Chapter 435


Looking at the doubts on the face of the Holy Religious God Envoy, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and suddenly there was a bad premonition in his heart.

“You… didn’t come to me?”

“This magic…”

The old man in the golden robe was also dumbfounded at this time, especially Ling Xiao’s body, that gradually surging demonic energy made him feel a trace of panic.

“You…you are…”

You really didn’t come to me! !

Ling Xiao’s heart trembled, holding the golden talisman horizontally in his hand.

Could it be…Qing Chan?

But what status does she have, it is worth the sacred church to look for her with such a lot of trouble?

Even if the devil is no longer punishable, you want to capture her?

conspiracy! !

This is the taste of conspiracy! !

“Hahahaha, God blessed my holy religion. I didn’t expect that today’s party would have unexpected gains.”

The old man in the golden robe looked up to the sky and laughed, shining brightly in the sky.

Eight-Rank God Emperor is the top of Shengzhou.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for the incarnation of the Heavenly Profound Dao Master, Ling Xiao wouldn’t dare to take it into the realm easily.

Otherwise, with the means of this divine envoy, it might really be able to break the barrier of the domain and escape to life.


Behind Ling Xiao, Ye Qingchan’s eyes flickered, and the ancient soul’s voice contained anger.

“He is… for me?!”

“Humph! Originally it was for you, but now…you little dare has a ghost in his heart, eager to reveal his identity, today I am afraid that he will be doomed to escape!”

“What! It’s me…I killed the son.”

Ye Qingchan clenched her hand tightly, tears faintly seen in her beautiful eyes.

“But… I have a way to punish this person.”

The ancient soul’s voice was full of temptation, and Ye Qingchan’s eyes suddenly flashed a touch of bitterness.

She guessed it.

If you want to survive today’s catastrophe, there is only one way.

The two souls merge.

When the soul awakens, Ye Qingchan’s cultivation will inevitably make a qualitative leap.

Even if he couldn’t recover from the peak period, he would surely contend against an eighth rank god emperor, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Ye Qingchan had already known that this ancient soul came from the upper realm, and the realm had broken through the shackles of heaven and earth.


When she thought that she would become another self, a self who hated Ling Xiao, the bottom of her heart was like a knife cutting.

“Is it too early for you to be happy?”

Above the void, Ling Xiao stared coldly at the golden divine shadow in the distance, the surprise in his eyes gradually dissipated, turning into a cold joke.

although! !

In the Great Zhou Palace, there is a very terrifying existence, but it must be impossible to reach the eighth rank category.

It should be enough to deal with the Zhou Clan with the strength in his own hands.

That being the case.

“The son…”

Just when Ling Xiao was full of aura and wanted to use the Taoist incarnation, behind him, Ye Qingchan suddenly stretched out a jade hand and gently held it on his hand.


The start is cold, but as determined as obsession.

“Qing Chan, don’t be afraid, no one can hurt you with me.”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a gentle touch, and he stretched out his hand to gently stroke the girl’s pretty face.

Suddenly, Ye Qingchan’s face bloomed with splendor, but there were tears in his eyes.

“My son, I’m sorry, it was Qingchan who made you tired. Qingchan will not be by your side in the future, you must remember…happy…”

Ye Qingchan gently nestled in Ling Xiao’s arms, while the golden robe divine envoy in the distance showed disdain.

“No need to say goodbye, I will send you two down together.”


Only at the moment when his voice fell, the originally clear and bright world suddenly dimmed for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, three phantoms of the blue dragon suddenly meandered from the distant mountains, pierced through the void in a flash, and bite towards the divine envoy.

“Huh? Formation?”

The Jinpao god condenses his eyes slightly, but his face is always calm.

On the two palms, the imprint of aura, instantly shattered into the void, and moved towards the suppression of the dragon shadow.

“Qingchan, what are you talking about? You are not by my side, where do you want to go?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled. He knew that there was Su Hui, a powerful person in Ye Qingchan’s body.

Since the latter came to Xijiang, he would often show a look of loss.

So Ling Xiao probably guessed that Su Hui should have awakened.

However, once she merged with Ye Qingchan’s spirit, the latter would inevitably become the original her, and Ling Xiao’s previous efforts were completely in vain.

Although Ye Qingchan’s strength is inadequate now, his luck is real.

Let her go?


“My son, since I caused the disaster, let Qingchan solve it alone. You let him out, let me out, and then… stay away from me…”

Until this time, Ye Qingchan was still worried about Ling Xiao’s safety.

She was very scared, fearing that she would become another person and it would be detrimental to Ling Xiao.

“Qing Chan, what do you think? A mere eighth rank god emperor, I can kill with a wave!”


Above the sky, the dragon’s shadow shattered and the void vibrated.

And although the breath of the Holy Cult God Envoy had a slight fluctuation, it was obviously not half sluggish.

After all, the Nine Dragons Prison Array must have nine dragon veins before it can exert the true power of the Ancient Killing Array.


Ye Qingchan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at Ling Xiao in an incredible way.

“He brags! Ye Qingchan, hesitate, today you both will fall here!!!”

The ancient soul’s voice was full of anger.

Now is a great time for her to merge with Ye Qingchan.

Once missed, I am afraid that she will really fall here today.

Three hundred years of waiting and three hundred years of hatred have already filled her with resentment.

She can’t die, she will kill all those who betrayed her! ! !

“Qing Chan, I know, in fact, there is another you in your body. I just want to ask you, do you want strength, or do you want to… be with me forever?”

Ling Xiao’s face was gentle, and there seemed to be scarlet flashes in his eyes.

“Of course I am willing to be with the son forever!”

There is no hesitation, no bitterness.


That’s just that I want to lean side by side with the son.

“Even if it’s a demon, don’t regret it?”

“No regrets! As long as you can stay with the son, Qingchan will have no regrets or regrets what he does!”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes flashed with obsession, and her jade hand gripped the cage tightly.

The panic on Qiao’s face seemed to dissipate a lot at this time.

Ling Xiao’s indifferentness at this time seemed to contain an inexplicable magical power, which gradually calmed her heart.

The son said… Waved to kill.

Then it must be…killable, right?

“Okay! Then you can wait here with peace of mind and wait until I punish this person, and then I will help you get rid of Su Hui in your body.”

Ling Xiao grinned, and the void behind him began to be full of magic.

In a short time of breath, his figure seemed to have become misty, tall, and irresistible.

Especially those eyes are divided into two colors strangely.

Glancing at the sea of ​​blood, the black moon floats and sinks in it.

A glance is always dark, like the beginning of annihilation.

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