Chapter 448


The golden array was broken, and the puns were in chaos in the city.

Countless tyrannical auras rose into the sky, looking at Ling Xiao from a distance.

Ning Tiance and the others stepped forward, and arrived at the former side in just an instant.

Like a torrent of millions, the army of millions began to rush towards here.

“Master, let’s fight!!”

Above the city wall, a group of Da Zhou generals looked gloomy and desperate.

And Zhou Hui just stared at several figures above his head coldly, as if weighing.


Fight your mother! !

How many heroes and emperors does the opponent have?

We are a group of temporarily formed stinky fish and shrimps. How to fight?

But… he flinched, fearing that he would be punishable by Zhou Huang if he went back to Yunfang City.

So…it seems…as if…you can only vote?

Can’t beat it, can’t I join you yet?

“Hehe, God of War Ning… This king has long admired you, see you today…”

Zhou Hui raised his head with a gentle smile.

But before he could say anything, he saw that Yulong boy suddenly waved his palm, “Kill!!”

Me… Gan?

Is it so cruel?

Don’t even give me a chance to surrender?

The look on Zhou Hui’s face instantly solidified, but at this time, he really had no way of retreating, and his whole body began to surging, but the figure did not move lightly.

“The generals obey orders! Deadly battle!!”


The monstrous spiritual light began to bloom in the sky, and the gate of the double gate opened suddenly.

I saw one hundred thousand cavalry turned into pioneers, rushing to face the army of one million.

After the cavalry, another hundred thousand soldiers with swords followed.

Two hundred thousand people is the entire force that Zhou Huang can dispatch.

After all, Big Thursday is facing each other, and I dare not make a desperate bet with Ning Tiance.

Otherwise, all the soldiers and horses of the world will gather here, and even if Ning Tiance is eliminated, Da Zhou will surely be destroyed by his court.

“I can’t help myself.”

Ling Xiao stood on the dragon’s head, overlooking the creatures below, with blood rippling in his eyes, and the dragon rushed directly down.


The roar stunned the clouds, and the endless demon wind gathered into a whirlpool.

On the magic knife in Ling Xiao’s hand, the Way of Extinguishing the World evolves into a real fire and violent wind, sweeping towards the crowd.

Above the void, Ning Tiance held his battle sword horizontally and looked at the great Zhou divine emperors angrily.

“This sword is called Azure Dragon Masking the Sky. It only kills the enemy dynasty. Today, break this vow! The Emperor Zhou imprisoned me for ten years and killed me 100,000 soldiers from the north, killing my wife. Da Zhou, it should be annihilated!”

Ning Tiance took a deep breath, and a bloody light suddenly lit up on the green knife.

Behind him, the eyes of the northern generals condensed slightly.


Emperor Zhou killed 100,000 soldiers in the northern border in ten years, your good brother, in order to welcome you back, killed nearly 200,000 soldiers in the northern border in three days.

Comparing the two, your good brother seems more ruthless.

Of course, they dare to whisper these words in their hearts, and once they say them, they are afraid that they will cool down in place.


Numerous streamers violently collided, Ning Tiance slashed out, transformed into a dragon’s shadow out of thin air, and bit a great Zhou divine emperor with a fierce bite.

The emptiness collapsed, and the sound of Taoism passed through.

Between the heaven and the earth, the spiritual power oscillates, and there are thousands of ripples.

“Ning Tiance, you are the sinner of Da Zhou if you treason and rebel against the country!!”

Although the great Zhou Divine Emperors had fear on their faces, they did not dare to take a step back.

When Shuangshan Pass is broken, it is a Pingchuan, and the city of Yunfang is in danger.


Hundreds of thousands of troops collided, splashing blood.

Ling Xiao, one dragon and one sword, is like entering the realm of no one.

The Way of Extinguishing the World is overwhelming the world, like a god of death, reaping thousands of lives.

Da Zhou’s soldiers, who had been aggressive, gradually had a touch of fear on their faces.

Especially every time the fierce mouth of the magic dragon opened, it could instantly chew thousands of soldiers and swallow it.

The earth was stained blood red, and the dead bodies piled up into mountains.

Then… and then stepped on to mud by future generations.

Ling Xiao’s expression was always indifferent, and Yilong took the lead, leading the army of troops behind him and rushing straight in, tearing the Da Zhou army to pieces.

Finally, the last stream of light between the sky and the earth fell from the sky.

Zhou Hui looked desperately at the millions of male soldiers approaching the city and the several figures standing proudly in the void, slowly closing his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his palm suddenly lifted and gently waved it down.


Suddenly there was an ear-splitting roar from the high mountains in the distance.

Then everyone was stunned to see that the two majestic peaks crashed down.

Like the sky, like the last days, I want to bury all the creatures.


Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the terrifying mountain falling down, his eyes condensed fiercely.

Worthy of being… the emperor of a dynasty.

There are still remnants in this city who have lost nearly 100,000, but he has deployed such a cruel means.

Collapsing two mountains and ruining a city, burying millions of souls under the rocks?


Ling Xiao raised his head and glanced at Ning Tiance, his eyes always calm.

At this time, Ning Tiance did not move, and none of the god emperors did not move.

Because even if they use their spiritual power to break the mountains, the falling rocks will have greater lethality.

Even the god emperor, in front of the mighty power of heaven and earth, still seemed a little powerless.


“Flowers, one per person.”


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, one dragon and one person disappeared out of thin air, and when they reappeared, they were already under the two mountains.


The monstrous demon spirit Linghui began to surging, everyone raised their heads and looked at the two figures in the air, with a strong shock in their eyes.

The power of a mountain is terrible.

Such a fall, I am afraid that it is difficult for the god emperor to resist.

That young man… Is he planning to hold the mountain by his own strength?


Huahualong’s mouth opened in anger, turned into a sky, and swallowed one of the mountains in an instant.

Behind Ling Xiao, the World Extinguishing Dao evolved into a demon shadow, and the nine Dao principles turned into god pillars, supporting the sky.


Rao Ning Tiance and others, the expression on their faces instantly solidified.

Especially at this time, compared with the Qianren Mountain, Ling Xiao’s figure is really…too small.

However, such a small figure, at this time, is like a god, actually bearing the mountain on both hands.

The real body of the demon, the second-turn supernatural power.

Even when it comes to physical strength alone, the god emperor is definitely not a Ling Xiao opponent.

When he was in the Lower Realm, Ling Xiao relied on this to punish the blood palace powerhouse who had understood the rule of the sword.

At this time, the Tao was covering up. Everyone only saw the aura that covered the sky, but they had never seen a weird shadow that surrounded the magic light under that aura.


Until the speed of the mountain falling slower and slower, finally stopped in mid-air.

The whole Shuangshan City is deadly silent.

Even the Ming prince Zhou Hui swallowed fiercely at this time.

That boy… who is… holy?

and many more…

A person, carrying a mountain, person…mountain…hiss!

Sin! ! !

It turns out… there really are immortals in this world?


And when Zhou Hui’s eyes were dull, he saw the young man under the mountain, suddenly turning his head and looking at him.

although! !

Zhou Hui didn’t really see the boy’s face, but he just felt inexplicably… a pair of cold and fierce eyes were staring at him.

Full of indifference, coldness, and a kind of…destroy the world.

“Do not…”

In Zhou Hui’s heart, a chill suddenly hits his head.

Just when he turned around to flee, he saw the sky above his head… Suddenly it was dark.

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