Chapter 429

“No wonder there is a god emperor bowing his head, it turned out to be Ling Xiao among the large population, but…the knife in his hand is a bit wrong.”

The figure in the golden robe frowned slightly, his face was wavy, and it seemed a little confused.

In his body, Xinghai transformed Shenxuan, completely blocking his breath from the world, like a god.

The Primordial Demon Blade, although it is a heavenly demon’s matching blade, the Primordial Treasure, but few people have actually seen it.

Moreover, the power of this magic blade has now been lost. Although it is a bit evil, it is at most a evil soldier and cannot be called a taboo.

“My lord… do you want to…”

“For the time being, this person is the adult’s target. I can’t tolerate me waiting to get involved. It’s just… it seems that he has something to do with… Hmph, wait a minute, the next time I show up, just do it!”

When the words fell, the two figures disappeared instantly.

Ling Xiao raised his head with some doubts and looked towards the sky. The magic blade in his hand was blood-red, flashing with evil and evil light.

Under his feet, the sea of ​​corpses was everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

Just now, he seemed to faintly felt that Qiu Qinghan’s breath was nearby.

But in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The Holy Spirit Envoy, is it finally here?

only! !

If you don’t go to Xia Feng, why are you staring at me directly?

Could it be that it is too arrogant recently?

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and the corners of his mouth seemed amused.

Regardless, if you come, you will be at ease.

There is always the soul incarnation of Taixuan Dao master, as long as it is not a powerful person, anyone will die.


It wasn’t until a few heavy objects fell in front of him that Ling Xiao recovered from his groaning.

At this moment, a god emperor and three god king powerhouses in Chongyun City had been captured by Qiao Yunli and others, and they were thrown in front of Ling Xiao.

“you you…”

As soon as they saw that Yulong boy, a touch of blankness appeared on the faces of several people.

its not right…

Why does this face look a little familiar?

and many more! !

Isn’t this young man the soldier of Tiance City who just made noise in the crowd? !

Me… Gan? !

Suddenly, a flash of sorrow suddenly flashed in everyone’s eyes.

It was just that before they could open their mouths, Ling Xiao suddenly cut the magic knife in his hand and swallowed them all.

“Cut off their heads and hang them on the city wall.”

Ling Xiao said calmly and looked up in the direction of Yuankong.

There are also five city managements, and the surrounding area will be completely occupied.

Given Zhou Huang’s temperament, I am afraid he may not dare to directly let Ning Tiance return.

Most of it is to do some unnecessary struggle.


Ling Xiao smiled gloomily, and his figure flew out, chasing the generals of Tiance City.

Gao Wenyong is dead, and there is no one from Zhou Huang in this northern realm.

In other words, the remaining five gates are now just decorations.

As night fell, Ling Xiao sat in the third pass, in the Longshan City Hall.

Under him, there are several generals standing, and the leader is the guardian of Longshan City, the second rank of God Emperor, Lei Xiong!

This person is nine feet tall, with thick eyebrows and a square face. He is as strong as a tiger and bear.

“My son, I don’t understand what you said, but since the War God Order is in your hands, then I will listen to you! The military order was issued early this morning, and Pei Qiaobao has led 70,000 Golden Feather Guards to Longshan City. Son, what should we do next?”

Lei Xiong held a heavy axe with a fierce and authentic expression.

“Pei Qiaobao? Jin Yuwei?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly. He heard that it was the elite combat power in Zhou Huang’s hands.

It’s just… I’m afraid that Emperor Zhou never dreamed that the northern realm had already fallen under Ling Xiao’s control.

No matter how elite the combat power, the number of seventy thousand, can contend with a million heroes?

Oh, it should be 800,000 now.

All the soldiers of Heavy Cloud City are dead, Emperor Zhou, how many points are left of your patience?

“You wait for the secret to abandon the city and pretend to flee south. I will be here and meet General Pei for a while.”

A trace of blood surged in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and the northern generals only felt a chill in their hearts, and immediately no longer hesitated, leading the generals and heading straight to the fourth city pass.

On the second day, when there was a golden rider rushing in the sky, the sky was full of hustle and bustle.

Ling Xiao stood on the city wall with his hands under his shoulder, watching the torrent of golden armor in the distance, the corners of his mouth smiled thicker.

Above the entire city, there is a spiritual formation covering the void, revealing a sense of indestructibility.

“Are you all ready?”

“My son, don’t worry, everything is ready.”

Beside him, Li Kuo nodded and smiled, his figure hidden in the dark.

“The Great Peking General Pei of the Great Zhou Shuo has been ordered by the emperor to take over the post of commander in the north, and soon open the gate of the city to welcome the lord!!”

Yiqi took the lead and stood under the city gate, roaring sharply.

“It turns out that Master Pei is here.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, “Open the city gate and let General Pei in.”


The city gate opened wide, and seventy thousand golden feather guards entered in file.

Among them, there is one emperor, two kings and four gods, and the combat power is also terrifying.


Until everyone stepped into the city, Pei Qiaobao’s face immediately flashed a touch of solemnity.

At this time, this Longguan City was already empty for thousands of people, and no one was seen.

But the formation in this city has not been broken, and he has never heard of the outbreak of war in Longguan City during this march. Could it be…


Pei captures the leopard’s whole body, the power is suddenly visible, and it faintly turns into a fierce shadow, arrogantly howling the world.

The void trembles, and there seems to be a mighty force coming.

“Longshan City Defender, where is Lei Xiong?”


With the city gate closed, Pei Qiaobao finally had a gloomy look in his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the figure of the young man on the wall, holding the spear horizontally in his hand, and the pressure of the fourth rank of the god emperor quietly rippled.

Behind him, seventy thousand golden feather guards drew their swords at the same time, shocking the sky with a fighting intent.

Faintly, above the Longguan City, there seemed to be a golden glow that was scattered, evolving into a roar of iron and blood, like a fairy trail.

At this time, although Pei Qiaobao’s face was solemn, there was no panic in his eyes.

Although his cultivation is only in the fourth-rank realm, he cultivates a battle formation, but he can gather all the fighting spirit in his own body, even if he is a sixth-rank god emperor, he has the power to fight.

What’s more, these seventy thousand golden feathers, their cultivation bases are all above the soul sea, and they are the most elite army in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Even if he is now in the middle of the calculation, he has the confidence to break out of the siege and behead the enemy.

“General Lei asked me to bring you a word…”

Above the city wall, Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have a smile, “I wish you all a smooth trip to the underworld.”

“Arrogant!!! You will be able to leave a name!! I will not kill the unknown!!”

Pei Qiaobao shouted angrily, standing alone on the horse, the spirit glow outside, shaking the space with thousands of layers of ripples.

Only at this time, his eyes revealed doubts.

The young man in front of him, although he looked like a fairy, like a heaven and a human being transformed into the world.

Can be repaired as…

“Daxia, Saint Ancestor, Ling Xiao.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and the long spear in Pei Qiaobao’s hand suddenly threw it, and it instantly turned into a divine rainbow, pierced through the sky, and arrived in front of Ling Xiao in a flash.

Only at this time, the young man’s figure remained unmoved, and even the expression on his face didn’t even have a wave of waves.

I saw a figure manifesting from the void, a sixth-rank emperor as vast as a tide, and directly palmed the spear of Pei Qiaobao in his hand.

“Qiao Yunli!!! It really is you!!!”

When the world was pouring down, countless black armor soldiers stepped out of the city wall one after another, pulling up their spiritual bows, and aiming them at countless golden guards.

“Unexpectedly, Grand Master Xia would use such insidious methods.”


Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, a flash of sarcasm suddenly flashed in his eyes, “The winner is the king.”

Arrows in the sky, like rain, make people chill.

Streams of light pierced the sky and fell towards the seventy thousand golden guards.

At the same time, over Longguan City, the spirit array suddenly revolved, and it seemed that there was a dragon’s voice that stunned the clouds.

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