Chapter 285 Heaven Demon Inheritance

Until Ling Xiao reached the top of the magic peak, he saw an ancient stone temple standing quietly.

The whole body of the stone hall is pitch black, with magic patterns lingering on it, revealing recklessness.

The endless magic light is like a cloud, covering the entire mountain.

At this time, the door of the temple was open, and there was a faint voice in it, as if it had come through the ages.


It’s this kind of voice again!

Ling Xiao’s face condensed. He went to the Four Desolations because he heard the call in the soul sea.

Could it be that it is another spirit treasure that the demon stayed in this world?

In the end, Ling Xiao stepped forward and walked towards the ancient temple.


But at the moment his figure plunged into the darkness, an indescribable terrifying trend suddenly enveloped him.

Even with Ling Xiao’s current spirit level, there is no room for resistance at all.

In the eyes, it was pitch black.

The endless darkness makes people unable to help but give birth to a trace of loneliness and despair.

What’s more, what surprised Ling Xiao was that at this time, his connection with the ancient tower of the Summoner was completely blocked by an unfamiliar and evil force.

“Is it an illusion? Or…this is the test of the demon?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised slightly, always feeling that this kind of treatment seemed to belong to the Son of Destiny?

Is it possible that as the more luck in his body, he actually began to have his own good fortune?


It wasn’t until there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance that Ling Xiao’s eyes quietly condensed, and the stars bloomed above his body, and a round of thunder sun slowly rose from the top of his head, but…

What made Ling Xiao feel terrified was that the light emitted by the thunder sun was swallowed by darkness in an instant, without illuminating a trace of light.

“What kind of power is this?”


The footsteps were not rushing nor slow, getting closer and closer, this kind of unknown fear made Ling Xiao a little unspeakable uneasy.

He is a taboo physique, but from Liang Yi’s attitude, he can also see a hint.

The real body of the demon was just a threshold for their approval from the old ministry of the demon.

And the inheritance in this relic is the key to becoming their new master.

In other words, this inheritance may not be as easy to obtain as imagined.

Once Ling Xiao fell, for Liang Yi, it was nothing more than… wait for it.

Until the sound of footsteps stopped in front of Ling Xiao, and outside the latter, the four Taoisms alternately glowed.

And the black shadow was silent for a long time, and finally seemed to let out a whisper.

Then, the darkness in Ling Xiao’s eyes became absolute.

For a moment, Ling Xiao thought he was blind!

“what happened!”

The devil qi surged out of the body instantly, and the real body of the demon displayed the ultimate.

But Ling Xiao still couldn’t see anything, only heard the black shadow walking away and finally disappearing.

“Is it a fantasy?”

Gradually, Ling Xiao began to relax, sitting cross-legged, trying to unlock this dark secret.

But when this kind of eternal darkness lasted for seven days, he finally began to feel a trace of fear in his heart.

Especially when there is no difference between opening and closing eyes, the single color really makes people feel endlessly depressed.

Later, Ling Xiao began to walk forward, aimlessly, but didn’t want to sit still.

If all this was just an illusion, why didn’t he feel a trace of fluctuations in the formation.

The so-called test is falling into darkness?

To die alone?

Will not.

As long as it is a game, there must be a break.

Otherwise, what Liang Yi is trying to do after waiting for a thousand years?

Time passed slowly, Ling Xiao didn’t know how long he had been away, one year, three years or ten years.

Until he was exhausted and exhausted, his figure finally fell to the ground.

In this weird world, there is no aura, no vitality, and even no wind.

Everything seems to be static, so… Maybe I want to be a part of it.

Ling Xiao lay on his back on the ground, clearly opening his eyes, but could only see…darkness.

This feeling is really irritating.

In the end, he closed his eyes, stopped struggling, no longer wanting, and no longer thinking about where this is.

Lonely, desperate, and even a little sad.

Unlike the splendor of the outside world, the time here is a heavy torture for any life.

Another ten years.

When Ling Xiao’s heart no longer has the slightest ripple, it is like a rock, lying quietly on the spot.

He just understood that whether it is an immortal or a demon, they all yearn for light.

No one naturally likes darkness.

All the creatures huddled in the darkness are forced to helplessly.

Like him, the difference between living and dying has long been indistinguishable.

Gradually, Ling Xiao’s body began to grow old, and death was spreading all over his body.

He seems to believe it, maybe this is where he belongs.

The figures of Nian Qingjun, parents, Ye Qingchan, Lin Meng and others passed by.

If they knew that I was dead, would they be sad?


Why should I die here?

Since the world is dark, why don’t I break it and reshape order?

For a moment, Ling Xiao suddenly felt a little clear in his heart.

From the journey to this point, although he is a villain, he has never experienced real life or death.

So much so that his state of mind has been meticulous and careful, but… less a real dominance!

He counts the man of destiny, plunders luck, but is cautious.

In other words, he never felt that he was the protagonist of this world.

Yes, he is not, but the demon is!

Ling Xiao seemed to understand.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked up at the sky.

The Primordial Demon was born at the beginning of Hongmeng, the first ray of darkness.

The coercion of the immortals, the hegemony of ancient times.

Although in the end, he died and died on the road against the heaven.

But from the beginning to the end, he controlled the order. When was it controlled?


I said, there must be light in this world! !


Suddenly, the whole world began to tremble and hum.

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky, where two rounds of blood moons began to rise, and finally surpassed the sky and the earth, like eyes, looking down at the people.

“It’s not a blood moon… these eyes…”

It seemed that something suddenly occurred to him. Before Ling Xiao coveted the only different color in the eternal darkness, his face suddenly changed.

“It’s the eyes of that magic shadow in the magic wall!!!”


The blood moon fell, piercing the loneliness of eternity.

Ling Xiao only felt a tingling in his eyes, and even the pupil of dying instinctively bloomed with golden light.

However, that blood-soaked moon didn’t mean to stop at all, and finally fell into the pupil and fell into Ling Xiao’s eyes.


The severe pain struck, Ling Xiao only felt that his eyes were about to break, an inexplicable fluctuation began to rise all over him.

He just stood there, but blended with the darkness around him!

The darkness in front of him gradually faded, and the confusion in Ling Xiao’s eyes disappeared completely until a familiar figure came to the end of his sight.

“Welcome my lord!”

Without any hesitation, this time, Liang Yi knelt directly in front of Ling Xiao.

“So… the inheritance is… the pupil of the demon? And… the dark rules of perfection?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled.

The darkness turns into my eyes, so I use it to look down on the light!


As soon as Ling Xiao’s eyes could reach, the originally ancient and dim ancient temple plunged into darkness in an instant.

Even Liang Yi stood there in horror at this time, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

“A glance is the boundary, the dark realm, is this… the power of the pupil of the demon?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth. Compared with the Pupil of Annihilation, the effect of the Demon Pupil on this day was obviously much greater.

In this dark realm, Ling Xiao is confident that even if he is a strong god, he can fight.


With Ling Xiao’s thoughts, she saw countless magical shadows suddenly transformed into the darkness, and instantly swept towards Liang Yi.

“Huh? Lord!!”

Liang Yi didn’t dare to hesitate at all, the evil dragon’s battle body instantly displayed, and he didn’t know when there was an extra black giant halberd in his hand, sweeping toward the quadrangle.

It’s just that when the black halberd in his hand hit the demon shadow, the latter suddenly disappeared, and Ling Xiao’s figure had already appeared behind him.

“Here, I am the master! Samsara…useless!”

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