Chapter 284

Here, Bai Ling left the ancient forest and stood on a towering old tree, tears shining in his beautiful eyes.

Brother, I did not expect that I had been looking forward to it for seven years.

In the end, I saw a…you who was taken away.

Don’t worry, when I repay Brother Ling Xiao’s kindness, I will definitely avenge you personally.

Also, since you entrusted me to Brother Ling Xiao, from today onwards, I will regard him as a brother and give him all my love for you!


In the center of the secret realm, above the sky.

An inexplicable smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face again, and the powerful Jiao tribe around him suddenly trembled, and the coldness in his heart became more intense.

“Is it so fast?”

At this time, he could hear the dizzying sounds coming from the system, especially the last one, “Di, the Son of Destiny sent his sister to death, his luck has been lost, and he can get extra rewards for killing!”

Ling Xiao laughed in an instant, and Ye Shen and the others almost killed themselves on the spot.

too terrifying!

People in the world often say that companionship is like companionship to tiger. This companionship to Young Master Lingxiao is like… companionship to death!

“Young Master…Xing Clan… here.”

Ye Shen slapped Ye Lang’s elbow, and the latter stepped forward with some embarrassment, walked to Ling Xiao’s side, and said in a low voice.


Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the mountain not far away, his eyes condensed slightly.

At this moment, under that mountain peak, countless people gathered, many of them were the devilish Tianjiao who can be named in the east.

It’s just that Ling Xiao was a little surprised that the magic light on the mountain peak had already enveloped a hundred miles of land, but… this group of Dongjiang Tianjiao, but no one set foot.

“This old man, you said wait a minute. We have been waiting for two days at this time. When will we be able to reach the top?”

In front of the crowd, a handsome and cold-looking young man stood with his hands behind his hands and shouted coldly.

Behind him, there are still a few young Tianjiao youths who are not weak in breath.

“Let you wait, you will wait, where is so much nonsense.”

In front of everyone, an old man in a black robe swept across the crowd coldly, with a trace of unquestionable majesty in his tone, and he was actually a strong god emperor.

“Hmph, before we entered the secret realm, the Supreme Profound Dao master once confessed that you, the bereaved of the realm, the strong should not intervene in the experience, what, is the old man planning to break the rules?”

The handsome young man smiled indifferently and turned to look at the people behind him, “Dear fellow Taoists, what do you think?”

“Master Hao Jian’s words are reasonable, even if we go up, don’t this god emperor dare to make a move against us?”

Tianjiao suddenly responded.

Just about this, the god emperor powerhouse only shook his head and smiled, his palm suddenly stretched out, and he slammed it down. There was a general momentum across his body that smashed the world, and the horrified people turned pale, and they backed away.

And Hao Jian’s figure flew out directly, his entire head almost inserted into the ground.

“I can’t kill you, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t run you over. If I have the courage, I will break through. Since this ruin is in my criminal clan, when it is opened and when it is closed, naturally my criminal clan has the final say.”

“Oh? So domineering? What if I have to go up?”

But at the moment that the old man’s voice fell, a faint laughter suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

Immediately everyone saw that an elegant white figure fell from the sky and landed in front of the old man.

At the same time, a series of scary figures swept over and stood quietly behind the young man.

“Gan!! It’s Young Master Lingxiao!”

“As expected to be Young Master Ling Xiao, even the Emperor of God doesn’t pay attention to it!”

“But… who are the few people standing behind him? Why are their auras so powerful?”

Many Dongjiang Tianjiao’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

Didn’t Taixuan Taoist say that it is not allowed to bring strong people into the secret realm?

Why is there so many powerful monks behind Ling Xiao…?


The cliff is a conspiracy!


Questioning him now, will he be silenced?

“Huh? It turned out to be Young Master Ling Xiao.”

What is even more puzzling is that seeing Ling Xiao at this time, the Xing Clan god emperor didn’t even have the slightest intention of being angry, and even bowed his body!

“Ling Xiao? Who is Ling Xiao? How does this name sound like a person?”

Ye Zhan Ye Lang glanced at each other, all seeing the doubt in the other’s eyes?

Could it be that this is the pseudonym used by the young master to walk outside?

It must be! !

A low-key person like Young Master, who even visits the Jiao Clan in private visits through micro-services, how can he show off his identity as a mighty dragon to others?

Little Lord!

Low-key! !

“Huh? You know me?”

Ling Xiao’s face also showed a slight hesitation.

Is my handsome name already written on my face?

Otherwise, why did this surviving god emperor of the secret realm bow down to me?

“The lord of the Xing Clan has a deep punishment. He has been waiting for the son for a long time, please, the son, the ruins are on the top of the magic mountain.”

Xing Shen stepped aside and shouted.


Hearing that, all the faces of Dongjiang Tianjiao were surprised.

Especially that Hao Jian, his face was even more hideous in an instant.


Dare to love this ruin, opened for Ling Xiao alone?

Ling Xiao!

You are overbearing!

You are merciless!

You… deceive people too much!


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, only to understand the whole story in a flash.

I’m afraid it was this Xing Clan who was arranged by Daoxuan Daozi here to guard the inheritance of the demon that day.

“Thanks a lot.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled and raised his foot towards Yuanfeng. The rest of the Dongjiang Tianjiao stood in place with dull eyes, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this moment, Hao Jian actually took steps and followed Ling Xiao.

“Except for Young Master Ling Xiao, whoever is going to die.”

Xing Shen said coldly, and Hao Jian’s face flashed with gloom in an instant.

“Why? Why can he not be able to go to us? The Master of the Supreme Profound Dao can say, this secret realm of good fortune can get it, we…”

“Oh? Listen to what you mean, do you think you are better than me?”

Ling Xiao stopped and turned to look at the young man who knew nothing about life and death, “Do you think so too?”

“Uh, son, I think…”

Just when one of the ancient Tianjiao wearing ink clothes was about to open his mouth, he saw Ling Xiao’s fingers stick out suddenly, and everyone saw that Hao Jian, who was still arrogant and domineering, suddenly split from it. Sprinkle all over the place.

“What did you just say? What do you think?”

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the ink-clothed youth in front of the dull man.

“I think! For ruins like this, the son should be left alone. With the strength of those of us, entering is also going to die. The son’s move is really righteous. This is saving me waiting for the dog’s life!!!”

After the Moyi youth finished speaking, he knelt on the ground with a plop and knocked his head twice.

“My life-saving grace is unforgettable! Son in the future will be my reborn parents!”


All the Tianjiao looked at the young Tianjiao who had knelt on the ground for a long time and had not got up for a long time.

Are you… a real dog!

But when I felt Ling Xiao’s eyes, the people who were originally angry all knelt to the ground and shouted, “My son is righteous!!”

“Oh, you can understand my good intentions, I am very pleased, everyone, don’t be afraid, I am not a good person.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and walked slowly towards the top of the peak, leaving behind a crowd of arrogant and enchanting evildoers, not daring to say anything more.

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