Chapter 423

“Hehe, it’s just a group of bereaved dogs. Back then, Ning Tiance was transferred back to the imperial capital by the Emperor Zhou. Why didn’t you wait so angry? Now you have learned how to be fierce?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but his figure remained unchanged.

Even above the whole body, there is no trace of spiritual power fluctuation.

As long as he wants, he can enter the domain at any time and avoid Yuan Fei’s offensive.

“Shut up!! Ning God, always drop God, I don’t allow you to insult my Northern War God!!!”

Yuan Feifei has a broken canth, even if he hasn’t seen him for 20 years, the weight of Ning Tiance in his heart is still more important than life, more than imperial power, and more important than everything!

He can fight to death on the battlefield, can shroud in horse leather, but absolutely will not allow anyone to insult the faith in his heart.


The monstrous spiritual light shrouded like a sea wave, covering all the void above Ling Xiao’s head.

On the earth, sacred trees lined up, mountains crumbled and shattered, ramming towards the sky with unmatched momentum.

only! ! !

When Yuan Fei’s figure appeared three feet in front of Ling Xiao, the latter’s palm suddenly lifted, but Yuan Fei’s footsteps suddenly came to a halt.

Even the underground sacred tree was strangely still in front of Ling Xiao.

“Huh? What happened to General Yuan?”

The great Zhou generals looked at each other, their eyes shocked.

Then, everyone was stunned to see that the Northern General, who was still furious, suddenly knelt on the ground.

Me… Gan? !

Is it possible that the general…returned?

how is this possible? ! I do not believe! ! !

General! ! I… Shall I kneel down too?

For an instant, many soldiers from the north stared wide and hesitated.

“Meet the God of War!!”

At this moment, Yuan Fei suddenly shouted, making everyone’s faces condensed in an instant.



Countless spiritual lights began to whistle, killing intent circulating.

Yuan Fei! !

You can surrender to the enemy, you can give up your dignity in order to survive! !

but you! !

Can’t humiliate the word God of War! ! !

“Why don’t you kneel? Yes, have you forgotten the glory of the past?”

Ling Xiao looked solemn and looked at the generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

“Kneel? Do you think we are all greedy and afraid of death like Yuan Fei? Even if I wait for death today, I will punish you…”

Before the crowd could speak, Ling Xiao gently waved his palm, only to see a stream of light coming, and the leader was held in his hand.

“Huh, young man, without martial ethics, he wants to sneak attack on Benya…”


When the generals of the Great Zhou showed their doubts, the general holding the golden talisman suddenly…kneeled again! !

“Meet the God of War!!!”

Me… Gan? !

What the hell is going on?

At this time, everyone’s faces were stunned.

Until Yuan Fei took a deep breath, looked up at the boy in front of him, and asked in a cold voice, “Why are you in your hands?”

“What!! God of War Order?!”

Everyone raised their feet one after another, walked to the guard, and looked at an ancient token in his hand. The next moment, their eyes suddenly widened.


“Why is it in my hands?”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky, with a hint of vicissitudes in his eyes.

“Do you think that if Ning Tiance hadn’t given it to me, I could snatch it from him?”


Yuan Fei furrowed his brows and saw the God of War’s order. If he saw the God of War personally, he could control millions of soldiers in the northern territory!

How could God of War give such an important token to an enemy boy at will?

“Do you think that I led the army to attack Da Zhou for the sake of this city?”

Ling Xiao looked disappointed and shook his head, “The God of War, Ning Tiance, has been trapped in the Imperial Capital of the Great Zhou for 20 years. He is often insulted by the eldest princess, and even goes out to be supervised by the gods! Defeated, now… he was raised in the imperial capital like a beast…”


Hearing this, everyone in Yuan Fei clenched their palms tightly, rushing into the sky with all anger, stirring thousands of miles of wind and clouds.

What Ling Xiao said, don’t they know it?

But… the military order is like a mountain, and the return of the god of war is to fulfill the vow.

They dare not move lightly! !

“How about you? The dignified warrior, a dog sent by Zhou Huang to suppress and humiliate, how ridiculous?”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, and there seemed to be golden light flashing all over his body, filled with justice.

“My eldest brother and I knew each other by fate, and I was heartbroken to learn of our chances. Today, I came to lead the army, not for the sake of mountains and rivers, but to save my eldest brother from the cage and regain the glory of the god of war! You can wait or not to cooperate with me. , Then I will use the millions of creatures in Da Zhou to sacrifice my eldest brother’s return!”


This time, Yuan Fei and the others did not have a trace of hesitation or doubt on their faces.

They understand! !

It turned out that the young and mysterious Daxia commander in front of him was actually the god of war! !

But… why did he kill the old division of the God of War and destroy the Tiance Xiongcheng?


Why, of course it was to sacrifice the magic sword… No, of course it was to frighten Emperor Zhou!

“I know, you must be wondering why I am a brother of the God of War, but I want to kill his soldiers…”

Ling Xiao sneered, her eyes flickering, “If I didn’t, how could Emperor Zhou let him come back and fight the enemy with all his troops?”

“What… what do you mean…”

Yuan Fei and others were generals, naturally keen, and instantly understood Ling Xiao’s meaning.

If all the seven passes of the Great Zhou Dynasty are broken, then the Emperor Zhou will be panicked.

There are many god emperors in the dynasty today, but Ning Tiance is the only one who can lead the war.

Moreover, in the northern part of the land, Ning Tiance is loyal to the people.

If someone else comes here, it will definitely not improve morale and reverse the situation…

Wonderful! !

It is worthy of being the brothers of the God of War, so thinking and calculating, really has the style of commanding! !

What about sacrificing tens of thousands of soldiers? !

As long as the God of War returns and is no longer trapped, I will be dead, so what’s the matter! !

“Will… fight…no, son! So what should we do now?”

The expressions of Yuan Fei and the others had already calmed down, and the eyes that looked at Ling Xiao were filled with awe.

If it weren’t for this mysterious young man to strategize, it would be difficult for them to see the God of War in this life! !

“It’s very simple. No one knows who is his own and who is Zhou Huang’s in this Northern Territory. From now on, I will lead my troops to pursue and you will abandon the city and retreat. Of course, this process will inevitably be different. Death and injury, I hope you can understand it later.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and Yuan Fei and the others nodded immediately, with a righteous appearance, “Understood! Don’t worry, son, as long as I can welcome the return of Ningshen, I will die without regret.”


“When I wait for the soldiers of the Ning God, I will naturally be willing to die. It is best not to hurt the people along the way, otherwise Ning God knows it, and I will definitely be angry and blame the sin.”

Yuan Fei pondered for a moment, but after all, he said coldly.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and a touch of light flashed in his eyes suddenly.

Although Yuan Fei has no luck, the Shenmu Dao… is really interesting.

Use the gods to transform into prisons, and imprison the world.

Besides, he is the cultivation base of the god emperor, and the Tao is almost complete…

Isn’t this more fragrant than the equatorial golden road on Xia Feng’s body?

Besides, the latter’s mission has not been completed, and Yuan Feizhong’s is not himself.

Now that Ling Xiao still lacks one kind of principle, he can gather all nine kinds, and the real body of the heavenly demon will also completely enter the realm of the third revolution.

At that time… his strength is bound to increase even more.

The reason why Ling Xiao hadn’t been anxious to find the Taoist rules before, broke through the third revolution, was also worried in the bottom of his heart.

It is somewhat difficult to suppress the devil’s will with the realm of the gods.

But now he is at the level of gods, even if he can’t be completely suppressed, he can hide in the realm to practice, and he will definitely not reveal his identity.

The villain, don’t want to die, don’t make waves.

As for Yuan Fei, he had to think of a way to let him die naturally.


I’m cruel, I’m merciless, I’m not a human being?


I just want to work hard to improve my strength and build a stable and prosperous world for the people of Xijiang!

Sorry, I am indeed not a human being, I will be the only fairy god.

“Dip, the host’s thinking is in line with the villain’s style. Congratulations to the host for getting the system reward: the villain is worth 5000 points.”

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