Chapter 292 Falling in Love

“Master Ling Xiao!!”

Su Yan was babbling, his mind trembled!

What is Invincible Xianzi?

What is Gongzi Wushuang?

She Su Yan is used to licking a dog, or only promises, or pretends to be gentle, has never seen such an overbearing and powerful young man?

Especially the heroic and blood-stained appearance of his white shirt, which is inexplicably bloody and tragic!

In the eyes of the son, what god will be a puppet, but a little Doyle!

This is the truth, the true pride of the world in my heart!

Of course, if these words are replaced by others, it must be arrogant and ignorant, knowing whether to live or die.


Seeing the figure in white clothes that crushed the sword in his hand with a fierce palm, the panic in Su Yan’s eyes was gradually replaced by a touch of worship.

“Master, come on! Master is the best!”


The monstrous demon energy was surging, and Ling Xiao’s hands, the ancient sword of the evil spirit bloomed with brilliance and brilliance.

But the demon puppet only trembled, and a pair of palms covering the black armor fell towards Ling Xiao again.

“My son, be careful!!”

Su Yan’s eyes widened, and the tension in his eyes didn’t seem to be fake.

When he heard the system prompt in his mind, Ling Xiao’s mouth grinned, God of War possessed his body, and the ancient sword in his hand slashed horizontally. But when he encountered the pair of iron-like arms of the war puppet, he still snorted and retreated several times. step…

Until… fell in Su Yan’s arms.

“The son!!”

Seeing Ling Xiao’s pale and handsome face and the dazzling bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, Su Yan’s heart was broken.

She never dreamed that the dignified descendant of the Ling family, the invincible Tianjiao, who was arrogant and invincible, would vomit blood and fall to the ground for her, suffering this insult!

Su Yan suddenly remembered the joke Ling Xiao said when the two of them were drinking.

I even figured out the name of our child…

How many people in this world have ever said the most true thoughts in their hearts by drunkenness and joking?

April Fool’s Day is just a cover, how have you ever seen my humbleness?

The extremely yin body has twists and turns in fate.

There is even a risk of death at any time.

My son!

Now… Yan’er doesn’t think he is worthy of you!

My child… can it be called Lingyun?

I want a man, like you, unparalleled, above the sky!

“Di, the girl of destiny is daydreaming and dreaming about the future. Congratulations to the host for getting 300 points of luck and 3000 points for villains.”

“Ah, Miss Su, this battle puppet is too strong, I’m afraid it’s not his opponent, you go!”

Ling Xiao raised his brows, took a hard breath, then got up angrily, and wanted to rush towards the war puppet.

But at this moment, Su Yan shook his head slightly, “My son, you don’t need to work hard, you drag it for a while, and I will get rid of that Qiu Yi.”

In Su Yan’s eyes, the coldness passed quietly.

Ling Xiao seemed to be stunned for a moment before she woke up suddenly, “Yan’er, you are wise!”

“When Qiu Yi is dead, this battle puppet is naturally useless.”

Su Yan smiled sweetly, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Looking at the red-clothed shadow that appeared on Qiu Yi’s head at that moment, Ling Xiao’s smile grew thicker.

Go on the road!

This Su Yan was worthy of being born in the Yunlai Business League, and his thoughts and strategies were not comparable to those of Lin Meng and others.

Moreover, just as the spirit light outside Qiu Yi’s body flickered, he saw that Su Yan suddenly had an extra thing in his hand, which was actually a dazzling golden talisman.

In terms of strength, she may not be the opponent of these ancient ancestors, but in terms of means…

Hehe, Su Yan is not aiming at anyone. In the mountainous land of the east of Shengzhou, inquire about who is the father!

It doesn’t seem right!

Ling Xiao is father…

In short, that’s what it means!

“Stop it for me!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and above the golden talisman, he could feel a terrifying power of Dao Ze, which was actually a magic talisman that sealed Dao Ze.

It is no different from the one he gave Qin Wei at the beginning.

What’s more, it’s a mere breaker of hatred and hatred?


This treasure girl has finally begun to reveal her treasure!

The Tiger and Tiger in Ling Xiao’s hand, the ancient sword dance, blocked the god-general war puppet in the land of Zhang Xu.

But Su Yanyu put out his hand, Qiu Yi’s expression changed drastically.

But even if he used all his spiritual power, it was still difficult to stop the power of the golden talisman.

I saw a ray of blood rushing straight into the sky, and Qiu Yi’s head instantly rolled to the ground.


The figure of the Black Demon War Puppet suddenly stopped, like a puppet standing on the spot, no more powerful.

“The son!”

Su Yan turned his head and looked at the blood-stained figure in the white robe, a bright smile suddenly burst on Qiao’s face.


The two looked at each other from a distance, and there was a touch of joy in their eyes.

The death of a Qiu Yi is naturally not a loss to Ling Xiao.

His purpose, from beginning to end, was this dark demon war puppet.


If he personally slayed the ancient puppet young master, and then seized him the puppet, he would inevitably not be hated by the supreme Taoist party.

But now, you all saw it, Su Yan was the one who killed!

I only tried to save her.

At that time, even if the ancient puppet holy master hates, it is Su Yan and Yunlai Shangmeng who hate it.

As for whether he has the guts to declare war on that supreme wealth…

Haha, Ling Xiao guessed, he didn’t.

After all, this Qiu Yi was the first to kill and was counter-killed by Su Yan. He was more than guilty of death because of his emotions and reason.

“My son, hurry up… this is a fourth-rank blood nourishing pill, which is refined from the skin of a demon donkey. You quickly eat a bottle…”

Su Yan hurriedly took out a few jade bottles from Qiankun’s bag and handed them to Ling Xiao, “There is also this bottle, it is a fourth-grade complex spirit pill, the son must be exhausted, hurry up, eat a bottle. ,and this…”


Ling Xiao suddenly held Su Yan’s jade hand, her eyes full of affection.

“Do you think I did this for your good fortune? Pills, I have them.”

“Yes, the son’s mother is the top alchemist in the Holy State.”

Su Yan’s pretty face condensed slightly, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised a touch of playfulness, “Wait when I go out of the secret realm, I will take the son to my Yunlai Holy Land, the spiritual treasures are good fortune, and the sons can choose them. The treasures preserved in our holy land are all top in the Holy State. Rare!”

“In my eyes, there is only one rarest treasure in the Yunlai Commercial League.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, but Su Yan showed a hint of doubt in his eyes, “The son said…”

I can’t!

As a descendant of the Yun League, I don’t know what the rarest treasure in my family is. How did Young Master Ling Xiao know?

“It’s you, little fool!”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and reached out to flick Su Yan’s head.

The latter was stunned at the same place for a while, and only then lowered his head shyly after a while.

Little fool, I got you, isn’t the whole Yunlai Shangmeng all mine?

When your father falls, I will be the new master of Yunmeng. You only need to be responsible for beauty, and I… is responsible for consumption!

“The son really can laugh…”

“Hehe, Yan’er, you said before that you want a good fortune in this secret realm? I don’t know which one it is?”

Ling Xiao gave a wry smile, seeming a little lost.

But Su Yan just pressed his red lips tightly, and felt a little inexplicable panic in his heart.

Son, I didn’t mean that!

I also…want to be your baby.

But… people always have to be reserved.

“Yan’er? Yan’er?”

Seeing Su Yan who bowed his head and smirked in front of him, a smile flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

This love is a net, and all beings cannot escape.

When I want you to fall, you can’t escape with your wings.

“Ah! Son…what did you say?”

Su Yan looked up in a panic, just to see Ling Xiao’s deep and gentle eyes, her heart trembled instantly.

“I said, I will try my best to find what you want, no matter how much risk… I will have no regrets and no complaints!”


Hearing what Ling Xiao said, Su Yan’s tender body trembled, only to feel the darkness in front of him, the sky was spinning, and the pale and pretty face was no longer a trace of blood.

My son…Don’t talk about it!

Besides, Yan’er is going to be moved to death!

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