Chapter 430


Pei Qiaobao’s eyes were blood red, especially when he felt the spiritual power contained in the arrow, there was a kind of unspeakable awkwardness in his heart.

If it is a head-on confrontation, even if there are 200,000 soldiers on the opposite side, he will be fearless.

But at this time, the enemy was on the top and the Golden Feather Guard was on the bottom. The arrow pierced through the void and fell fiercely, blooming countless blood blossoms, and instantly harvested the lives of thousands of soldiers.

What is the combat power of the soul sea? At this moment, the people who pull the bow are all the strong Daxia selected by Ling Xiao.

How can it be possible to withstand a hundred thousand offensives with just one Pei Qiaobao.

“Damn it! God king and strong, let me take action and break the big formation!!”

Pei Qiaobao’s eyes were blood red, and the figure stepped out first and slammed into the half-empty spirit formation.

If this battle is not broken, they are the turtles in the urn, and they are judged by others.

Just as soon as his figure appeared in the air, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Qiao Yunli’s face, and he stepped forward and appeared in front of him instantly.

Just a Pei Qiaobao, naturally there is no half-threat.

In Ling Xiao’s hands, the Primordial Demon Blade suddenly burst into a scarlet light, and cut it down out of thin air.

Above the void, spiritual mountains began to collapse, and the sea was overturned, just like the world is destroyed.


Endless blood surging like a tide, Ling Xiao stepped out and appeared in the golden feather guard, beside him, two battle puppets followed closely, blocking the offensive behind him.


Li Kuo shouted coldly, deceiving himself to stop the two god kings.

Da Zhou Jinwei, who was originally turbulent, was instantly defeated and defeated.

In particular, these seventy thousand golden guards all held long ge, which was originally a sharp weapon.

But now trapped in a city, the Seventy Thousand Long Ge could not be swung away at all, and instead injured many golden guards by mistake.

At this moment, the black blade in Ling Xiao’s hand slashed across, and everything he passed was full of broken limbs and remains.

The bloody air soared into the sky, reflecting the sky as a blood red.

A group of Xuanqing and arrogant people looked like lambs to be slaughtered in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

Even every time he shot, he could harvest hundreds of lives.


Above the void, Pei Qiaobao’s eyes were desperate, especially at this time, in front of Qiao Yunli, he had no room to fight back.

At this moment, Pei Qiaobao finally understood the sorrow of the ancients.

The killing continued, and the entire Longshan City instantly turned into a blood prison.

“Asshole! Stop it!!”

A great Zhou Shenhou came to the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Ling Xiao, trying to stop his footsteps.

Just before the god figure fell, the golden armored war puppet’s hammer fell, and together with his outer armor, it smashed into a meatloaf.

“Qiao Yunli, I’m fighting with you!!”

Pei Qiaobao roared up to the sky, his face was like sinking water, and his whole body’s spiritual energy was gathered in a palm, falling towards Qiao Yunli.

The palm of the spirit shines on the sky, covering the heaven and the earth.

On it, the power of the gods is vertical and horizontal, and the runes are flowing, transforming a peerless beast, tearing out.

Qiao Yunli snorted coldly, and Li Kuo’s eyes flashed coldly beside him.

The two shot at the same time, one stamp and one knife, breaking the void.

Unmatched sword intent crossed the world, Baizhangling’s Yindao sound roared, crushing the land hundreds of miles away from Pei Qiaobao’s body.

In a short moment, the fierce beast offensive that Pei Qinbao performed instantly shattered.

And his figure was also smashed down from mid-air by the spirit seal blade light, and the bones all over his body were shattered.


Suddenly, countless Jin Wei’s eyes began to flicker with despair, and then turned around and fled toward the city desperately.

At this time, no one had expected that the most elite army of the Great Zhou would be annihilated in such a stubborn way on the first day of the northern border.

Ling Xiao stood under the city with his hands under his shoulder, looking at the figure that had fallen from the air, the thunder wings flickered behind him, and the black moon rose in his eyes.

But Pei Qiaobao, who had been severely wounded and hammered to death, didn’t even react, and the whole person was plunged into darkness.

“Where is this…?”

Above his head, the sky was blood red, and a round of black moon slowly rose. Then, Pei Qiaobao seemed to have seen the most evil sight in the world, a face began to be distorted, frightened, and finally turned into a horrible despair.

“Crack, click.”

“My lord, the remaining Jin Yuwei…”

Li Kuo and Qiao Yunli stood beside Ling Xiao, looking at the countless golden armored figures scattered in the city, their eyes condensed slightly.

This Longyun City is big or small, and now there are only a few thousand of the seventy thousand golden guards, hiding in the city is like… sinking into the sea, it is difficult to search for a while.

“It’s nothing more than deceiving yourself.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, lifted Pei Qiaobao’s head, and threw it to Li Kuo.

“Hang on my Daxia battle flag, set off and attack the lower Daocheng Pass.”


The army went out, and the whole Longyun City fell silent in an instant.


What makes people feel frightening is that nearly 70,000 soldiers have been slaughtered, and there is not a trace of blood in this city, a corpse.

It’s ridiculous!

Is everything just an illusion? Or illusion?

It was just that before everyone wanted to understand the reason, the whole city suddenly shook.

Then, everyone was stunned to see that their body seemed…to be pushed up by something.

At the foot, a hundred-zhang sacred tree lined up in an array, lifting the entire Longyun City and smashing it towards the half-empty spiritual array.


The moment the two collided, the world overturned, and the broken rocks fell.

And the thousands of golden guards who survived by chance, finally failed to escape the bad luck, and were crushed into flesh.

Outside Longyun City, a land of hundreds of miles.

Li Kuo and others looked back at the suddenly collapsed Xiongcheng, with a strong shock in their eyes.

Only when I saw the calm on the face of the young man in front of me, I suddenly had some guesses in my heart.


From beginning to end, they did not know where this young adult came from.

However, his methods and character are inexplicably…awesome and even fearful.

For seven consecutive days, seven cities in the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty were broken.

The last pass left, Pingyang City, stands alone in the hinterland of Dazhou.

Once this barrier is broken, it will be Wanma Pingchuan, and Da Zhou will no longer be able to resist the Xia Dynasty iron cavalry.

Millions of heroes in the north are now gathering in one city.

But unfortunately, no one dared to lead the army against the enemy.

The first seven barriers were broken, the chickens and dogs were not left, and even the city was uprooted by the strong Daxia.

What is even more frightening and anger is that the seventy thousand golden feather guards of the Great Zhou rushed to the battlefield the day before, and together with the Shubei general and the fourth grade of God Emperor Pei Liaobao, they all flowed into the sea like mud and disappeared.

Not even the bones were found!

The entire Yunfang City is in chaos, and the Great Zhou Dynasty has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it seems that it has come to an end.

Emperor Zhou sat on the throne and looked down at the ministers below with cold eyes.

Originally, he thought, with a million soldiers in the north, how could he not be able to withstand Daxia’s 200,000 cavalry?

But unfortunately, the North Realm will have a heart turmoil, and it is no longer half bloody.

Seven gates were broken, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed and injured.

This loss, for the Great Zhou Dynasty, can be regarded as a catastrophe.

“Emperor!! Can’t hesitate anymore! Once Pingyang pass is broken, I will be in danger!!”

There were tears of loyal ministers in the hall, and sorrow in the eyebrows.

Everyone knew that Ning Tiance was trapped in the imperial capital.

There is no way, the power is high, even if the northern war god is dedicated to the dynasty, but no one dared to say a word for him at the beginning.

After all, the emperor’s heart is well known to passers-by.

But now, the dynasty is overthrown, and nothing is worth mentioning in just one night.

If you don’t make a decision, Da Zhou will fall completely! !


“Shut up, who would dare to be the first in the world and lead the army to fight against Daxia?”

Emperor Zhou gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes opened and closed, and golden light burst out, transforming the divine palace, revealing endless majesty.

But as his voice fell, the officials who were originally angry fell into silence one after another.

Are you kidding me?

Even Shuobei General Pei Qinbao couldn’t resist Daxia Ironhoof, and seventy thousand golden guards fell in one day.

Let’s go?

To send it?


“Emperor! For today’s plan… I’m afraid that only you will be the only one to conquer!”

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