Chapter 434

“Brother Xiao…you…”

It wasn’t until Chu Dahai’s figure walked away that Ning Tiance looked at Ling Xiao in a puzzled manner.

He really didn’t understand why Chu Dahai suddenly bowed his head to Ling Xiao after hearing a name.

Could it be Xiao Brother’s unique personality charm?

It seems like this, even I was shocked when I saw Brother Xiao.


In fact, what Ning Tiance didn’t know was that Ling Xiao chose to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty for a reason.

Next to Emperor Zhou, there was a dark child of the Blood Soul Temple.

It’s just such a secret, except for the blood soul holy master and the blood palace elder Qi who is responsible for the distribution task, no one else knows.

But…Unfortunately, the elder Qi now is Ling Xiao’s slave.

And this Chu Dahai’s code name in the Blood Palace is… Hai San’er.

This name, let alone outsiders, even his own father would not know it.

Therefore, when Ling Xiao called out the word “San’er”, Chu Dahai understood.

It turns out that this Great Xia Saint Ancestor is actually the upper-class figure in the Blood Palace! !

It’s just that he can understand how much it is.


Holy Lord, I thought you had forgotten the old slave.

If you don’t send anyone here, the old slave will have to cultivate to the peak of the god emperor, and the slave will be the master!

The Sanctuary of Blood Soul, as the most mysterious force in the Holy State besides the Holy Church, has extremely strict grades.

If Bai Ling hadn’t appeared to avenge his brother, Ling Xiao would definitely not be able to open this gap so easily.

Except for the personal biography of the Holy Master of the Blood Palace and the elders of this sect, the rest of the Anzi scattered in the four borders of the Holy State, all have a life card in the temple.

So, this is why they are absolutely loyal.

Although Chu Dahai didn’t know Ling Xiao’s identity, with his fifth rank of God Emperor, the only ones who could know the code name of his assassin were probably only the few adults above.

As for why he was asked to go back, he reported to Emperor Zhou Ning Tian for rebellion…

Haha, of course it was for Zhou Huang to prepare in advance and gather the soldiers.

In this way, Ling Xiao’s sword would not be too hungry.

“Big brother, don’t worry, the sea, your own person.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, without explaining too much.

But Ning Tiance only nodded. Based on his understanding of Ling Xiao, the latter would never do anything unsure.

So… Chu Dahai lurked beside Zhou Huang, this great Zhou Jiangshan… is a picture!

“Little brother… Where’s Ning’er?”

A gentle flash suddenly flashed in Ning Tiance’s eyes, but Ling Xiao smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and the two walked side by side toward the city hall.

“The generals rest for a day, tomorrow morning, set off, Yunfang City.”

Ning Tiance waved his hand, and the 800,000 soldiers behind him suddenly shouted, “Yes! God of War!!”

It wasn’t until the two of them entered the hall that Ling Xiao summoned Ning’er and Ye Qingchan from the realm.

“Huh? This is…”

Ning Tiance’s eyes condensed, and he glanced at the Ye Qingchan who was holding Ning’er’s little hand in surprise.

“Brother, this is Qingchan, my own.”


A hint of playfulness flashed in Ning Tiance’s eyes. With the look of the woman in front of him, he was worthy of his righteous brother.

No, it should be said that this world is stunning, and everyone should admire the dragon among people like brothers.

It is their honor to be favored by Xiao brother.


“Father… Father…”

A trace of shyness emerged from Ning’er’s small face, and the figure unconsciously hid behind Ling Xiao.

“Hehe, big brother, please accompany Ning’er well, I will go back to the Daxia Army Camp, and we will go to Fangyun City together tomorrow morning.”

Ling Xiao winked at Ye Qingchan, who suddenly chuckled and nodded, “Ning’er, be good here, sister will come to pick you up tomorrow.”

“Big Brother Ling Xiao… Sister Qingchan…”

Ning’er’s eyes were obviously reluctant, but Ling Xiao just smiled and rubbed her little head, “Have you forgotten what your brother said? Your father is a great hero, and he wants to tell you many stories.”

“Oh… Then you come earlier tomorrow…”

In the end, Ning’er pouted and watched Ling Xiao and the two walk away reluctantly, and then looked at Ning Tiance with some curiosity.

“My son, we…”

Ye Qingchan stretched out his hand to embrace Ling Xiao’s arm, and Qiao’s face suddenly blushed.

After finally leaving Ning’er’s little oil bottle, I should cherish this day’s time.

Suddenly, Ye Qingchan didn’t seem to want children much anymore.

“Go back to the barracks first, then back to the realm…to accompany you to practice.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, holding Ye Qingchan’s jade hand, and swept towards the horizon.

But just as the two figures walked away, two figures suddenly appeared over Pingyang City.

“My lord! Appeared!”

“Well! Let’s go, it’s time to close the net!”

Amidst the mountains and ridges, Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan stepped forward.

For some reason, Ling Xiao suddenly felt a touch of anxiety in her heart.

In other words, he has always felt since entering the northern boundary of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Qinghan is nearby.

“My son, what’s the matter with you?”

As if feeling the coldness radiating from Ling Xiao’s body, Ye Qingchan’s eyebrows were slightly clustered, and the chill in his eyes flashed, together with the ancient forest beneath him, instantly frozen.

“Since you have followed all the way, why not come out and say hello?”

Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind him and stood in front of Ye Qingchan.

At this time, he didn’t feel a trace of breath fluctuations around him, but he was a little uneasy instinctively.

If someone can really obscure the divine consciousness in front of him, then the realm of the coming person must be extremely terrifying.

Holy religion, is it an envoy?

You finally came.


As Ling Xiao’s voice fell, I saw above the void, suddenly a spiritual curtain enveloped the entire mountain.

Then, an old figure in a golden robe slowly emerged.

Shocking power, overwhelming thousands of miles of sky.

He stood there as if a big Yue descended, instinctively giving birth to endless depression.

Beside him, it was Qiu Qinghan, the girl Ling Xiao had seen in Longyun City that day.

“Sure enough, it’s you.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and the whole body is hidden and the Tao is manifested.

Eight-Rank God Emperor! !

No wonder he could cover his figure perfectly, but he did not expect that he was an eighth-grade person.

Needless to think, Ling Xiao also guessed the identity of the old man in the golden robe.

Holy Church God Envoy!

From this point of view, the four great divine envoys went to Sijiang, didn’t it mean that there were four eighth rank or higher emperors on the face of the sacred religion?

No wonder, this teaching has been in charge of the Holy State for thousands of years.

Such a combat power is really not what ordinary forces can contend!

Even this eighth rank alone could easily destroy a supreme dynastic tradition and inherit the dynasty.

only! !

Where did the fault go? Why did this sacred envoy stare at him?

“You are cautious.”

The old man in the golden robe sneered, and the golden light in his eyes was shining, as if temples were manifested and shattered, which could be called miraculous.

Except for the Great Profound Dao Master, this person is considered to be the strongest person Ling Xiao has ever seen.

But at this time, the latter still didn’t have a trace of panic in his heart.

A divine soul incarnation of the Supreme Profound Dao Master is enough to easily crush any power below the noble level.

He was just curious about where he did something wrong, which aroused the suspicion of Shengjiao.

“Take your hands, it is impossible to escape from my palm before you fully wake up.”

The old man in the golden robe shook his palm, and saw the whole world collapse and shatter in an instant.

A ray of spiritual light shed like a Milky Way, falling towards Ling Xiao and the two.

Ling Xiao’s expression changed, and finally no longer hesitated, as soon as he grasped Ye Qingchan’s jade hand, together with the old man in the golden robe and Qiu Qinghan, he entered the realm together.


Seeing the suddenly changing void in front of him, the golden robe old man hesitated slightly, but in the end he only sneered, without using his spiritual power to stop it.

He wanted to see what storms and waves could make under his nose for a mere seventeen teenagers.

In addition, what is his ability to make the strongest person other than the divine master of Shengjiao personally follow him.

“So… how do you see who I am.”

In the realm, Ling Xiao’s whole body evolves, and boundless visions are floating and sinking, and it seems that there are gods and demons falling, and the sun sinks in the west.

But at this time, the old man in the golden robe frowned slightly, “Identity? What kind of identity?”

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