Chapter 432: The Return of the God of War

“Emperor, what do you mean…”

The maid of His Royal Highness condensed her pretty face, her expression a bit dazed.


Didn’t the emperor have only one younger brother?

Where’s the cousin?

“After Xiao Bei returned to the dynasty, one person was in charge of my Great Qin Blood Dragon Guard. This emperor guessed that it should be the second hand arranged by the first emperor. When the whereabouts of the prince Yu was unknown, he should have been secretly sent out of the Qin Dynasty.”

The white-haired female emperor is naturally the current emperor of Qin, Qin Wushuang.

And the cousin in his mouth originally referred to Jiang Yu, but now he is afraid that he has changed his name.


The waitress suddenly understood what Qin Wushuang meant.

Xiaobei Expedition was a diehard loyal to the first emperor.

The Blood Dragon Guard is the most elite army in Da Qin. Although there are only ten thousand, each is tyrannical and the realm is above deception. It is the most loyal guard of the Da Qin imperial family.

In the past, Xiao Bei led soldiers to return to the dynasty, killed the rebels, and took over the Blood Dragon Guard by the way, becoming the leader of the Dragon Guard today.

Although on the face of it, this Da Qin was Qin Wushuang’s Da Qin, but all courtiers knew…

Over the years, Xiao Beifan has been using his forces to find a person, it is the unaccounted prince Yu, Shaojun Da Qin!

I am afraid that once this person returns to the court, Qin Wushuang’s throne will not be guaranteed.

“Wuxu, my sister promised you that I will let you become the emperor admired by thousands of people, Xijiang, my sister will help you fight down, let you open the eternal great cause, inherit the fortune of the world, and then… all beings are willing to be close to you and say You may be cured of your soul disease.”

In Qin Wushuang’s eyes, there was a flash of forest, and there seemed to be ghosts roaring around him, extremely cold.

“According to my order, order to stand by in front of the Palace of the Ten Thousand Blood Dragon Guards, and the Guardian General Xiao Beifei will guard the imperial city. I will personally lead the blood guards to help the Great Zhou Dynasty.”

“Yes! Emperor!”

Qin Wushuang raised his feet, and thousands of ghosts followed behind him, unpredictable.


I don’t know what prince feather or prince fur, and I will save you…nothing!

The northern boundary of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Pingyang Chengguan.

This pass is the last one of the eight passes of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At this time, in front of the main hall in the city, a group of northern generals stood quietly.

In front of everyone, Ling Xiao’s eyes were indifferent, and he looked up at Yuankong.

News from the court before that, Zhou Huang ordered Ning Tiance to take over the post of commander-in-chief of the Great Zhou soldiers and horses, and immediately rushed to the north to fight the enemy.

If you want to use Ning Tiance’s strength, this tens of thousands of miles can be reached in one day.

The entire Pingyang City is home to 800,000 soldiers from the north.

What makes people feel strange is that instead of a trace of defeat on the faces of everyone at this time, there is a hint of excitement on their faces.

The Northern War God, after a lapse of ten years, finally…returned.

It’s just that many soldiers feel puzzled. At this time, several great god emperors and generals in the north are standing, but who is the handsome boy who is leaning on the golden chair in front of the temple, dressed like an immortal, shaking a glass lamp, and drinking?

From his look, it seems that he is not even twenty years old?

Everyone has come alive from this age, why is he… so awesome?

God Emperor bowed?


Until a piercing buzzing sounded in the sky, two figures walked side by side from the distant mountains.

At this moment, the whole Pingyang City is boiling! !

Countless soldiers raised their heads and looked at the jumbled figure in white, with tears in their eyes.

Ten years! !

God, you! ! ! finally came back! !

“Congratulations to the God of War and return to the North!”


Eight hundred thousand iron-blooded soldiers knelt on one knee in unison.

That loud noise almost overturned the sky.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, but she couldn’t help feeling a little bit in her heart.

What is public hope?

Ten years of life and death, unchanged faith.

What is it for?

Devastated, only waiting for one person!

Even after ten years of absence, there is no sound, but at this moment, Ning Tiance is still the god of the north!

As long as he was there, the Northern Territory was a piece of iron, and even some Zhou Huang’s dark children were shocked by the incomparable dominance at this time, their face pale, and their bodies swaying.

What’s more, he vomited blood directly and frightened to death among the crowd.

At this time, Ning Tiance was also a little excited on a handsome and determined face.

Ten years.

Finally, he returned to the land he once loved.

Even if there is chaos, disputes and blood flow, but… only here can he be called his spiritual belonging.

Wait, is the blood cold?

“Hehe, it is worthy of being the God of War Ning, this time he came back and gathered the hearts of the 800,000 soldiers of the Northern Territory!”

Chu Dahai smiled sullenly, but his eyes were intentionally or unintentionally looking at the only figure sitting in front of the hall.

That was a young man, handsome and unparalleled, more aura than any prince of the dynasty or descendant of the ancient sect he had ever seen.

Indifferent and indifferent, control the world.

At this moment, although he was smiling, he revealed a supreme hegemony.

It’s as if… these 800,000 Northern Iron Masters, in front of him, are just dust that can be wiped out.

even! !

Ning Tiance, who had originally been added to his destiny, seemed insignificant and dim compared with that.


When did I have such a peerless son in Da Zhou?

Inexplicably, Chu Dahai suddenly felt a hint of coldness in his heart.

“Haha, father-in-law praised him absurdly.”

Ning Tiance smiled indifferently, stepped forward, and fell from mid-air.

Then! !

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the 800,000 soldiers in the north, they directly bowed to the white-clothed young man who stood up and bowed deeply.

“Brother Xiao!”

“Big Brother! What are you doing?”

Ling Xiao quickly raised Ning Tiance, his eyes facing each other, everything was silent.

“Hehe, God of War, won’t you introduce the old slave?”

Chu Dahai followed closely, looking at Ling Xiao.

But at this time, a flash of surprise flashed in the latter’s eyes, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Chu Dahai tightened.

I… Gan!

Although they are no longer men, they are not women either!

This young man…could it be that he has any special hobbies?

“Grandpa Chu, this is my righteous brother and the elder brother of my Ning Tiance daughter!”

Chu Dahai frowned, thinking for a long time.

Is this a bad guy?

“Haha, when I asked my brother to see it, it was not mundane, I don’t know… how to call it?”

Only in the end, he only sneered, his eyes gloomy inexplicably.

How could Ning Tiance’s righteous brother appear in the army by such a coincidence?

And… the court doesn’t seem to be aware of it, does he have a righteous brother?

“Hehe, I am Great Xia Shengzu, Ling Xiao.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was calm, but what he said made the entire Pingyang City fall into a dead silence.

Especially for Chu Dahai, his old face suddenly became sluggish.

? ? ?

Great Xia Shengzu? !

(* ̄︿ ̄)…

This he…

Yes, very suddenly.

Chu Dahai finally understood why Ning Tiance didn’t ask more about the situation in the northern border and the enemy’s geometry along the way.

Haven’t led the army for ten years, and now fight against the enemy, don’t care about the military situation?

It turns out…people are simply a family! !

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