Chapter 431: The White-haired Empress

“The old prime minister’s words are too bad! The nine-five emperor, if you go to the north, who will guard the city of Yunfang? Besides…now the north seems to be dangerous, it is really…just one less leader!”

In the golden palace, a middle-aged man with a majestic look took a step forward and bowed to Zhou Huang.

“Emperor, the minister thought… Ning Tiance should be sent back to the north to quell the war!”

“Ning Tiance? Yes, he is the commander of the North, and he has the supreme position in the hearts of the soldiers of the North! Send him to command the army, this chaos can be solved!”

Someone suddenly responded in the hall.

“Oh? Supreme?”

Zhou Huang nodded calmly, “Pull out, punish the Nine Clan!”

“Dijun!! Dijun!!!”

“Zhou Qingcang!! You are absurd!! You are getting smaller!!”

“The Great Zhou Dynasty is dead!!!”

The whole golden palace fell into a dead silence in an instant.

All courtiers have a complex color on their faces.

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain is a helpless move.

Even if Ning Tiance supports his own soldiers, he will be able to overcome the eight passes in the northern border and open the door, okay?

Moreover, the land in the north is of great importance, and it is the place where military strategists must guard.

Once the eight barriers are broken, who can guarantee that Da Qin and Da Qi will not take advantage of the void and conquer the world?

“Now, there are still people who think… Ning Tiance should enter the northern border?”

Zhou Huang’s expression remained unchanged, his eyes overlooking His Royal Highness.

Hearing that, everyone dare not speak anymore, or even look at him.

“Emperor!!!!! The old minister has worked his life for the Great Zhou, and now it is the end of his life. Even if you don’t want it anymore, the old minister still wants to say that Ning Tiance’s entry into the northern border is a good way to solve my urgent needs of the Great Zhou! The old minister’s No matter how fate, the emperor can take it, just ask the emperor…think twice! Be cautious!”

Before the ministers, the gray-haired Da Zhou tremblingly walked up to the people, knelt on the ground respectfully, took off his official hat, and never got up for a long time.

“Old man!! You…”

Zhou Huang’s eyes condensed, and he stepped out, supporting him from the ground with his hands.

How he didn’t know that now that Ning Tiance returned to the northern realm, it was forced by the form and the hope was returned.

He just killed people, just to test these courtiers, whether there are people who are scheming.

Now that the old minister promised by his fate, it seemed that… Ning Tiance’s return to the realm was an urgent matter.

“Come here! Please Ning Tiance into the palace!”


Dazhou Palace, in the imperial study room.

Zhou Huang stood with his hand in front of the window, looking at the direction of the sky.

In the place behind him, the void evolves the emperor’s fortune, and the dragon goes with the clouds, and it will never die.

To be honest, Zhou Huang never expected that the situation in the North had developed to this stage.

The turmoil in Great Xia is well known to all people in Xijiang.

The changes ten years ago have greatly damaged the vitality of this dynasty, and the power of the god emperor has fallen to several places.

Unexpectedly, that Xia Sheng had such courage to send troops to attack Zhou at this time.

Of course, even if the border city was broken, Zhou Huang still didn’t panic.

There are a million soldiers in the north, but Daxia only sent 200,000 troops.

Although Qiao Yunli, a national teacher, was in command, it was clear that they had only taken an unexpected advantage.

Once Ning Tiance returns, Daxia will be defeated.

What really worries Zhou Huang is that Ning Tiance has been trapped in the imperial capital for more than ten years. When Zhou Minruo was alive, he still had concerns in his heart.

Now that you are alone, what else can restrain him?

Moreover, seventy thousand Jin Yuwei…who was he killed by him?

Or maybe… a traitor appeared in the dynasty?

He was tempted just now, but he didn’t see the clues. As for the old face who was dying, it was even more impossible to give birth to two hearts.

What is it… What’s wrong?


After all, Zhou Huang still had a trace of regret in his heart.

Knowing this a long time ago, why should he bother to transfer Ning Tiance back to the imperial capital, causing the monarchs and his officials to be distracted, and the power is the same?

“The emperor is worried… Ning Tiance?”

Beside him, Chu Dahai asked in a deep voice.

“Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles.”

Emperor Zhou shook his head and smiled bitterly, but Chu Dahai bowed slightly, “If the emperor is uneasy…the old slave is willing to take a trip to the north with General Ning.”


Zhou Huang raised his brows lightly and nodded after a long while.

With the cultivation base of the fifth-ranking god emperor Chu Dahai, if you want to kill Ning Tiance with all your heart, although it can’t be said to be easy, it won’t be too laborious.

If… Ning Tiance really has a conspiracy to kill him and Chu Dahai kills him, it’s just a personal act and nothing to do with the court, and… won’t fall for the tongue.

“Alright! As a warlord, you will follow Ning Tiance back to the north, and after the war is settled, you will be taken back to the imperial capital. At that time, I will send people to take control of the northern border!”


“Report, Emperor, Ning Tiance is here.”


Emperor Zhou turned around and looked outside the hall. The gloom on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by a gentle smile.

“Heaven Policy.”


Ning Tiance was dressed in white, tall and straight, and there was a kind of killing and cutting air between his gestures.

At this time, there was no trace of joy on his face, and there was no half-wave.

Even if he had already guessed, what happened when Zhou Huang called him into the palace, but…

Xiao brother!

Unexpectedly, you did it!

No matter what methods Ling Xiao used, in just one month, bringing the Wan Army to help him return to the North, these strategies were shocking.

“Tiance! I know that Min Ruo died unexpectedly, making you feel exhausted. Now…the opportunity is here! The true demon who appeared in the imperial capital that day was a member of the Daxia royal family. Now I want you to return to the north. Do you want to lead the army?”

Emperor Zhou took a deep breath, his face faintly heavy.

“The emperor’s order, the minister dare not fail.”

But at this moment, Ning Tiance didn’t see any fluctuations on his face, and he was still calm and indifferent.

“Okay! I ordered you to be the commander-in-chief of the Great Zhou soldiers and horses to immediately go to the north to fight against the Xia Dynasty, and order Chu Dahai as the warlord to fight against Qiao Yunli, the national teacher of the Xia Dynasty.


Ning Tiance nodded, but sneered from the bottom of his heart.

Chu Dahai?

Just a slave, when you arrive in the north, let you know what destiny is! !

It was not until the two figures walked away that Emperor Zhou raised his foot and walked towards the depths of the palace, where there was a faint aura.

Since the Great Zhou is the four dynasties, the national strength is naturally not comparable to today’s Great Xia.

Even if only discussing the background, even Da Qin is not its opponent.

Only the first of the eight dynasties, the Great Yuan Dynasty, stabilized the first day of the week.

Daxia is here? Ning Tiance?

Humph, anyone who commits my Great Zhou will be punished!

At the same time, Daqin Palace.

A beautiful shadow in a red dress sits quietly on the golden hall, and a majesty and coldness on a beautiful face.

The woman wears a red robe with a golden dragon embroidered on it, revealing the ninth-five-year dominance.

That picturesque fairy face, pale and sickly, was full of world-weary laziness.

Moreover, the most surprising thing is that the woman’s beautiful hair is actually white, and even those narrow and beautiful eyes are mixed with gray.

Fascinating and charming.


At this time, your Highness, standing a black-clothed maid, with delicate eyebrows, hesitated.

“You mean, Daxia soldiers broke through the seven levels?”

“Yes! Now that the millions of troops in the Northern Territory have all entered Pingyang City, it is said…The Emperor Zhou has sent Ning Tiance back to the Northern Territory to lead soldiers.”

“Ning Tiance returns to the northern border?”

The white-haired empress looked indifferent, and her eyes seemed to have a thought.

Before Zhou Huang had sent a letter, borrowing troops to fight against Xia.

At the moment, it seems that the Great Zhou War God’s return to the North Realm should be enough to counter the Great Xia State Division.

But for some reason, at this moment, she felt something…something wrong in her heart.

“Went to Daxia before Xiao Bei’s Expedition?”

“Yes! Emperor, it is said that General Xiao led the two envoys of the Blood Dragon Palace half a month ago and went to Daxia, but returned the next day.”

“Hehe, it seems that my cousin should be alive.”

The white-haired empress stood up, a flash of cold killing intent suddenly flashed in her eyes.

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