Chapter 422


There is a fishy wind everywhere in the world.

The sound of dragon chants spread across the sky and lifted up a sea of ​​clouds.

Everyone looked at the Baizhang Devil Dragon that swallowed the gods in the mouth, and there was a strong sense of fear in their eyes.

Especially Zhang Liao, he only felt a cold air pouring down from the Tianling cover to the soles of his feet.

What is this…

Can you swallow even the power of Tao?

However, before Zhang Liao was afraid for too long, the figures of Qiao Yunli and others had fallen from the sky, besieging him on the city wall.

“Qiao Yunli!!! I am the younger brother of Zhou, if you dare to kill me, Da Zhou will raise an army to destroy you Xia Dynasty!!!”

At the time of life and death, Zhang Liao showed his villainous qualities, shouting angrily.

“Week from now? I’ll send her down soon and ask your sisters and brothers to reunite.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and the Yulong came, standing proudly in the air, looking at the people below him indifferently.


Then, before Zhang Liao could refute, Qiao Yunli’s eyes suddenly flickered with a ray of soul light, and he took the first step, concealing the sky and covering the entire Tiance City.

The terrifying trend crushed the Sihe, and the endless Lingwei instantly collapsed the city wall.

The void shattered, and countless space cracks swept along with the spirit seal.

The full blow of a sixth-rank god emperor was shocking.

“Do not!!!”

Yuan Fei and others cried out in pain, showing sadness in their eyes.

But now, they can’t stop them anymore, and in the end they can only grit their teeth and lead the defeated soldiers to flee away.

The Xia Dynasty came fiercely, not only was the national teacher Qiao Yunli cultivated as tyrannical, but there was also a man of imperial dragon.

The young man’s cultivation base is not high, but his approach is terrifying.

Obviously, this person is a variable.

Tiance City is the largest city in the north and the first border gate in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Once this city was broken, there were still seven gates.

But… the general trend is gone, the general trend is gone! !


The immortal seal descended from the sky.

The entire Tiance City was crushed and crushed.

The countless guards in the city didn’t even have time to scream, they turned into ashes along with this city.

Ling Xiao bowed his head and looked at the big Zhou generals who fled in embarrassment, his eyes were always calm.

Tiance City was broken, Zhang Liao died tragically, and tens of thousands of soldiers died in Yiyin.

If this incident did not make Zhou Huang angry, Ning Tiance was sent to lead the army, fearing that Zhou Huang… really didn’t want this situation.

Although there are a million soldiers in the north, they are all Ning Tiance’s confidants.

No matter who the North Korea sends to command the troops, I am afraid that it will not be able to truly make the generals surrender.

Only Ning Tiance, the return of the God of War, will be able to invigorate the army, fight against the enemy, and defeat the Xia Dynasty.


Haha, after all, you are just standing on the second layer of ants, and what you see is also the barrenness of the first layer.

The renunciation of monarchs and ministers is already the beginning of the overturn of the dynasty.

“My lord, why not pursue the victory and break the seven barriers of the Great Week?!”

Li Kuo and others stood beside Ling Xiao, their eyes filled with joy.

Tiance City!

Today, the most majestic Guancheng in the Great Peripheral Pass was finally broken! !

In the past two decades, no one was afraid of mentioning the word Tiance in this border area.

In the name of God of War, the eight dynasties were discouraged.

Don’t say that when you attacked Tiance City, when you see this Xiongguan, everyone has nothing but fear.

But no one thought that in today’s battle, the Daxia strong not only killed the first commander of the Great Peripheral Pass, but even uprooted the city.

From then on, there is no heavenly policy! !

“You wait to be stationed here.”

Ling Xiao just glanced at Li Kuo coldly, carrying Ye Qingchan, and Yulong chasing in the direction where Yuan Fei and others were leaving.

“Huh? National Teacher… Your lord, this is…”

The faces of Li Kuo and others were taken aback, their eyes flickered and shocked.

Although… My lord is just a little bit awesome.

But one person chased tens of thousands of poor bandits in the enemy’s court. Is this… to send the head back?

“Huh! Your lord’s means, how can you guess?”

What shocked everyone was that Qiao Yunli only gave a cold snort at this time, and his figure disappeared in place.

It wasn’t until everyone’s figure walked far away that there was nothing in the distance.

“It can’t be wrong… That breath…”

Beside him, Qiu Qinghan’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, seeming to be puzzled.

“My lord… what you’re looking for…”

“Huh! If you shouldn’t ask, don’t ask more!”

Able to completely cover up his breath in front of Qiao Yunli Sixth Rank Divine Emperor easily, this person’s cultivation…


In front of a steep mountain road in the surrounding border area.

Yuan Fei and other generals stood silently.

Behind everyone, the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers were all downcast and dull.

today! !

The faith in their hearts is broken!

Over the years, although they have repeatedly failed, they have never been slaughtered like a bereaved dog like they are today.

In particular, the destruction of Tiance City Pass in Yiyin made them feel desperate and annoyed.

“General!! How can this be good?”

The generals looked at Yuan Fei with a lonely expression.

They are not afraid of death, they just don’t want to die so useless.

In today’s battle, even though Qiao Yunli showed great power, one person forcibly carried the two great emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which directly led to the collapse of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But the boy of the Royal Dragon was the important reason for the destruction of Tiance City!

The Shenmu Taoist rule is Yuan Fei’s reliance.

He was confident that even if he was a sixth-rank god emperor, he would never be able to easily escape from the prison.


A flash of panic flashed in Yuan Fei’s eyes when he thought of the fierce and mighty magic dragon.

How come, when did Daxia appear such a terrifying young man!

The real dragon is a ride, stuns the world!

Why has such an enchanted character never made a name for himself in Xijiang?


Before Yuan Fei could think about it, a dragon roar suddenly resounded above the air.

The void oscillates, and the world fades.

All Da Zhou soldiers looked up in despair and fear, and the next moment, their faces suddenly condensed.

At this moment, Ling Xiao stood on the head of the dragon with his hands under his shoulder, his face was pure and handsome, and there seemed to be stars gleaming all over his body, like a god.


He seemed to be chased by himself?

Could it be… Running too fast?

I’m gonna! !

I suspect you look down on our Great Zhou Divine Emperor! !

But at this time, Yuan Fei did not move, so naturally everyone did not dare to act rashly.

How can a person of the dragon be so careless?

Since he dared to come here alone, he must be dependent on it.

“Who are you?”

Yuan Fei’s god armor glowed with profound light, which was obviously guarded in his heart.

“From now on, I want all the generals of the Northern Territory to flee all the way south, pretending to be defeated, and take the initiative to open the city gate and welcome me into the barrier.”

Ling Xiao stepped out and fell from mid-air, standing in front of Yuan Fei and the others.

For a moment, the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty actually saw a trace of… the shadow of the God of War on him.

The same indifference, the same strategizing.

Since my destiny is destiny, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, just follow it.

Can…welcome you into the customs? !

Although I am not respected by the Emperor Zhou, and even make things difficult, I am all a soldier of the Zhou Dynasty, how can I be that rebel! !

“You…who do you think you are, welcome you into the barrier? Massacre my Da Zhou generals?!”

“Hehe, your God of War, don’t care about you anymore, what else do you need to live?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sneered, but there was a thought in his eyes.

He was testing, testing these people, and he had no awe of Ning Tiance.

“You can insult me, don’t insult my general!!! Die!!!”

Yuan Fei, who was hesitant at first, suddenly shouted angrily.

The space hummed, and there was blood trembling.

Hundred-zhang sacred trees stood out from the ground, smashing the entire mountain range in an instant.

The sound was heard, and the sky collapsed.

Obviously, Yuan Fei had exerted his full power with this blow.

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