Chapter 449


Under Shuangcheng Pass, millions of soldiers and six god emperors, the expressions on their faces at this time were surprisingly consistent.

It was a kind of fear and sluggishness far beyond shock.

I saw this time, thousands of miles above the sky.

Ling Xiao suddenly raised his hands, nine Tianzhus propped up the Wanren Mountain, and then…threw towards the city of Punch.


The piercing sound of the wind is like the wind blowing from the Jiuyou Difu.

In the male city, countless Da Zhou soldiers raised their heads, staring dullly at the terrifying mountain that fell from the sky, and forgot to flee for a while.

The two mountains here were originally arranged by the Emperor Zhou decades ago, and the purpose is naturally just in case.

But right now, one was swallowed by the demon dragon, one was actually thrown at them by a young man out of thin air?

I’m gonna!

What happened to this world?

Where did these two monsters emerge from?

“Flee…Run away!!”

“No!! I don’t want to die!!”

The desperate roar resounded across the sky, but how fast the mountain fell could be comparable to ordinary people?

Even Zhou Hui, Linghui just lit up outside, was swallowed by endless darkness in a flash.

In his hand, a magic talisman flickered, and his figure directly disappeared in place.

The mountains fell and the city was destroyed.

This great week cannot be kept! !


The sky is rising, completely obscuring the sky.

The world suddenly fell into a dead silence, the original desperate exclamation, instantly annihilated.

Ning Tiance raised his brows lightly, his eyes revealed shock.

After all… he still underestimated the cruelty of this little brother.

Under a mountain, the town killed nearly 100,000 soldiers.

although! !

On the battlefield, life and death are innocent.

But… it’s inexplicable.

Seeing the indifference on Ling Xiao’s face, Ning Tiance’s heart suddenly felt chilly.

Thinking back then, he was demoted to the northern realm from the imperial capital, and he was discouraged.

Only by killing the enemy on the battlefield can he feel the meaning of life.

In those years, his green sword was out of its sheath, shocking the sky, and breaking a thousand barriers with a smile.

The green knife smashed Yunxia and couldn’t let go of the worry in his heart, looking at the scorching sun like a slaughter, riding a horse alone, life and death speechless.

After ten years of conquest, Ning Tiance thought that his heart was as firm as ice.

But today, he realized.

Compared with the boy in front of him, he still has a little bit less obsession.

It must be the love of the three generations or the hatred that has fallen for a long time, and it can make him…so indifferent to the common people.

Brother Xiao, in your heart…what kind of secret is hidden?

“Di, congratulations to the host, slaughtered 93,913 creatures, in line with the villain’s style, and gained 50,000 points.”

There was a system prompt sound in his ears, but Ling Xiao did not see a trace of fluctuation on his face.

He raised his head, glanced at Ning Tiance, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil.

“Big Brother.”


To be honest, Ning Tiance felt a little strange when looking at the handsome, enchanting, firm and gentle face in front of him at this time.

One hundred thousand creatures waved and killed.

This sin, not everyone can bear it.

Especially for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, who is not strong in mind or Dao mind, it is easy to be disturbed by the resentment of the creatures, breed demons, and lose all disasters.

Ten years in the army, Ning Tiance has seen countless soldiers who have just joined the army, crying and breaking down after killing, and even lost their minds.

But… Ning Tiance also understood.

Killing one person is a sin, killing a hundred thousand people…forge the kingly way.

At this time, he couldn’t see a trace of emotion on Ling Xiao’s face, and even a pair of eyes were still gentle and clear, like the sea of ​​stars, revealing endless depth.

This kind of disposition and means can be called… extremely terrifying.

“Big Brother thinks… I’m too cruel.”

Ling Xiao lowered his head and looked at the millions of troops below.

At this time, everyone’s faces were full of awe.

In just one day, the fierceness of this young man has shocked the heart of the Ten Thousand Army.

“Little Brother…”

Ning Tiance didn’t know what to say. After all, he was the God of War and had killed countless people.

The enemies who can kill are all enemies, and they have never hurt the innocent.

Even if the Zhou clan sins extremely badly, it should be slaughtered, but Da Zhou’s soldiers are innocent.

He Ning Tian countered the Zhou family, not the world.

“Look, brother, how cruel this battle is…”

Ling Xiao pointed to the city below that was crushed and shattered by the mountains and the river of blood that was gradually seeping out, with a calm tone.


“But this kind of war is staged in Xijiang every day. Today I killed 100,000 people because they blocked my way. If I delay here for a moment, there will be countless lives in the whole Xijiang who will die in the war.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky, revealing a sad look.

“Brother Xiao…you mean…”

“What I want is the unification of Western Xinjiang, peace in the world, no war, and what I want to do is to realize this wish as soon as possible, so… more people will survive the war.”

“Brother, I’m killing people… I’m actually… saving more people.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao ignored Ning Tiance again, turned and fell downward.

At this time, the expression on the latter’s face gradually became sluggish.

Killing… Is it saving people?

Stop him for a moment, more creatures will die in the war?


At this moment, Ning Tiance suddenly realized!

It turns out that it is my woman’s benevolence!

Brother Xiao, is the one who truly understands and cares about the world!

His way is not comparable to mortals at all!


Suddenly, the killing intent in Ning Tiance’s eyes was bright, and the momentum rose from outside. The original third-rank realm had faint signs of breakthrough.

“Take a rest for a day, enter the customs tomorrow, and break the cloud square city.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and his figure disappeared.

Territory, heaven.

Ling Xiao sat on the spot and turned on the system, but was taken aback by the villain value of 150,000.

Sure enough, killing the battlefield is the best place to experience.

It’s just that the villain value is too much, but the luck value has not increased too much.

This is the so-called, fish and bear’s paw can not have both.

“Xuantian Ancient Scripture, add some.”


With a buzzing sound, I saw the blue light overflowing above Ling Xiao’s head, Dao Fa Tiancheng.

There are two Taoist shadows faintly appearing in the world, each with its form, showing its power alone.

Lingxiao’s realm, instantly stepped from the first rank of Shenhou to the third rank realm.

And Xuantian Ancient Scripture finally broke through the upper Qing and reached the level of Yuqing.

At the same time, one of the two phantoms above his head gradually solidified and manifested, and finally opened his eyes suddenly.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, but the corner of her mouth raised a smile.

I saw a figure filled with Xianhui stepping from mid-air and standing quietly in front of him.

It was a figure that looked the same as him, and even the realm was exactly the same as Ling Xiao.

Moreover, more importantly, there is no trace of magic in this fairy shadow, and the fairy rhyme is Tiancheng.

Purple Qi has no scum body, is born without scum and desire, and the rhyme of heaven and earth is natural.


Ling Xiao’s mind moved, and the immortal body instantly disappeared in place, appearing in the depths of the domain, a place where the sun and the moon combined.

There, purple gas rises and sinks, all in one body.

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