Chapter 450

“With this Dao body here, swallowing heaven and earth spiritual rhyme cultivation, my realm should be able to break through the god king soon, and…”

There was a gloom on Ling Xiao’s face, that Dao body was equivalent to his second life.

Even if his demon body is punishable one day, as long as his soul is immortal, he can be reborn in place.

Moreover, the most mysterious part of this Taikoo Taoist body is that… it can swallow the aura of heaven and earth, and unrestrictedly merge the spiritual power of purple energy.

In other words, there is no shackles in Taoist practice.

Hehe…Who is the devil?

Lao Tzu’s innate innocence and desireless Dao body is an immortal qualification.

Whoever you say is a demon, your whole family is a demon!

In the end, with Ning Tiance here, Ling Xiao did not dare to swallow the blood spirits of the 100,000 soldiers.

But in the middle of the night, he quietly walked out of the domain and inserted the magic knife into the ruins of the city.

As the blood of one hundred thousand remnants of souls was swallowed, the weird fluctuations in the Primordial Demon Blade became more and more surging.

I don’t think it will be long before, the soul of this magic blade should be completely awakened.

One day, in the blink of an eye.

The next day it was light, and the army of one million marched again, bypassing the remnant city, and swept towards the capital of the Great Zhou Emperor.

Shuangshan City was originally the last pass of the Great Zhou Dynasty, marching all the way, without a trace of obstruction.

Soon, when the outline of the majestic imperial city appeared at the end of Ling Xiao’s line of sight, the young man’s face finally brought a grinning smile.

Next to him, Ning Tiance and Qiao Yunli stood side by side respectfully.

“Big brother, sister-in-law’s hatred, today can be reported.”


Ning Tiance’s face was inexplicably gloomy.

Zhou Minruo, for him, is a dream and a pain.

Although this woman has counted him for ten years, after all… her destiny has never been controlled by herself.

Zhou Huang.

Damn you.

The Great Zhou Palace.

The Emperor Zhou looked cold and looked down on the courtiers.

The news of Shuangshan City broke.

Two hundred thousand Dazhou soldiers died in World War I.

This was a fatal blow to the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

But now, Zhou Huang can’t take care of too much.

Even if afterwards, the rest of the dynasty took the opportunity to make trouble, it was also a later thing.

Today, if the city of Yunfang is broken, his great Zhou will be completely ruined.

To be honest, at this moment, Zhou Huang’s heart is regretful.

Ning Tiance…

The Great Zhou War God, whom he once trusted and relied on the most, eventually became his enemy.


Outside the hall, there was an exclamation suddenly.

I saw a guard wearing armor, running up in a panic, “plop” and knelt on the ground.

“Emperor, Ning Tiance has led millions of troops and has reached a hundred miles outside Yunfang City!!!”


In an instant, the expressions on the faces of the ministers were shocked.

Millions of heroes have arrived under the city.

Although the Emperor Zhou had already opened the guardian formation, the formation was like a shell of tortoise. As long as he smashed it persistently, it would be broken sooner or later.

At this time they are like turtles in the urn.

There are even a few weak-minded people who are secretly calculating whether to… do something to please the new emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

The dynasty changes, and history is fixed.

Now it seems that Da Zhou…I am afraid that his luck is exhausted.

“This, this… how should this be?”

“It’s over, my Da Zhou… is dead!!”

Baichen cried, and the ruling and the people wailed.

“Shut up all to me!!!”

Zhou Huang shouted angrily, and the emperor of the whole body drooped down, almost overturning the entire golden palace.

At this time, the great Zhou Emperor’s heart was also a little flustered, but on his face, he forced a calm appearance.

Although this day, he had already expected it.

But in the face of the millions of soldiers in the north, he was still…somewhat at a loss.

“What’s the panic! I have already sent a letter to the Daqin and Daqi dynasties to send troops to help. I will arrive soon after I want to. Besides…A mere Ning Tiance, even if he brings a million soldiers to him, what can he do?”

“As long as you kill this rebellious courtier and thief, a million soldiers will not be conscripted!”

“Emperor wise!”

The ministers bowed their heads, but in the bottom of their hearts they secretly despised.

When is the fuck, are you still bragging here!

Not self-defeated?

Throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty, no one knew that the generals of the Northern Territory were diehard Ning Tiance.

kill him?

I am afraid that it is even harder for these millions of soldiers to calm down their anger!

What’s more, these ten thousand armies are bragging about taking the first level of the enemy.

The Divine Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, basically a dead cast.

Now in this imperial capital, in addition to the Emperor Zhou, the two commanders of the Forbidden Army, and the chief attendant Chu Dahai, there is only one old minister Wang Taifu who has little life, and Ren Zhong, who has long been idle at home, who is a god emperor. NS.

The cultivation of the two commanders of the Forbidden Army is only in the second rank of God Emperor, and it must be a gift when leaving the city.

And the old man and the protector…


Just when the ministers were suffering and their expressions were lonely, a loud noise suddenly rang from the top of the golden hall.

The entire Yunfang City seemed to tremble for a moment at this time.

Damn it! coming!

“Huh! Good coming, Ning Tiance! I will punish you!!”

Zhou Huang yelled angrily, and he lifted his foot to go outside the hall.

At this moment, the old man who had been silent for a while, suddenly took a step forward and stopped in front of Emperor Zhou.


“Huh? Old man…you…”

Zhou Huang’s eyes condensed, and he looked at the old minister Wang Taifu, who bowed down and bowed a little bit puzzledly.

“Emperor! Now… it’s the life and death of my Great Zhou, but all of this is caused by… you imprisoned Ning Tiance in Yunfang City.”


The whole hall was silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Everyone looked at Wang Taifu in horror, with doubts filling their eyebrows.

Is this old thing too long?

Or… he wants to go the other way?

Although Ning Tiance rebelled against the dynasty, it was indeed because Zhou Huang did not trust the first.

Can be blamed on the emperor, isn’t this… looking for death?

“Emperor, Ning Tiance is loyal, and the sun and the moon are lessons. Now that he is rebelling against the dynasty, he is afraid of resentment. During the ten years of trapping in the imperial capital, he has a friendship with the old minister. If you… Lobbyist, let him know when he is lost.”

Wang Taifu sighed, and there was a touch of determination on his old face.

Nowadays, the dynasty is swaying by wind and rain.

What Long Yan Diwei is meaningless.

If Zhou Huang was still reading the Imperial Palace, he should make a decision at this time.

Of course, the reason why Wang Taifu dared to speak such advice was because he had a sufficient understanding of Ning Tiance’s conduct.

The god of war of the country, loyal and unparalleled.

If he wanted to go back, he would not abandon the honor of the North, and he would return to the court alone.

Now that Zhou Minruo died, Zhou Huang was buried in scribbles, fearing that it would completely chill the loyalty of the God of War.

But… after all, there is still morality in his heart.

As long as you know the reason and move your emotions, this disaster will surely be solved!

“Yeah! Ning God of War is loyal to his country, how can he really conspiracy! He must have been instigated by the Xia Dynasty! The old Xiang is the backbone of the Zhou Dynasty, a poor family member, and Ning Tiance comes from a humble background. He must have awe of the old Xiang!”

“If you can get rid of this chaos without a single soldier, it would be a good luck for the Great Zhou Dynasty.”


All the officials bowed their heads and bowed to Zhou Huang.

And Zhou Huang’s face was already gloomy as ice.

Put down Longyan?

Since ancient times, which dynasty emperor has pleaded guilty to his courtiers?

This he… is very angry!


Seeing the courtiers who bowed down neatly, Zhou Huang took a deep breath, a touch of helplessness gushing in his eyes after all.

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