Chapter 404


Ling Xiao nodded, his eyes revealed majesty.

Hearing this, Xia Huang’s body trembled, instinctively a little frightened.

Xia Feng is a demon!

Regarding this rhetoric, in fact, he…had already expected it!

Before the age of six, his talent was mediocre. Although he could cultivate, he was not outstanding.

But after the age of six, Xia Feng seemed to be a different person.

He is proficient in Tianshu, seizes the luck of Xiachuan, and steals the great Xia Jiangshan with meticulous heart.

Where did he learn the secret technique of Yin and evil, and he had never seen it before, and where did he learn it from a child who hadn’t pierced all his hair in Xia Feng’s district?

Moreover, although Xia Feng has not shown mountains and dews in recent years, his realm has been broken extremely quickly, and he has had a close relationship with Jiang Yu’s waste!

A waste, no background, no cultivation base, how can it be worthy of his deliberations like this?

turn out to be!

They are in the same group! !

Before the occurrence of a demon in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Xia had sent someone to investigate secretly.

After all, Jiang Yu is a demon, but he has never left Longyun City!

Originally, Emperor Xia thought that most of the demons that appeared in Da Zhou were Jiang Yu’s accomplices.

But who knows, just yesterday, he got an extremely shocking news! !

The demon of the Great Zhou Dynasty, displayed at the moment of death, was actually a seal of a true dragon! !

This ancient method is a technique not taught by the Daxia imperial family, and it will never be left out.

And for the Daxia royal family who was not in Longyun City during this time, apart from Xia Yong’s line, there was only…Xia Feng! !

But Xia Yong is dead…

“Di, the Son of Destiny is suspected by close relatives. Congratulations to the host for plundering 500 stores, and the villain is worth 5000 points.”

“At first, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect that there was a real demon in your line! I am afraid that this person is no longer Xia Feng, but… the true demon seizes the house! Has this person performed weird behaviors in recent years?”

Ling Xiao’s tone seemed to be regretful, even a little angry.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Xia knelt on the ground with a “plop”.

“My lord! I’ve noticed something wrong with Xia Feng, but… I really didn’t expect that he was a real demon!!”

“It’s okay! Since he dared to come back, I wouldn’t let him go easily! Just in his realm, dare to appear in front of me grandiosely, wanting to come with his own cards, or, in this court, there are his accomplices .”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, seeming to sink into a deep thought.

And Xia Huang’s face was already pale.


Unexpectedly, for the past twenty years, Lao Tzu has been living in dire straits!

If it weren’t for this adult who had come to Daxia, I was afraid that he would give Xia Feng a few more years to grow up, and he would have lost both his throne and his fate! !


Inexplicably, Xia Huang still had a hint of doubt in his heart.

Isn’t all this a coincidence?

Moreover, Xia Feng went out of the palace, saying that it was an experience, and also specially brought Qiaoshuang, the grandson of the national teacher.

Could it be that these two people… and the national teacher… are all in the same group?


“My lord!! Xia Feng went out of the palace to walk with Qiao Shuang, they…”


Ling Xiao sneered in her heart.

How did he not know that Xia Feng was walking with Qiao Shuang when he left the palace.

Moreover, the identity of the latter is naturally the object of Xia Feng’s wooing.

Women, what I like is nothing more than Lingbao status or handsome.

With Xia Feng’s terms, she is more than enough.

But if you want to make the latter fall in love, you must spend some capital.

If Ling Xiao had expected it to be true, the two should have gone to a secret realm, and then found the treasure.


Xia Feng Lingxiao had already seen it, and at first glance, he was a gloomy, cautious person.

It is absolutely impossible for him to expose his secret to Qiao Shuang.

It is also impossible to give the biggest good luck to others.

A person who is born again can never be valued by his children’s personal affection, but for good fortune and cultivation.

In other words, the greatest good fortune in that secret realm must have fallen into Xia Feng’s hands.

It’s just that Qiao Shuang doesn’t know.

In this way, the time for Xia Feng to go to Da Zhou to kill… also has!

Even though! !

Ling Xiao had miscalculated this point, so naturally there were still ten thousand words to say, and he buckled the pot on top of Xia Feng’s head.

It’s impossible for the two to be together twelve hours a day, right?

Besides, do you think what you see is real?

How can the real demon’s methods be conceivable by a weak woman?

Sister, you are so innocent!

Hurry up, come to brother’s embrace, and give you real warmth.

“The secret is that she enters the palace, so it’s best not to disturb anyone.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was inexplicably gloomy, but Xia Huang suddenly showed a clear look and turned and walked outside the hall.

Soon, when Emperor Xia walked into the hall again, behind him, a young girl in white followed closely behind him, and there seemed to be a touch of tension between his eyebrows.

It was just that Ling Xiao was a little disappointed that the beauty of the big summer, who was as famous as Xia Yanran, didn’t have any luck in her body.

As for her appearance, she was on par with Xia Yanran.

“Are you Qiao Shuang?”

Ling Xiao’s face was covered with clouds, and his tone was low and eternal.

And seeing the humble Xia Huang standing on the side, a panic flashed across Qiao Shuang’s face.

“Yes! Your lord!”

“Let me ask you, where did you and Xia Feng go when you left the palace this time?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, and he clearly had a decision in his heart.

“Go… to the Jian Ge Mountain Range on the border of Daxia.”

“What have you done?”

“Brother Feng took me to a secret realm and found a Taoist artifact…”

From the attitude of Emperor Xia, Qiao Shuang could also understand that the identity of the man in front of him must be extremely terrifying.

It should be the one who made a lot of noise in Long Yuncheng recently.

Although everyone didn’t know Ling Xiao’s identity, but at the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet that day, Ling Xiao was in the limelight and shocked the world.

People with a little brain can guess that this one must have a great background!

“You two have always been together?”

“No…no, only in the daytime, and…when in the secret realm, Brother Feng went out all night and said yes…that he was going to get a fairy grass for the Queen Mother.”

Although Qiao Shuang had doubts in his heart, he naturally didn’t dare to lie in front of such characters, and immediately knew everything.

now it’s right!

Xia Huang and Ling Xiao glanced at each other, and there was a cold flash in the depths of their eyes.

“Can you perceive what is unusual about Xia Feng? For example… he seems to be hiding something, or he can predict what will happen.”

Ling Xiao guided step by step. Now that he knew the template of Xia Feng, he naturally knew this kind of routine of the Son of Destiny.

It is nothing more than taking the memory of the previous life to take the lead before the opening of the major secret realm relics.

Then step by step to the peak of heaven and earth, avenge the people who killed him in the last life.

People who are reborn in this way can’t naturally die of old age.

Most of them were brutally killed by people, only then brought great obsessions, and was noticed by the heavens.

I just don’t know who killed him in the previous life.

Of course, no matter who it is, Xia Feng naturally can’t escape Ling Xiao’s palm.

This kind of evil spirit is forced, and the body is terrible, if it is allowed to develop, most of it will grow into a giant.

The Son of Destiny and the villain demon are born in opposition.

Is this reason enough to kill him?

“This…sir…Did Brother Feng do something wrong?”

A hesitation flashed across Qiao Shuangqiao’s face.

She was originally Xia Feng’s fiancée, and seeing that Xia Huang looked gloomy at this time, and her heart was a little uneasy instinctively.

“He is a demon. Now he is just using you to excuse him. You’d better tell me everything you know, otherwise… I’m afraid it will be impossible to escape his palm!”

“What! This is impossible! How could Brother Feng…”

Qiao Shuang’s body trembled lightly, but Ling Xiao frowned impatiently, and then glanced at Xia Huang.

The latter immediately understood, turned and walked out of the hall.

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