Chapter 405

“Big…sir, did you make a mistake?”

Xia Feng just promised to go to the National Teacher’s Office to propose a marriage and marry Qiao Shuang.

Originally wanted to come to the latter, with the support of his grandfather, although Xia Feng would not be able to reach the sky in one step, he has become a strong contender for the position of prince.

And with his talent, even if he missed the throne in the end, he would definitely be the one standing on the top of the sky in the end.

But why does a good husband-in-law become a demon?


Ling Xiao raised his foot, walked down from the throne, and stood in front of Qiao Shuang, “You said that, I suddenly felt that I might have really made a mistake.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and gently stroked Qiao Shuang’s pretty face, “Relax, don’t be nervous, whether he is a demon or not, I won’t hurt you.”

“Thank you, sir…”

Qiao Shuangqiao blushed slightly, and slowly lowered her head, a little flustered between her eyebrows.

The adult’s hand was a little cold, touching his face with a tingling sensation.

But… they are already married.

Just as an adult, if you really want to do something…how can people refuse?

Will refusal lead to annihilation for the National Teacher’s House?

“You look good.”

Ling Xiao pinched Qiao Shuang’s chin and lifted her pretty face.

With her eyes facing each other, Qiao Shuang only saw waves rising from a deep sea, and there seemed to be a black moon rising over that sea.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying buzzing in her soul sea.

“Sure enough, there is a magic weapon for shelter.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, his eyes turned into blood.

Qiao Shuang had just recovered his clear eyes, and instantly fell into a daze.

“A magical weapon, dare you stop me?”

In front of the Qiao Frost Soul Palace, Lingxiao’s soul manifested, and the magic light rolled outside his body, the soul light in his hand condensed, and it directly turned into a big seal, crashing down towards the cyan streamer above it.


Qiao Shuang’s body trembled fiercely, and bloodshot overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the clear light that sheltered his soul sea suddenly shattered numerous cracks, and the corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth also raised a sharp arc.

“Do you know what to do?”

“I see, master.”

Qiao Shuang’s red lips tightened, and there seemed to be fear in his eyes, but in the end he was driven to the outside of the hall by an inexplicable force.

“My lord, let her go like this?”

It was not until Qiao Shuang walked out of the summer palace that Emperor Xia walked into the palace, somewhat surprised and authentic.

“Otherwise? Xia Feng is a demon, but we are not. Qiao Shuang obviously doesn’t know much about it, so let her go. I have erased her memories, and this matter must not be exposed.”

Ling Xiao looked at Emperor Xia with some playfulness, “There is a real demon in the summer palace. If this matter is spread, I am afraid that someone will take this opportunity to punish the demon in your current identity.”

“Big…sir? How can this be good?”

To be honest, Emperor Xia was panicked at this time!

Originally, his throne was stolen. If someone finds an opportunity, I am afraid it is his throne…no! Even his life is hard to keep!

Especially the Sacred Religion, when dealing with true demons, it has always been better to kill mistakes than to let them go!

What? You said you are a demon, don’t you know?

Do you believe it yourself?

“Hey, I didn’t want to be contaminated with this realm of cause and effect. Seeing that your ancestor Xia Chen was loyal, I reluctantly…take you as a slave.”

Ling Xiao seemed to be embarrassed.

Hearing this, Xia Huang’s eyes condensed slightly, and his whole body trembled faintly because of his excitement!

finally! ! !

Finally waiting for this day, as this adult, once he takes himself as a slave, I am afraid that the peak of the Holy State is no longer the end of my fairy road!

The Kaixia tribe has an eternal cause, dominates Western Xinjiang, and ascends to the upper realm with Master Tianzun, and compares with the ancestors! !

The children of the next generations will mention me Xia Sheng again, and I should be in awe of my ancestors! !

What do people live for?

Xiuxian asked, what is the picture?

Suddenly, Xia Sheng felt… her life had been sublimated!

In the future, Xijiang will have my legend.

Holy religion?

Haha, with my lord, the holy religion is a hammer!

“Be the deity’s slave, you…”

“My lord!! I understand!!”

Xia Huang opened his hands, relaxed, and looked like he was picking.

In the past few days, he was already shocked by Ling Xiao’s methods.

For those who have opened up the world and evolved the principles of Tao, becoming a slave is the supreme honor!

“You are very good.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and did not enter the sea of ​​Xia Huang’s soul with his soul.

Since he is so conscious, why should he cover up his adventures anymore.

I saw a ray of soul light gleaming in the sky, turning a seal out of thin air, and falling towards the sea of ​​knowledge of Emperor Xia.

Until the seal disappeared, the latter still had a touch of excitement and satisfaction on his face.

“That’s how it feels!! Great fortune!! Great fortune!!”

“My lord!! Great grace has no words to repay, this is my great summer soldier talisman, the key to the treasury, I hope the lord can see the slave sincerely, and accept it!”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, waved his palm, and saw the two things in Xia Huang’s hand disappear instantly.

He already knew the identity of Xia Feng.

The memory of two lives, the same physical body, is the legendary, rebirth and return.

However, if the immortal king is reborn, in this lower realm, he would never be so stubborn.

Obviously, this Xia Feng should be a person in this world.

It seems that I have to take some time to give him a try.

After all, it’s better not to expose your own demon’s identity too soon.

Three days, in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Xia Feng also wanted to see the fifth sister Xia Yanran. After all, neither of them was a queen, so they still had some feelings.

But when he thought of the situation in Daxia, he finally gave up this idea.

Jiang Yu turned into a demon and fled, and Xia Yanran was useless.

Why should he let himself fall into this vortex?

The fourth day.

The whole Longyun City suddenly became lively.

The son of Zhenyuan Zhongyi Bo, Sikonghui, guarded the border for three years and made countless battles. Today…return to the court! !

At the same time, in the imperial capital, a lot of rumors suddenly spread.

It is said that Sikonghui loves Qiaoshuang.

It was originally created by nature, and the marriage contract has been favored by the first emperor Xia Yong.

Later, as a grandson of the National Teacher, Qiao Shuang was favored by Xia Feng and made a marriage contract.

Although Sikonghui had a good relationship with Xia Feng, there were scars in his heart.

The reason why I went to border guards in frontiers was actually to… heal my heart.

Of course, these rumors are half true and half false.

Sikonghui and Qiaoshuang did grow up together, but they were siblings.

As for whether the two like each other…

Probably, I like it.

After all, if there is no blood relationship between elder brothers and sisters, don’t you just have good feelings?

Ling Xiao thought so, so he ordered Qiao Shuang to spread the rumors.

I didn’t mean to instigate, I just wanted to make lovers finally get married!

“Brother Hui!”

At the gate, Qiao Shuang was dressed in white, as beautiful as a lotus.

Today, she is a little girly, and her already beautiful face is even more charming.

Beside him, Xia Feng stood calmly, without the slightest complaint on his face.

The mouth of the world, chasing after the wind.

Now that Sikonghui is back to the court, he will inevitably not be jealous.

Therefore, those rumors were preached maliciously by some people in the court who regarded Xia Feng as an enemy.

Even Xia Feng had guessed that it was mostly the work of the second and third princes.

only! !

He and Sikonghui once stood side by side on the battlefield. How can this friendship be destroyed by rumors?

What’s more, Qiao Shuang and his ilk are just chess pieces in his eyes.

How can a daughter of an aristocratic family become his wife?

The one he really likes is indeed in Xijiang, but not in Daxia!

“Shuanger!! The prince!!”

On the ancient road in the distance, a general was wearing a silver armor with a sassy and heroic posture. Behind him, thousands of guards followed.

When he saw the two people standing under the city gate, he rode his horse, his eyes filled with joy.

“You are finally back!”

Sikonghui jumped off his horse and hugged Xia Feng tightly.

Only when he looked at Qiao Shuang, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

“Shuang’er! Oh no, should I change my name to Dasao!”

Sikonghui shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he has not been in the imperial capital for three years, he knows everything that happened in the imperial capital.

Especially in recent years, the marriage between Qiao Shuang and Xia Feng has been spreading.

He didn’t have a hint of jealousy, because he really regarded Xia Feng as his elder brother.

My father once said that the dragon protector will eventually be respected by the world!

As the son of Sikong, he is enlightened and ambitious.

Besides, Qiao Shuang is his younger sister, how he doesn’t know that what she likes is never himself.

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