Chapter 436 Killing the Divine Envoy

“This breath…you…you really are a demon!!!”

Thousands of miles were empty, the sacred god made his face greatly changed, and his eyes were filled with shock.

Demon! !

If it hadn’t been 300 years ago that a great demon had appeared in Shengzhou, how would they know the true meaning of the word “Tian Demon” based on their lower realm ants.

Even now, although everyone in Shengzhou talks about the devilish change, it is only because…

Back then, the demon slaughtered millions of creatures, and the emperor was like an ant in front of him.

Although everyone in the world said that in the end the demon fell into the hands of the holy religion.

In fact, only the elders of the sacred church knew that the demon… was not killed by the sacred church.

And… the saints and gods back then… even colluded with him and fell into the devil’s way.

If it weren’t for the current divine lord to come from the upper realm, to kill this demon, to punish and rebel against the lord, I am afraid that today’s holy state is already the world of demons.

But even so, he still didn’t expect that now he was in the Holy State and saw the descendants of the demon!

It’s a pity that my holy religion and the gods have already had the means to spread the net.

Now this demon is no more than the realm of the god general, killing it is like crushing an ant.


In the mountains and forests in the distance, Qiu Qinghan’s pretty face paled, but inexplicably, he brought a hint of excitement.

“Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a demon…but…this divine envoy obviously didn’t know his identity before, then Ye Qingchan…who is he?”

“I have a doubt. Will the divine envoy tell me personally, or search my soul after I will kill him?”

Ling Xiao stepped out and stood in the void, calmly looking at the golden robe old man in the distance.

At this moment, Xing Shen and the others had already stood quietly on the mountain in the distance, with a strong guard on their faces.

Eight-Rank Divine Emperor, even if everyone is on the same level, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

Moreover, the powerful Saints have many means, far more capable of dealing with ordinary god emperors.

“I have lived for so long and have never seen a arrogant and ignorant person like you. You really think that the demon is invincible!”

The Jinpao God Envoy suddenly raised a touch of disdain.

In this world, he is not an invincible existence.

But those who can punish them are all in the sacred religion.

How dare a young god general threaten to kill him?


“Oh? You saw it today.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and suddenly raised his palm, “In my world, I am invincible.”

When the words fell, I saw the demon in his body suddenly surging, and an extremely gloomy aura instantly diffused thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun.

“Huh, what about the demon? A man of the gods dares to act fiercely in front of the emperor!!”

The sacred envoy shook his head and sneered with disdain.

although! !

The devilish air covering the sky is indeed terrifying, and it has even faintly affected his state of mind.

I’m afraid that if you give him some more time to grow up, the disaster of the Holy State will repeat itself.

But… the magic power is terrifying, and the strength is not enough.

So, what’s the fear?

“The demon!!! He is the demon!!! But… how is it possible?”

In Ye Qingchan’s soul sea, the ancient soul’s voice trembled.

Although she had guessed that Ling Xiao was a demon a long time ago, she never thought that he turned out to be a demon! !

But… how is it possible?

If he is a demon… now…


Above the midair, the sacred god envoy was filled with divine light, and the spirit wheel in his hand manifested, as if there were golden temples floating in the air, revealing endless majesty.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a sneer, “Who said I want to kill you?”


The divine envoy looked terrified, “You won’t kill me? Do you count on them?”

“Tao Master, do it.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sneered. On top of the golden talisman in his hand, a cloud of mysterious light suddenly bloomed.

The sound of the road is thorough and stretches for thousands of miles.

A galaxy-like spiritual curtain fell from the sky, instantly crushing the void to pieces.

At this moment, above the head of the divine envoy, an old figure appeared out of thin air, and the whole body was dazzling, like a fairy trail.

“Master Taixuan!!!”

Shengjiao’s face trembled, and finally a panic appeared in his eyes.

“You…do you dare to shelter this demon?”


But at this moment, the Supreme Profound Dao Master didn’t utter a word, and one palm was printed out of thin air. At this moment, the entire territory began to be swept by a violent wind, and thunder robbery came to the world.

Above the midair, an ancient spiritual palm slowly fell.

That speed, extremely slow.

But inexplicably, there is another unstoppable trend.

“You…Tao Xuan Dao master! You dare to punish me with your separation of souls?!!!”


The world began to shatter, and countless mountains were crushed into ashes.

I saw the spirit wheel exuding brilliant golden brilliance in the hands of the sacred envoy, and then fiercely slammed toward the palm prints that fell in the air.


Everyone only saw black cracks emerging in the void.

The two unmatched hegemonies carry the meaning of disillusionment, each circulating surging.

The space is like broken ice crystals, cracking and merging, extremely mysterious.

The endless divine light began to spread in the domain.

The moment the palm and the wheel touched, time seemed to stand still.

I saw the spirit wheel that contained mighty power, and it was completely shattered without even being able to hold on to it.

The sacred god envoy turned pale, and suddenly a ray of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

“Do not!!”

No matter how much tremor, it turned into a screaming scream.

The palm of the spirit fell violently, like a meteorite outside the sky, crushing the divine envoy’s figure together with a thousand-meter-high mountain below.

The sky is full of smoke and dust, covering people’s eyes.

But the Great Profound Dao Master in mid-air suddenly took a step and disappeared above the sky.

“It’s worthy of being a character a thousand years ago…”

Ling Xiao stood on the top of the sky, beside him, Ye Qingchan’s beautiful eyes also contained shock.

With one palm, an 8-Rank Divine Emperor was crushed to death. What kind of power is this?


But before Ye Qingchan and the others were feeling for too long, in the smoke and dust below, suddenly a figure swept over, it was Taixuan Dao master.

In his hands, the sacred envoy had long since lost his human form, but his body was still alive, obviously not dead.

“Farewell… Lord!”

Until Taixuan Dao Master bowed and bowed, Ye Qingchan’s pretty face almost instantly solidified.

Even at this time, even the ancient soul in her sea of ​​souls screamed incredibly.

“How is it possible? How could this Supreme Profound Dao Master bow his head to the Heaven Demon?!”

“Tao master has worked hard.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and looked at the sacred envoy with a bitter eyes, “The envoy, it seems that you have miscalculated.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao shook his palm, and the Primordial Devil Blade appeared in his hand instantly, and then pierced the brows of the gods.

“Master! No!”

Taixuan Dao Master shook his head and sighed softly.

“Holy sect elders’ soul sea has been placed under ban. Once the soul is destroyed, it will inevitably be noticed by the divine master.”

“Oh? This means…”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and sure enough, there must be some hidden secrets between the Blood Soul Temple and the Holy Sect.

“I help the Lord capture his soul, and the Lord can prepare a Taoist tool to seal his soul.”

The figure of the Great Profound Dao Master gradually became illusory, and Ling Xiao immediately stopped hesitating, took out a Dao Cauldron from the Universe Ring and handed it to the hands of the Great Profound Dao Master.


The latter shook the palm of his hand suddenly, and saw a touch of unwillingness on the face of the sacred god envoy, and finally the soul was separated from the body and sealed into the cauldron by the master of Taixuan Dao.

“You will regret it. There are countless eyeliners from my holy religion in Xijiang. Once I disappear, the god will be aware of it. Then, you will all have to die!!!”

The god screamed in anger, and his tone was full of bitterness.

“Oh? Thank you, the envoy for telling me.”

Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face. Beside him, a double figure appeared, and then…

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the sacred god envoy, he turned into his appearance.

Me… Gan? !

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