Chapter 465 Ancestral Secret Art

“It’s hard to die?”

Qin Wushuang raised her eyebrows lightly and nodded blankly.

In my heart, I felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

But now, since Ling Xiao saw Wubao’s illness, he should be able to wake him up, right?

If Wupao died, she would still conquer the world of a fart.

“Cousin, you help him, I have to work hard!”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, the spiritual light in his hand was suddenly thick, and he hummed in his ears.

The ministers’ eyes condensed, and there was a tremor in their hearts.

I… Gan.

In this posture, this slap, Qin Wupai is afraid that it is not heartbroken, and his head will be taken off, right?

only! !

Just when Ling Xiao looked fierce and wanted to pull Qin Wupao’s face away, he saw the young man who was being lifted by Qin Wushuang, suddenly let out a soft groan, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Upon seeing this, the corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth became more smiling, and his palms suddenly flicked out. At the same time, there was panic in his eyes, and he exclaimed, “No, I can’t help it.”


In this way, under Qin Wupao’s shameful and shocking gaze, Ling Xiao’s palm was fanned out again. Although it appeared to have deliberately reduced her momentum, it was drawn on her face, and Qin Wupao’s neck was still crooked in an instant, and he spit out. Two white teeth and three pairs of blood.


Even if it weren’t for Qin Wushuang’s hold, this slap would at least allow Qin Wupao to fly for a long time.

“Drip! The Son of Destiny is hated and frustrated. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 300 points and the villain for 3000 points.”

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Ling Xiao’s eyes became more playful, but a touch of anger surged on his face, “I said, my palm, which is passed on from the master, will be effective. Tang Sister, you must not believe it or let me give it another hand, you…”

Hehe, when it comes to acting, I’m not targeting anyone.

Everyone in Shengzhou is all younger brothers.

Hearing this, Qin Wupai’s mouth overflowed with a ray of blood, and he almost fainted again.

only! !

At this moment, he bit his tongue hard, barely keeping himself awake.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would be killed by the bastard in front of him.

At this time, he was also a little puzzled, and even a little frightened.

That’s right, he can’t cultivate spiritual power, but with his Divine Soul realm, even an ordinary god emperor is not his opponent at all.

The reason for pretending to be disabled is just to hide his identity, sit behind the scenes, and play with the general situation of the world in one palm.

Otherwise, once someone sees his physique and fears that he will not get his revenge, he will be killed as a demon.

“Wupao!! You are awake!! How do you feel?!”

Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes were red, and his face was concerned.

Especially at this moment, the blood on the corners of Qin Wupa’s mouth made her feel inexplicable self-blame.

“I’m all right.”

Qin Wupai gritted his teeth fiercely, but he put on a puzzled look on his face.

How am i feeling? !

You see, my face is about to swell into a pig’s head, isn’t it clear enough?

I feel great! ! !


“Sister, what happened?”

Qin Wupao looked around blankly, looking innocent.

But this scene fell in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but it was really funny.

How about acting?

“Wupao, I still want to ask you what happened? Why did you suddenly vomit blood and fainted?”

Qin Wushuang’s body was cold, and the temperature of the entire hall was instantly chilled.

“I…I don’t know, I just sat here just now, but suddenly saw a ghost flashing before my eyes, and…then I didn’t know anything.”

Qin Wupao frowned, with a look of trepidation.

“What! Ghost?”

Qin Wushuang and the great Qin court officials looked at him for a moment, but they couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled in their hearts.

This Great Qin Palace is heavily guarded, how can there be ghosts?

But when everyone was secretly meditating, there was a scream in the deep palace in the distance.

The expressions of the officials shrank, and Xiao Beifan stepped out and disappeared in place.

“Really some evil spirits have entered my Qin Palace?”

Qin Wushuang waved his jade hand lightly and shouted coldly, “Block the entire imperial palace!! No one is allowed to go out.”

“Yes! Emperor!”

Until there were only Ling Xiao, Qin Wushuang, and Qin Wupo left in the whole hall, the atmosphere suddenly fell into depression.


Obviously, the scream in the deep palace just now should be Qin Wupa’s method.

If it weren’t for the dazzling aura of his body and the prompt sound of the system just now, Ling Xiao would have believed it. There were other evil spirits in the Qin Palace.


In this way, Ling Xiao suddenly knew what to do with this new leek.

Didn’t you say that there are demons in this palace of Qin?

If someone finds out that this evil spirit is you in the end…



Xiao Beifa’s figure emerged from the void, his eyes looking at Ling Xiao a little solemn.

“How’s it? Any discovery?”

Ling Xiao’s tone was calm. At this time, he wished that Qin Wupao’s heart would be cruel and cause some heinous misfortunes.

In this way, although he temporarily got rid of the suspicion, in the future… he will commit sins by himself.

“There is a court lady who was sucked dry.”

“Sucked dry?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly and his expression was extremely exaggerated, “Is it so cruel, how can I suck it up?”

“The whole body is lost, even the soul is gone.”

Xiao Beifa’s face was gloomy, and he was obviously a little frightened.

Why did the evil spirits appear in the Qin Palace on the first day of the Emperor’s return?

Moreover, the evil and evil methods just now were weird, and if the Lord hadn’t reacted in time, even he hadn’t felt the slightest strangeness.

Could it be… the remnants of the line of killing Qin Emperor back then?

Suddenly, Xiao Beifa suddenly felt a little guilty.


“Your Majesty, because his subordinates were not well protected, he escaped by that evil spirit…”

“It’s okay. It’s not a problem. I believe that since ancient times, the evil is invincible. It’s just… no courage. You have to be careful in the future. I heard about these evil things. I’m done.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, with a somewhat inexplicable tone.

Then, before Qin Wupao could answer, Ling Xiao’s gaze returned to Qin Wushuang, “Cousin, you just said…If I can save Wupao, you will meet all my requirements?”


Qin Wushuang’s pretty face condensed, especially the smile at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth at this time, which made her…somewhat uneasy.

“Huh! What the emperor said, naturally counts.”

Qin Wushuang snorted coldly, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, the fox’s tail is still going to be exposed, right?

Speaking of not fighting for the throne, how many people can resist the temptation of dignity above ten thousand people?

only! !

Even if you are going to the throne, if I abdicate to the virtuous, it will just stop the world.

And as long as you get rid of it one day, won’t this emperor return to my hands?

Wubao, don’t worry, my sister promised you, she will do it!

“Oh, cousin, shall we choose a date first?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but Qin Wushuang’s and Qin Wupai’s faces solidified.

“Choose a day? What day to choose?”

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