Chapter 286: True Surrender


Liang Yi’s heart was cold, especially when he felt the cold breath on the magic blade beside his neck, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

At this time, he did not suppress the cultivation base, but still did not have a little room for resistance.

Here, he couldn’t see Ling Xiao at all, couldn’t feel his breath.

Even… the endless darkness made him feel a breath of despair.

“Dark realm, endless darkness, really is the pupil of the Lord’s demon.”

The corner of Liang Yi’s mouth gradually raised a smile.

He turned his head and looked at the space that clearly stood in front of him, but could not see anything.

“Lord, you can take my life, and the principle of reincarnation in my body is a congratulatory gift to welcome you back!”

“According to the tradition of my Heavenly Demon Temple, on the day of Daqing, you must celebrate with blood, come on! Lord! Kill me and sacrifice your return!”


The corner of Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, this evil dragon general… is really ruthless.

Thousands of years of reincarnation, just to wait for the return of the demon.

Now that he got the inheritance here, he was just…really dispelling all the worries in his heart.

Liang Yi when he first saw him, although he was respectful enough to himself, there was still a slight distance away.

This Heaven Demon inheritance is really a test.

It was not only a test of him as a reincarnation, but also a confirmation of his identity as a demon.

At this time, Liang Yi’s eyes were no longer half reserved, and he was sincere.

Such a general is my general, not… the general of the demon!

certainly! !

In this world chess game, no one can know who is the real chess player until the last moment.

At the beginning, the big demon Su, peeled off layer by layer, wasn’t it still a conspiracy after another?

As a traverser, the more this kind of character a thousand years ago, the less Ling Xiao dared to be careless.

They may be truly loyal, or they may have a mission.

Maybe… they didn’t even know they were in the game.

After all, the demon’s methods are beyond imagination.

After a thousand years of reincarnation, who knows oneself, is it a pawn laid by others?

Especially now that the true soul of the reincarnation of the gods has been replaced by himself, this secret is enough for Ling Xiao to be extremely cautious.

Liang Yi is a loyal general.

For what I use, it is natural to use it without doubt, but the precautions that should be provided can not be left behind.

In this way, there will be a day above the world!

I am not destined, and I am not protected.

I’m not ruthless, but I don’t dare to be emotional.

One day, maybe someone will break all the worries in my heart.

But now, everything is planned, only to be strong.

In the final analysis, strength is the foundation of controlling the situation.

If I stand on the top of the sky, in the four seas, I will all be brothers.

Those who are not my brother, punish him!


The order of the avenue is determined by me, and who can be protected by the way of heaven?

“What age are these now! Bad habits can’t be left! A loyal demon general like you is the backing of my Celestial Demon Temple’s re-emergence, but Liang Yi, can you tell me now about the other generals, right?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled lightly, as if speaking righteously.

Looking at the strength of this Liang Yi, he was actually only one of the nine generals. One can imagine how terrifying the remaining top combat power of the Heavenly Demon Palace should be.

With one of his assistance, Ling Xiao dared to kill the Holy Church and took the dog head of the Holy Church and Divine Lord!

“Lord, the subordinates have been guarding this world since the reincarnation. The news of other people is really unclear.”

Liang Yi shook his head, and the darkness in front of him gradually dissipated, revealing the old vicissitudes of life again.

“You said before that the descendant of the Heavenly Demon who appeared three hundred years ago was not a taboo physique? What’s the matter?”

This was what Ling Xiao really cared about, and it was also the reason why he had guarded against Liang Yi before.

Why did the descendant of the Heavenly Demon die, but Liang Yi didn’t?

Since it is the descendant of this world, it is impossible for the latter to not know, how could he just watch him fall into the hands of the holy religion?

“Actually… the subordinates are not very sure, but he did not appear in Eastern Xinjiang. What I saw when I burned the cultivation base and sealed the cycle of reincarnation is that you will be born in the land of Eastern Xinjiang. According to my guess, maybe it just got a part of your Primordial Demon Body and merged it into your own body.”

Liang Yi frowned slightly. When that taboo physique appeared that year, it happened that he was about to enter reincarnation.

Although he had seen the man from a distance, he felt a different breath in him.

When he came back, he heard that the demon body had been wiped out by the holy church that day, and peace was restored in the world.

“It turned out to be like this. So, maybe there is a remains of a heavenly demon in the holy religion?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, a pair of pupils of the heavenly devil greatly improved his strength.

Obviously, his real body of the Heavenly Demon must fit the Primordial Demon Body that was left behind by the Heavenly Demon in order to exert its true strength.


If the Demon Soul is broken today, does he still have a chance to…reincarnate again?

“It should be, but the lord… the origin of the holy religion is mysterious. According to my guess, it should be the power of the upper realm. The cultivation base of the god lord is afraid…”

“I understand, when is your next reincarnation?”

Ling Xiao looked at Liang Yi. The evil dragon general used the bloodline as a curse to find the reincarnation of the demon. Such a general would naturally become the sharpest and most reliable blade in his hand.

Now that he is inherited and passed the test, this Liang Yi will inevitably follow him faithfully.

Is there a way to help him break the blood curse and get out of this cycle?

Otherwise, after a hundred years of reincarnation, his Tao will not be able to step out of this world after all.

“There are still thirty years… Lord, don’t worry, no matter how many reincarnations are, I will find you.”

Liang Yi took a deep breath and looked a little lonely.

Thirty years?

Ling Xiao nodded, and now he felt more and more that there must be some connection between this nine demon generals and his nine ranks.

And as long as his demonic body makes a breakthrough, perhaps the secret will be revealed.

At that time, this blood curse may not be inevitable!

Of course, if you can’t solve it…


Will be able to kill the enemy, Fang can… call it a general.

What did you say?

I’m ruthless, I’m cruel, I’m cruel?

Yes, I don’t want to refute at all.

“Oh, you also arranged Xingzu here?”

“Yes! Lord, in this secret realm, except for the Huo clan, they are all my dark children. That Huo clan… is the follower who followed the ancient emperor Tianyan in the first place. They take root here and vowed to guard the legacy of that ancient emperor.”

Liang Yi smiled contemptuously. The layout is naturally true and false, which is unpredictable.

As long as the situation is under my control, nothing will happen.

“The cultivation base of Master Taixuan…”

“Nine-Rank Divine Emperor, Lord, in this holy state, Dao is suppressed. It is as difficult as climbing to the heavens if you want to step out of the venerable state.”

Liang Yi gave a wry smile, but Ling Xiao nodded slightly.

“Well, you go and guard the secret realm entrance and leave the rest to me.”

Now that the demon is good for this day, it is time to harvest those little leeks.

Who should start?

Ling Tian? Xia Chen? Su Yan? Or Lin Xi?

Calculate the time, should Bai Ling come back?

“Yes! Oh, by the way, Lord… There is another secret about the pupil of the demon…”

Liang Yi bowed his head, suddenly thought of something, and looked up at Ling Xiaodao earnestly.

“Huh? What’s the secret?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

“The pupil of the heavenly demon, now you are afraid that you can only use the first level of domain, the dark domain, but I heard from the Lord at the beginning that at the end of the predicament, the immortals were conquered, and the creatures were frustrated. The second domain, the blood moon forbidden domain… It is said that the forbidden domain can evolve into six realms, making people sink into endless illusions, and… the Lord once said that the final form of the pupil of the heavenly demon is the extinction of the world, and the sky can be sealed at a glance… just I don’t know how to practice.”

Liang Yi smiled apologetically, finally bowed and turned away.

As for what the Lord plans to do next…

Hehe, in my back garden, the Lord is naturally… whoever wants to play.

As long as he guards the entrance, no one inside can escape.

It wasn’t until Liang Yi’s figure disappeared that Ling Xiao’s face showed a touch of coldness.

Blood Moon Forbidden Domain? Derivation of the Six Paths?

Pupil of Extinction? At first glance?

It’s getting more and more interesting.

At this time, the Xing Clan’s holy mountain was already deserted.

I saw a petite figure in black clothes standing in the distance with a groan, with a slight irritation on his fair and pretty face.

“I said, Ling Xiao is my brother, you still don’t let me go up, and my brother will come later, let’s see how he cleans up you.”

Bai Ling snorted coldly, pouting his mouth, and looked angry.

Since leaving Lin Xi, she has been inquiring about Ling Xiao all the way, and hurried over after knowing that he was here.

Who knows, this mountain actually guards two god emperors and several god kings.

Even with her means, they couldn’t avoid their blockade at all.

However, what surprised her even more was that these people in front of her seemed to be in awe of Brother Ling Xiao.

Opening your mouth and closing your mouth is Master Ling Xiao, Young Master Ling Xiao’s.

You know, her master, who kills gods like gods in her eyes, is only in the realm of god emperors.

But Brother Ling Xiao…

Inexplicably, she felt proud to have such a brother.

At least in the future, if anyone dares to provoke her, his brother will definitely make him bruised and swollen, right?

Although Master treats himself very well, he is too harsh on weekdays.

After all, Bai Ling was only fourteen or five years old, and what he wanted in his heart was to be loved.

“Does Young Master Ling Xiao have a younger sister? Why haven’t I heard of it, little girl, I advise you to leave quickly, no matter what your purpose is, if Young Master comes out later, you may not be able to leave.”

Xing Shen smiled indifferently, this girl, cute is cute, can kill people with that boy’s temper, but has never been weak.

“Hmph, wait and see!!”

At the moment when Bai Ling’s voice fell, a figure suddenly swept over the mountain top in the distance.

The white-clothed star pupils, on a handsome and calm face, faintly carried a gentle smile.

“Brother Ling Xiao!!”

Seeing the incoming person, Bai Lingqiao’s face suddenly raised a touch of excitement, and it turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Ling Xiao angrily.

“Huh? Young Master, be careful!!”

The complexion of Ye Shen and the others changed drastically in an instant, but when they were using their spiritual power to stop Bai Ling, they saw the indifferent and arrogant young master, suddenly stretched out their hands and hugged the small figure. Into the arms.


Just… Suddenly, Ye Shen and others suddenly felt cold in their hearts. They even thought about what taste the son would like to eat tonight!

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