.

But at this time, just put two fingers together, bend back three fingers, and then quickly swipe…

Hey, the soul has passed through the sky, and it has been nine days!

As for why they are so easy to kill…

Hehe, these people are in the court, apart from being a cultivator, they are also officials of the Great Qin Dynasty.

There is a saying, the king let the minister die, and the minister has to die!

But at this time, Ling Xiao’s eyes were not on the three corpses, but instead looked at Qin Wupai with a playful expression.

Nowadays, there are only a handful of soul-cultivators in Shengzhou.

In other words, few people know what spirit abilities are.

Others don’t understand, but how could Qin Wupao’s methods escape Ling Xiao’s eyes.

It’s just that even Ling Xiao was a little surprised at this moment.

This Qin Wupao’s art of maneuvering people is really mysterious.

Obviously, the three people who fell were all controlled by his soul consciousness.


Ghost? Ghost race?

For this race, Ling Xiao had only seen it in Xia Chen’s memory.

Could it be that Qin Wupao also came from the upper realm?

“Ling Xiao!!! Are you planning to kill everyone who opposes?”

Qin Wushuang’s pretty face was cold, and if it hadn’t been for Xiao Beifa to be here, she couldn’t help but attack Ling Xiao.

although! !

She also killed and was indifferent.

But compared with Ling Xiao’s ruthless domineering, it was far worse than that.

“Oh? You deserve to be my woman. This is the so-called communion, right? Yes, Wushuang, if you kill all the opponents, don’t you all agree with you and me?”

Ling Xiao smiled mildly, her bright eyes were pure, and she was different from the blood of the talents just now.

“You…it’s ridiculous!! If the people of the world object, are you going to kill all the people of the world?!”

Qin Wushuang’s eyes trembled, suddenly remembering the rumors she had heard on the way to Da Zhou.

According to rumors, Ling Xiao moved to the mountain and killed 100,000 creatures.

Perhaps, he really… dare to slaughter the world.

Inexplicably, Qin Wushuang’s mood became more complicated.

Don’t want to kill the world, just to… marry me?

He… Does he love me or tease me?


Qin Wupai’s face turned pale, especially the confusion in Qin Wushuang’s eyes at this time, it made him feel an indescribable resentment, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

“Wupao! How are you!!!”

Seeing this scene, Qin Wushuang’s eyes disappeared completely, and he quickly reached out to support Qin Wupao who was about to fall.

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