Chapter 447

Everyone in Ling Xiao traveled all the way south without encountering the slightest obstacle.

Even along the way, the city gates were closed tightly.

A war of this scale is beyond the ability of ordinary soldiers to stop it.

However, Ling Xiao and Ning Tiance didn’t waste any time, they rushed all the way to Yunfang City, the capital of Emperor Zhou.

The soldiers arrived at the imperial capital with great speed, and left the Emperor Zhou less time to prepare.

As for the Zhou clan powerhouse in the mouth of Chu Dahai…

Haha, this blood palace dark child cultivation base has reached the fifth rank god emperor, and he rashly attacked, fearing that the eighth rank god emperor would be seriously injured.

One change this thing, as long as there is no loss, there is a lot to do!

The third day.

When everyone stood still in the air, looking at a pass built between two majestic mountains in the distance, Ling Xiao and Ning Tiance stood with their hands holding hands, their expressions indifferent.

“Shuangshan Pass, the last pass in front of the Imperial City of the Great Zhou.”

Ning Tiance turned his head and glanced at Ling Xiao, who nodded.

At this moment, he could feel that there are many powerful auras hidden in that level.

Obviously, Zhou Huang’s army was here, intending to take this risk to fight Ning Tiance for the last time.

Although the number of millions of heroes is huge, if you want to pass this level, you can only walk along the valley.

As a result, the soldiers and horses from the rear were unable to rush for assistance, and the soldiers in the front could only fight to the death, and the number advantage disappeared.

“This pass occupies a favorable geographical location, Brother Xiao thinks…how should the pass be broken?”

“I’m not good at leading soldiers in wars. It’s all based on the scheduling of my eldest brother.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, her eyes clear.

Whatever the time and place, no matter how strong the city is, it can’t withstand the impact of heroes.

As for how many people will die by then, what does it have to do with him?

As long as this pass is broken, the Imperial City of the Great Zhou Dynasty is in sight.

Annihilated the Zhou family and seized the dragon veins, this dynasty is no longer useful.

“So, why not let the generals take action and force the defender to come out and fight me to death?”

Ning Tiance pondered for a moment, then suddenly whispered.

“Okay, Qiao Yunli, Li Kuo, wait for you to take action with the God of War and break this victorious barrier.”

Ling Xiao’s words fell. Before the army, the six great emperors floated in the air at the same time, standing in front of the mountains, their whole bodies shining brightly, and they were performing their strong offensives.

The world suddenly became gloomy, and black clouds fell.

There was endless splendor over the originally sunny city.

At this time, on the wall of that Xiongguan, the four god emperors looked gloomy, and their faces were a little dignified inexplicably.

Those who were able to stand here were all warriors and ministers trusted by the Emperor Zhou.

Even the first one is Zhou Hui, the younger brother of the Zhou royal family, the Ming prince.

Nowadays, the great Zhou dynasty cannot be protected, and the Emperor Zhou ordered that all the vassals and kings return to defend against the enemy.


Anyone in the army would be in awe when seeing Ning Tiance.

Now that the situation in the Zhou Dynasty has fallen into such a field, everyone has a general feeling in their hearts.

If…the Emperor Zhou was not greedy and trusted Ning Tiance, perhaps Daxia would not have a chance to take advantage of it.

However, no amount of dissatisfaction and regret, it is now useless.

As a courtier, you should fight the enemy bravely and defend your country and your home.


The six spirits sway across the sky.

Like a meteor from the sky, falling from the void.

The vast Tianwei tears the heaven and the earth into countless cracks.

Only above the majestic city, dazzling golden splendor blooms, transforming into a thousand-square-foot formation, bearing the prestige of the six emperors.

But even so, the full blow of the Six Great God Emperors still caused the city of Shuangguan to be smashed, like the ground collapsed.

Even some soldiers with a lower cultivation level were killed on the spot.

A strong bloody aura diffused from the city, and the soldiers who were already horrified had hopelessness in their eyes.


Jin Zhen trembled, and then dimmed.

Zhou Hui gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted angrily, “The generals will follow me to resist the powerful enemy.”

When the words fell, I saw a divine glow above his head, rushing into the ancient formation, turning into ripples.


The ear-piercing buzzing sound spread through thousands of miles, and Linghui concealed in the formation, and only then did the shaky ancient formation stabilize again.

Seeing this scene, Ning Tiance and others all raised a heavy touch on their faces.

If it breaks the formation and consumes too much, they will definitely fall into a disadvantage in the future.

But if this battle is not broken, then Zhou Hui and others may not dare to go out of the city to fight!

Just as the spirits rushed into the sky outside the crowd, and wanted to break the formation forcibly, Ling Xiao’s figure grabbed from the void and stood in front of the crowd.



There was a dragon chant, covering the sky.

At this time, all the soldiers stepped down on their horses, and instantly their four hoofs softened and crawled to the ground.

The billowing demon gas turned into black clouds, completely covering the entire Shuangshan City.

A figure of a dragon winding hundreds of feet, poking out its head from the cloud, overlooking all living beings.

Those fierce eyes that shone with scarlet light revealed endless chills.

Everyone who looks at him feels a kind of deep-seated fear.

“Dragon!!! It’s a dragon!!!”

For the generals in the summer, this scene is not surprising.

But for the people in the North and the soldiers in the city of Punjab, it can be called a miracle.

Have they ever seen a real dragon! !

Even Ning Tiance had a shock on his face at this time.

Where did this dragon… come from?


But, next, a more frightening scene appeared.

I saw a figure in white clothes suddenly stepped forward and appeared on the dragon’s head in a flash.

The latter didn’t even mean to resist. Instead, he lifted the dragon’s claw, and there was an extremely vivid… grievance in his eyes? !

Damn it! !

What is the origin of this young man, who can actually guard against the dragon?

You know, in the entire Holy Prefecture, only the Northern Territory has a few monsters with dragon veins.

And these heads are the strongest existence between heaven and earth.

Although everyone has never seen it before, aren’t all those who have something to do with the word dragon are…rebellious and superior?

Ling Xiao lowered his head and glanced at a scar on the Huahualong claw, his eyes condensed suddenly.

It seemed that he suddenly understood, where did Ye Qingchan’s meat… come from.


Worthy of being my woman, this is the so-called communion, right?

No matter, it seems that I have to make time to go to Northern Xinjiang and get a few demon kings and other captives in the realm.

In this way, the taste can also be more.

“Huahua, can that burst be broken?”

Ling Xiao looked into the distance, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil.

This dog can swallow even the Dao, the power of the formation… shouldn’t be a big problem.


Sure enough, Huahua roared, her fierce eyes flashed with disdain.

Before Ling Xiao opened his mouth, the stream of light swept out, entrenched above the ancient city.

In the next instant, Longkou angered, and sternly bitten towards the golden formation that covered the sky.

The world suddenly plunged into darkness, and everyone’s complexion changed drastically in the city of Punch.

Then they were stunned to see that the originally bright and solid golden formation suddenly shattered into countless cracks.

In a short moment, it turned into golden light and gathered in the mouth of the magic dragon.


not bad.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, patted the head of Huahua lightly, but felt more and more from the bottom of his heart that the talent of this magic dragon really is… swallowing all things?

Well, it’s a bit like the Sky-Swallowing Devil Dragon.

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