Chapter 424

“My son, the guardian of the next city gate is named Gao Wenyong. He was originally Army Master Ning. He was cultivated at the second rank of God Emperor, but he was very good at formation and poisoning. According to my investigation, he had secretly sought refuge in Emperor Zhou and instigated him. Many generals are used by him, and they have always been at odds with me. I wonder if your dragon can break its great formation…”

At this time, Yuan Fei naturally didn’t know what Ling Xiao was thinking. There were seven passes in the Great Zhou Dynasty, one pass and one general.

Tiance City is the first pass, the defense is the strongest, guarded by three emperors and four kings.

But… the city broke today because of the arrogant and arrogant Zhang Liao, who took the initiative to fight.

And if Gao Wenyong defended a city and sealed the city with a formation, it would be difficult for Qiao Yunli to break it easily.

In this way, once the Emperor Zhou sent reinforcements, Ling Xiao’s plan would be frustrated.

“Oh? The formation is poisonous? I’m afraid it won’t work…”

Ling Xiao suddenly flashed a hint of evil in his eyes, and then waved at Yuan Fei, “General Yuan, take a step to speak.”

“What’s the dispatch of the son?”

Ling Xiao didn’t care about the formations.

With the breaking talisman in hand, although the power is not there, the only way is not to worry about it.

But… can you take this opportunity to ask Yuan Fei to voluntarily give his life?

“General Yuan just said that he is willing to die for the God of War. I wonder if it is true?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was serious, and a little dignified.

“Naturally it is true. If there is no Ningshen, I have already died in battle. This life is the God of War!”

Yuan Fei looked at him without hesitation at all.

“Okay! General Yuan is righteous, after the fact that the God of War returns, I will tell!!”

Ling Xiao nodded, and suddenly said with divine knowledge, “General, since this person is the old division of the God of War, and now he has taken refuge in Emperor Zhou, I will kill him to frighten those who have double intentions, but… Before that, we should let the soldiers in the northern realm see the insidiousness of him and Zhou Huang, so that we can break through the city and kill the enemy and unite the hearts of the people!”

“The son means…”

“I am in the Great Zhou Army and enter the city with the general. At that time, you will find the opportunity to argue with that Gao Wenyong, let everyone know that he has betrayed his faith, and then…”

Ling Xiao hesitated to speak, his voice was cold, but there was bitterness in his eyes.

“My son…I get it!!”

Yuan Fei was surprised at first, and soon calmed down.

With Gao Wenyong’s insidious cautiousness, he would not easily open the city to meet the enemy, and if he wanted to break the city, he must first be killed.

It takes a reason to kill a defender.

If Yuan Fei died, it was the best fuse.

He was at odds with Gao Wenyong. Once he dies in his defense of the city, I am afraid that anyone who still has faith in his heart and is loyal to the God of War will inevitably rise up and punish him.

What’s more, there is a young man in the army, with his strategy and wisdom, he is afraid that everyone will not turn back?

As long as the city gate is opened, who can contend with the power of Qiao Yunli’s sixth rank god emperor?

“Besides this person, are there any betrayers in the North?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were dignified, but Yuan Fei shook his head, “Gao Wenyong, a military division who originally followed the God of War, was only responsible for the forage and defense of the city. He never really went to battle with Ningshen to kill the enemy, so I didn’t have the blood of a soldier in the north. Except for him, the guards of the remaining six cities in the North are all brought out by Ning Shen. The son can rest assured to give orders. As for the sergeant soldiers… most of them have Zhou Huang’s eyeliner…”

“Okay, it’s just ants, nothing to worry about! General Yuan… This big plan depends on you!”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and suddenly bowed to Yuan Fei, “This plan is very important, General Yuan… It’s best not to let the third person know.”

“My son, don’t worry! Yuan Fei knows the importance!”

“Let’s go!”

Ling Xiao waved his hand and sent Huahua back to the realm. Ever since he swallowed Yuan Fei’s power of sacred tree, this dog had either hiccups or fart along the way, and the breath on his body showed signs of breakthrough.


Is this animal talent really swallowing?

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t think much, and sent a letter to Qiao Yunli with his soul seal, telling him of the next plan, and then mixed into the Great Zhou army and walked towards a male city in the distance. ”

During the journey, Yuan Fei did not mention Ling Xiao’s plan, but he told everyone that everything in the future will be dispatched by Ling Xiao.

Of course, with the War God order in hand, these northern generals dare not fail.

Even if there is something you can’t follow… Find an excuse to kill it, what’s the worry.

As for Ling Xiao’s identity…

Now that Zhang Liao is dead, the only ones who have seen the Lingxiao imperial dragon’s conquest are Daxia people. Gao Wenyong has a deep mind, and I am afraid that Daxia commander is in their Zhou army, right?

The Imperial City of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the central palace.

Zhou Huang looked at the black figure below coldly, his face already gloomy.

“You mean, Daxia State Master Qiao Yunli led his troops to attack Tiance City, and Tiance City…broken?!”

“Yes! Monarch, spy from the front, today noon, Da Xia suddenly sent troops to the city, and went straight to Tiance City. Although Zhang Liao fought hard, he finally… was defeated by Qiao Yunli and was killed on the spot! Xia’s army has already rushed to the second Guancheng, Zhongyun City!!”

“Daxia is looking for death!!! First, I killed my princess, and now he sent troops to commit the crime, and passed my military order, asking Gao Wenyong to guard the city of Zhongyun, and order the other six guard generals to lead his army to help! My northern border With millions of troops, are you afraid that he will have a big summer?”

Zhou Huang yelled coldly, and there seemed to be a dragon shadow behind him, and the temple appeared, revealing its endless majesty.

“The emperor… the generals of the northern realm have long been grudges against the court. Gao Wenyong has frequently entered the imperial capital in recent years, and his subordinates are afraid…”

“Huh! Command Shuo Pei General Pei Qinbao to lead seventy thousand golden feather guards to the north, take the post of commander, and kill the Daxia thief!”

Zhou Huang groaned slightly, and finally said coldly.

Of course he knew that it was most appropriate to send Ning Tiance back to the northern border troops now.

But… letting the tiger go back to the mountain, the tiger’s battle for the dragon’s fortune has existed since ancient times.

Without a last resort, Zhou Huang did not dare to take risks.

Shuobei General Pei Qinbao, the fourth rank of the god emperor, was even higher than the first rank of Ning Tiance in terms of cultivation base, and he was the most trusted general of the Zhou emperor today.

Seventy thousand golden feather guards, even the most elite army in the Great Zhou Dynasty, was invincible.

Pei Qinbao led the army to go, the war can be settled.

“Wait! Send a letter to the two dynasties of Daqin and Daqi, and say… There is a demon in Daxia, and my three dynasties can divide Daxia on behalf of the sky! Hmph, dare to send troops to my Dazhou, I will tell him to be insecure! !”


In the northern boundary of the Great Zhou Dynasty, among the lofty mountains and ridges, a golden figure appeared from the void, frowning at the countless figures below.

“How come, why did it suddenly disappear? Could it be that I was aware of my prying eyes?”

“My lord, is it possible that some secret technique was used to cover up the breath?”

Qiu Qinghan stood in the land of Zhang Xu behind him, with a complicated coldness in her eyebrows.

“It’s not necessarily, it’s also possible that you have used the Void Secret Treasure and left temporarily, but…huh, as long as you hold this person, nothing can escape from my palm.”

“My lord… wise.”

“My son, Zhongyun City is in front of you.”

Yuan Fei stood beside Ling Xiao, the latter had put on the Great Zhou armor at this time, showing a different aura.

“Hmm! Go ahead.”

Ling Xiao nodded, and Yuan Fei immediately stepped forward and stood under the city gate, shouting loudly, “Tiance City Defender Yuan Fei, come forward and open the city gate quickly.”

“Huh? General Yuan? Didn’t you swear to live and die with Tiance City? Tiance City broke, why did you… escape to my Chongyun City?”

On the wall, someone sneered.

“Presumptuous!!! Great Xia Tiger Wolf is behind him, and if you hesitate, you will follow the mistakes of my Tiance City in re-clouding the city!!”

Yuan Fei shouted angrily, his imperial might surged in an instant, shocking the army.

“Huh! General Yuan wait a minute, I need to tell Master Gao before I can make a decision.”

The guards guarding the city didn’t dare to hesitate, and turned around and swept towards the city.

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