Chapter 403: Xia Feng is a Demon

“Huh? Your lord means…”

Emperor Xia’s expression was shocked, and there seemed to be joy in his eyes.

Is it possible that Feng’er is really going to be the pride of my Xia family?

“Now that the traces of the Great Xia are everywhere, the situation in Western Xinjiang is becoming more and more turbulent. If the Xia family wants to gain a foothold in this world of great controversy, they must work hard to strengthen themselves.”

Ling Xiao’s voice contained divine might, resounding like Huang Zhong Dalu in Xia Feng’s ears, shaking his mind.


His Xia Feng is a god general, although his luck is terrifying and his talent is extremely high, he is back again.

But… he is still a great general!

Lingxiao’s spirit is already comparable to the third rank of the god emperor, and there are ancient pangu stones, guarded by the ghost soul-hungry beads, so powerful, not to mention the god general, even the fifth rank god emperor Xia, I feel shocked.

“Retreat to the side, I have something to say to Feng’er!”

Ling Xiao glanced at Xia Huang. The latter immediately bowed and retreated. He walked a hundred meters away before falling down, covering his ears firmly with the palms of both hands, as if telling Ling Xiao that he did not dare to eavesdrop.

Shaboyi, don’t you know that there is a kind of conversation called the exchange of divine consciousness?

“This is a fairy jin, but I brought it from the upper realm. Since you and I are predestined, I will give you a… a heavenly good fortune. Bring this jin in your heart and protect your life and the golden path!”

Ling Xiao sneered and waved his hand, only to see that the imperial vein Lingjin instantly turned into a streamer and fell in front of Xia Feng.

That’s right!

This Jin is the one that Ling Xiao deceived from Zhou Minruo, and it was also a good fortune that the “Daxia True Demon” robbed when he killed Princess Dazhou.

It’s just like these gods, not to mention the people of foreign dynasties, even the powerhouses of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they mostly just listen to their names and don’t see them.

Now that Ling Xiao casually changed his name and gave it to Xia Feng, it was naturally impossible for him to guess its origin.

The identity of the true demon must be remembered by someone.

Jiang Yu was carrying it, but he was not from the Daxia royal family, and could not display the seal of the true dragon god.

Even if it can fool the world in a short time, I am afraid that over time, it will inevitably be exposed to lies.

At this time… our eldest prince should play his role.

People who are born again like this are very lucky and want to be completely punishable.

What’s more, with his memory of two lives, he may not know his true identity.

Therefore, he must first be given an identity that is intolerable in the world, so that he can persecute others, who is the devil…

I believe you a ghost!

You are a demon yourself, and you want to find someone to take care of it?


Besides, this time when Xia Feng was not in the imperial capital was really wonderful.

So, what did he do in the past few days…

Qiao Shuang?

The name is pretty good. I wonder if the body has such a good name?

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, especially the shock on Xia Feng’s face at this time, which made him feel unspeakable happiness.

“Natural Golden Way…”

To be honest, Xia Feng was dumbfounded at this time.

As a rebirth who believes in Gou Dao, he has never liked to show off his strength in front of outsiders.

The reason for exposing the cultivation base of the gods was just to have some weight in the heart of the father, so that he could exchange for more cultivation resources.

Not very good, but not mediocre.

But after all these years, he seldom pretends to be forced, of course because… his identity is not allowed.

The queen, the second prince and the third prince have always regarded him as a thorn in the eye, but whenever they find an opportunity, they want to humiliate him.

The emperor father guarded him a lot, and once he was too brilliant, it was easy to win the prize.

Therefore, throughout Daxia, the only person who knew he had comprehended the principles of the Chi Jin Dao was only the son of Uncle Zhenyuan, Sikong Hun.

No way, brother, you can only see frankness when you have a heart-to-heart.

Tell him some insignificant little secrets, and of course he feels that he trusts him completely.

Oh, no, I am the Son of Destiny, how can I calculate this way!

I just think Sikonghui is honest, honest and trustworthy, so I told him my secret!

only! !

How does this adult see the power of the Taoist principles that I understand at a glance?

This is their biggest hole card!

It is used to force the game against the wind!


The realm of this adult, I am afraid that it has exceeded the recognition of the Holy State!

In front of him, there seems to be no secret at all!


Xia Feng knelt down blankly and shouted, “Thank you, my lord, for your blessing!!”

“Get up! In the past few days, my great summer dragon luck is at the critical point of recovery. I will count, there will be demons coming, you can be prepared, that Xianjin, be sure to take it to your heart, when it is critical, Or it may save your life!”

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, and the sound of the ancient well was silent.

“Yes! Your lord!!”

Xia Feng crawled on the ground and withdrew ten feet before getting up and leaving.

Looking at the thin and tall figure, Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

The reborn Son of Destiny took the luck of another Son of Destiny. This leek is really fragrant.

Just five thousand luck, wanting to plunder clean…

There is a long way to go.

The Great Xia Imperial City, the Great Prince’s Mansion, was quiet and desolate.

Xia Feng’s mother-in-law died due to dystocia, in line with the routine that the Son of Destiny is either a dead father or a missing mother.

So when he was very young, he moved out of the palace by himself and lived alone.

Moreover, this prince always does not ask about political affairs and seeks advice with all his heart, so there are not many customers and no one wants to support him.

“The prince is back!!”

Xia Feng returned to her palace all the way, took out the Lingjin bestowed by Ling Xiao, studied it for a long while, and finally concluded one point.

This is a fairy! !

Take it on your body, there is a sense of vitality and spiritual power!

Worthy of being a thing of the upper realm! !

Is it because he robbed the nine princes of luck, so he had more luck in this way?


This theory of air luck is mysterious and unpredictable. The more air luck, the more good fortune.

If this life is the same as the previous one, wouldn’t it be a waste of my own luck?

It seems that I have been worrying too much!

It’s just that, with such a strong person here, it is always easy to change things!

In recent days, Xia Feng decided to stay in the palace honestly and not go anywhere!

When the ancient dragon vein is fully recovered, this lord is gone, it is the time for him to show off his demeanor!

No, even if the adult is gone, I must behave in a low-key manner and plan step by step.

Otherwise, the steps will be bigger, it’s really easy…get it!

Be careful, step by step, isn’t it good to be safe?

First hold Da Xia in his hand, and then plot the fairy ruins in Hanyue Immortal Palace.

Once you have enough strength to contend against that demon, you can go everywhere in this holy state!

Anyway, in this life, I want to reach the top of the sky and achieve supreme achievement.

Even if someone scolds me and I win in the end, who cares?

In the previous life, even though he died, he did not offend the demon, but occasionally inherited the demon in the secret realm, and was targeted by the demon!

Otherwise, everyone is from Xijiang. Why do you think I am so good and know how to plunder him?

If it is not for the limitations of the magic seal, it must be arranged at the moment of birth, otherwise…hehehe.

As long as Lao Tzu stays behind the scenes and finds more people of destiny, he will have a steady flow of luck.

It may not be impossible to go all the way to the supreme realm!

At the same time, the Great Summer Palace.

Huang Huang looked up at Ling Xiao with a look of fear.

“My lord, what do you mean… my son Xia Feng is the real demon?!”

At this time, there was panic and shock in Xia Huang’s eyes, but more, it was a kind of inexplicable complexity.

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