Chapter 290

“You…huh, Ling Xiao, do you really think I’m afraid of you?”

Qiu Yi’s complexion was already gloomy.

If it weren’t for this black demon war puppet, he wouldn’t dare to provoke this Ling clan descendant easily at this time.

But right now, the strength of this puppet is comparable to that of the ninth rank of the god general, and it’s a mere Lingxiao, what’s the point?

“When did I… when?”

Ling Xiao’s face was stunned, and there seemed to be a flash of magic light in his eyes.

Immediately after that, Qiu Yi, who was still sneering at him, suddenly lost his expression on his face.

In the dark realm, Ling Xiao looked at the small Tianjiao in the mid-destruction stage with a smile, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

In this realm, even Liang Yi of the Shenhou realm could not resist, let alone Qiu Yi.

“This…Where is this? How could I suddenly be here?”

The corner of Qiu Yi’s eyes trembled, and his eyes were full of darkness beyond sight.

the most important is!

At this time, his connection with the war puppet seemed to be cut off inexplicably!

Gan! !

Is it Ling Xiao’s method?

Suddenly, Qiu Yi swallowed fiercely, but before he could react, a cold, hard palm suddenly gripped his neck.

“Ant, surrender, or die.”

Ling Xiao looked at the dazed young man in front of him, her eyes had turned into absolute darkness.

The color without the whites of the eyes revealed an indescribable horror.

“You…who are you?”

Qiu Yi’s lips trembled lightly, and his whole body was cold.

how is this possible?

How could this Ling Xiao be so strong?

He hadn’t reacted at all, he was swept into such a strange and strange space!

Moreover, at this moment Qiu Yi had a faint feeling that here, Ling Xiao’s thought could easily kill him.

“who I am?”

“Master!! You are my master!!”

It seemed that he heard the coldness in Ling Xiao’s tone, Qiu Yi didn’t dare to hesitate any more and knelt directly on the ground.

Is it good to be alive?

What’s more, the artifacts on Xiao Tu and Fu Yunyao in the Yingxian Building that day were really dazzling and painful.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that it would be quite happy to be the dog of Young Master Ling Xiao.

“Be happy.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and now this so-called Dongjiang Tianjiao is almost the same as the ants in his eyes.

What’s more, Qiu Yi and others have no luck at all.

At this time, to subdue, but to…


The ear-piercing buzzing sound quietly resounded, and Qiu Yi only felt an inexplicable soul power falling into the sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately afterwards, his whole consciousness was completely blanked.

“Sacred Book of Ten Thousand Puppets.”

Ling Xiao looked at the extra exercise in his mind, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the connection between that Qiu Yi and the Black Demon War Puppet was completely cut off at this time.

The entire ancient forest is a bit terrifying silence.

Hua Yang stared at the sluggish figures in front of her stunned, her eyes filled with unspeakable fear.

For a moment, she thought that these bastards were playing her deliberately.

It seems…time is still or something?

She had never seen such a strange scene before in her life.

In one breath, everyone fell into the illusion at the same time?

This kind of method is not done by no one in Saint State.


A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy can plant such a terrifying illusion at a glance?

Is this possible?

Until, Qiu Yi suddenly crawled down, panting heavily.

And the remaining Tianjiao evildoer in the ancient forest tilted his head and slumped to the ground. Finally, the fear in Hua Yang’s eyes could no longer be suppressed.


Poorly those Tianjiao who originally only wanted to watch a good show, finally failed to escape the theorem!

Dragon set… How many died to join in the fun!

“Huh? Flower saint, what’s wrong with you?”

Ling Xiao’s figure reappeared in the forest, and his eyes calmly looked at the Taixu saint in front of him.

In terms of beauty, she is on par with Fu Yunyao.

But… it’s enough to have one of the same type, and there is nothing new about it.

“Uh, son…Shenwei.”

Hua Yang smiled barely, her face pale.

What made her even more frightened was that at this moment, Qiu Yi’s eyes seemed to be extremely hollow, and he couldn’t see the half-distraction at all, and it was as good as the war puppet next to him.

“Go, don’t waste it.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at the countless corpses on the ground, waved his hand gently, and saw that Qiu Yi immediately understood and took off their storage bags and Qiankun Ring one by one.

Seeing this scene, Hua Yang’s eyes condensed slightly, and he hurriedly passed the purple ginseng in his hand to Ling Xiao, “Ha ha, thank you son today! This purple rhyme ginseng, let’s be Hua Yang’s thank you son.”

“Oh? That’s it?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes became more playful, and Hua Yang only frowned, and a bright smile appeared on her face immediately, “Hehe, son, this lotus is my life spirit treasure, you shouldn’t care about a Taoist tool Huh? How about I… give you something else?”

The Tianxu white lotus on her body is the inheritance tool of Tianxu Holy Land.

It is the treasure of her life, once it is handed over, it will inevitably damage the cultivation base.

Of course, if Ling Xiao cared, she would no longer hesitate and lose her treasure to save her life.

“I do not care.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, instantly making Hua Yang relieved.

“Thank you son!”

“But I care… if others lie to me.”

Before Hua Yang turned around, she saw a black glow in front of her eyes. Then, she saw that a dark ancient knife pierced her heart directly, shattering her vitality in an instant.

It felt strange, as if her blood and soul were all sublimated under that knife.

“Young people don’t talk about credit, huh ~ push, I advise you to have a mouse tail juice in your next life!”

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, bent over and put the Universe Bag of the Taixu Saintess in his hands, turned and walked out of the ancient forest.

Behind him, the young master puppet closely followed, like a… puppet.

Of course, even if Hua Yang didn’t die, probably today she… won’t be able to live.

After all, everyone is young!

“Who should I go to play first?”

Ling Xiao stood on the top of a barren mountain, overlooking the entire secret realm.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth until a familiar figure in red appeared in his sight.

Most of the Dongjiang Tianjiao who are still alive now gathered towards the center.

This trip to the secret realm has gradually come to the Gao Dynasty part.

“Go ahead.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and Qiu Yi behind him instantly disappeared in place.

“Miss Su, we still don’t want to go? I heard that the land of the fire race is breaking out, and there is a god emperor who is taking action. We are now in the past, once we are implicated…I am afraid that there will be ten deaths and no lives.”

Su Yan and several people sat cross-legged on an open grass, seeming to be discussing the next move.

“Hmph, if Brother Li Gui is afraid, leave.”

Suddenly Tianjiao in white sneered.

Look at how you are, you want to make the lady pleased, and you don’t have the background of the lady, you don’t even want to work for the lady?

“Zhang Tai! It’s you again! Miss Su, Li Gui is thinking about your safety. For good luck, it’s not worth taking this risk!”

Li Gui’s face sank, but his tone became more passionate.

“I don’t think you should be called Li Gui, Li Gou.”


Everyone burst into laughter, but Su Yan just shook his head calmly, “I have to go to that ruin.”


If she doesn’t go, she is afraid that she will be able to survive in a few years.

Rather than being tortured to death by that cold body, it’s better to… take a gamble.

Even if it is in danger, with her means, can it still fall here?

As for the life and death of these people, what does it have to do with her?

“Hmph, don’t worry, Miss, Zhang Tai, I am willing to die for Miss!!”

White-clothed Zhang Tai smiled proudly and looked at Su Yan longingly.

Just as soon as his voice fell, a black light suddenly fell from the sky, directly cutting him in half.

Blood spilled all over the place, and a strong bloody breath spread out.

The faces of all the arrogances fell into a sluggishness in an instant.

So… suddenly?

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