Chapter 291

“Is it so fast?”

Li Gui sat on the spot and swallowed fiercely. He was completely sluggish.

It’s just that compared with the horror on Su Yan and others’ faces, his face is inexplicable with a touch of piety.

Because just now…

He just swore a poisonous oath, cursing Zhang Tai to die in place.

Unexpectedly, this blink of an eye will come true! !

Did the gods hear my request?

I said that it is good to eat more meditation and chanting on weekdays, so that you can get closer to the western sky!


Su Yan’s pretty face condensed, and a burst of deceptive coercion swept away in an instant.

Around it, several ancient ancestor Tianjiao surrounded him in the center and looked far away guardedly.

Only the ghost Li, put your hands together and pray in your heart!

It’s time to prove my name, let you know that I, Li Gui, is not afraid of death at all, I am just worried about the safety of my lady!

Buddha Yun, I don’t go to hell, who…


Just… suddenly.

Before that Li Gui could finish his vow, he saw a mighty and tall figure suddenly descend from the sky, and directly trampled his head into mud.

Su Yanqiao’s face was pale, and she looked at the tall and terrifying war shadow coldly, and her heart trembled suddenly.

From this war shadow, she didn’t feel half aura fluctuations!

Obviously, this is a dead thing!

But even so, the kind of momentum that pervades Zhanying is shocking enough!

This is a murder weapon, a great weapon!

Even the battle knife in his hand had long been immersed in blood, flashing a dark bloody light.

“Haha, Miss Su Yan, what a coincidence.”

There was a sneer in the sky in the distance, and immediately Qiu Yi’s figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

“Huh?! Young Master Ancient Puppet, Qiu Yi!!!”

Su Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, Xu Shi was involved in his heart, and immediately coughed a few times.

“Young Master Ancient Puppet…you…you don’t speak martial ethics, attack us…”

As for the remaining ancient Tianjiao, their faces were inexplicably pale, and even the hand holding Lingbao was faintly trembling.


Even if they don’t sneak attack, they seem to be unable to defeat this Dongjiang evildoer?

“Qiu Yi, why are you killing my people?”

Su Yan and Dai’s eyebrows are lightly clumped, she has no grudges with this Qiu Yi, the latter rashly shot, is it possible that she is coveting her own good fortune?

“Why? I heard that Miss Su Yan is born with a cold body. I have been extremely hot recently. I want to use the body of Miss Su to reduce the fire!”

Qiu Yisen sneered, before Su Yan could open his mouth, the arrogant crowds were already angry and unstoppable, running their spiritual power, and rushed towards the former.

“Dare to humiliate Miss, and look for death!!”


Suddenly, all kinds of spiritual lights gleamed the world, and saw swords and shadows with unmatched blades coming, slashing to Qiu Yi fiercely.

The latter just smiled indifferently, and the figure did not move, but saw that the ancient war puppet took a step directly, slashing with the sword in his hand, turning into a hundred zhangyou mansions, and resisting the all-sky offensive.


Before waiting for the horror and astonishment of the Tianjiao, they saw that the black shadow in front of them had been torn out, and a pair of hollow eyes, like the deepest magic abyss in the world, was fascinating.

“No… don’t…”


A knife fell, and the head fell to the ground.

The blood is sprayed like a column.

These self-proclaimed Tianjiao young people from East Xinjiang were like children in front of the ninth-rank demon puppet, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Even from beginning to end, Qiu Yi didn’t move a bit, just watched this simple massacre with cold eyes.

Until the last ancient Tianjiao fell in a pool of blood, Su Yan’s face was completely pale.

She is not reconciled!

She was unwilling to leave the secret realm like this, giving up the chance to continue her life!

There was indeed a spiritual fire on Ling Xiao, but she was really unpredictable about the temperament of that young man.

This feeling of being pinched made her panic.

“Qiu Yi! Why don’t we discuss it!!”

Su Yanyin’s teeth clenched tightly, and a touch of cunning flashed in her beautiful eyes.

With this Qiu Yi’s method, it is many times more powerful than the group of arrogant and arrogant people beside her.


If you can cooperate with him, the good fortune in the ruins must be at your fingertips.

Su Yan didn’t believe it, anyone in this world could refuse her Yunmeng Trading Company’s financial resources.

Lingbao, Pills, Lingshi, she Yunmeng Trading Company has everything.

Who can resist these temptations for anyone in Xiantu?

“Oh? Discuss?”

The corner of Qiu Yi’s mouth raised a sneer. He probably guessed what Su Yan wanted to say.

Yes, if it were in the past, no one could refuse Yunmeng Trading Company!


Now he has no choice at all!

He is a puppet, a running dog, a walking corpse, what good fortune, he has a relationship with him!

Young Master Ling Xiao said to kill anyone, even if it was his father, he didn’t have the strength to resist.


“Young Master Qiu, as long as you can help me get something, I will come to the business alliance, and I will give you the choice!!”

Seeing Qiu Yi hesitated, Su Yan suddenly raised a smile.

“Oh, yes, but I… just want you.”

And just as Su Yan looked at Qiu Yi with clear eyes, he saw that the Dark Demon War Puppet suddenly disappeared without a trace, and when it reappeared, it had reached the place where she was in front of her.

this moment!

Su Yan’s mind trembled, cold sweat dripped instantly on the fragrance of his forehead.

even! !

At this close distance, she has no chance to use the magic talisman to escape! !

Is it over?

Is my miserable and tortured life finally coming to an end?

Inexplicably, Su Yan felt a little relaxed in his heart.

She has had enough of the pain of coldness in the marrow.

Even in the dormant summer, the feeling of being cold and painful to the bones is simply not something ordinary people can tolerate!

If it hadn’t been for the support of the Yun League, he would have fallen a long time ago if he was replaced by the Young Master of any power.

But she is still not reconciled…

She obviously should be the Holy State, the most prestigious proud girl, sitting on the glory and heaven and earth.



The black light illuminates in front of her, like an endless night, shrouding her.

Su Yan’s eyes were tearful, and his eyes were sad, and finally he closed his eyes slowly!

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

Still so…as if the whole era has passed.

It wasn’t until a drop of viscous warm liquid dripped on her face that Su Yan opened his eyes blankly.

In front of him, a slightly thin, but unusually tall figure stood behind the war puppet, and a flashing thunder-light palm held the war knife in his hand!

But even if the thunder light burned his eyes, the young man’s hand still showed a bone-stained blood.

The blood dripped and was blown by the wind, and a single drop became a girl… cinnabar on the forehead.

Tears began to fall, and my heart trembled violently.

For a moment, Su Yan felt in a daze that even if he died, he would probably have no regrets in his life.

“Master Ling Xiao…”

Hearing the murmur behind him, the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil.


Why should I take the knife empty-handed?

In order to pretend?


Pretending to force me to kill Qiu Yi directly, isn’t it more direct?

I did this, of course, to pretend that the hero who saved the beauty!

What do beauties love since ancient times?

When life and death are at stake, the hero descends from the sky to block all wind and rain for her!

This process should not be too easy, otherwise it is more like a simple effort!

You must bleed, you must be tragic, you must work hard, you must have the momentum of moths to fight the fire, and… be handsome enough!

After all, it is ugly and affects the effect!

“Miss Su, go quickly… I stop him.”

Ling Xiao turned his head, revealing a pale and gentle smile, but there was no regrets in his eyes, but like obsession, he burst into his soul!

“No! Son, let’s go together!!”

“Miss Su, why are you… so stupid? Hey, that’s it, you should stay away, just take a puppet trail, I don’t believe it, what can I do!”


Of course you can’t go. If you go, who will I play for!

With warmth, shock, and farewell, it’s time to perform real skills.

A dead hero will naturally not get any love scenes, only remembrance!

Those celebrities through the ages must be seven-in and seven-out, riding alone for thousands of miles, the overlord of one side!

Me, Ling Xiao!

Professional acting hero, overlord, and powerful president!

If there is an appointment, make money! !

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