Chapter 274

Locked in the abyss.

The silhouettes of Ling Xiao and Ye Shen kept falling until they reached a depth of ten thousand meters before they saw the flickering light below.

“Are you here?”

Ling Xiao’s face condensed, and the emperor’s robe suddenly burst into stars, reflecting the land in a radius of a hundred miles.

In the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed.

At his feet, the shimmering glow was actually a group of underworld fires, and the earth not far away was pale.

One after another, hundreds of feet of bones were spilled on the ground, like purgatory.

“So many Jiao Clan died?”

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky, looking at the dead bones on the ground, his heart was a little shocked.

It is indeed a hiding place for the Great Demon, these Jiao tribes obviously did not fall to death.

After all, this abyss is deep, but anyone who breaks the illusion can easily get out, how can these dragons be really locked?

But… who is it?

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the depths of the Demon Abyss.

At the end of the line of sight, a tall ancient stone gate stood quietly.

The runes are carved on it, as painted by a ghost, and the color is red, as if dried up blood, indescribable evil and weird.

“The demon is probably behind this stone gate.”

Ling Xiao shook his palm abruptly, and Si Xie appeared in his hand instantly, then turned his head and winked at Ye Chan.

The latter swallowed immediately and raised his foot and walked towards the Shimen.


At this moment, the originally closed stone gate suddenly opened on its own, revealing a long dark road that seemed to lead to the underworld.


Ye Shen’s figure trembled, even if his cultivation had reached the emperor realm, he still felt…horrified at this time.

It’s weird!

Although this Demon Abyss had existed for thousands of years, it was the first time he had come down.

Moreover, walking alone on the ground with dry bones, the broken sound from under his feet was like a great devil’s babbling, which made people want to escape from here.

“Let’s go, brother Ye, everyone has opened the door to greet us. I’m leaving now, I’m afraid I will be laughed at.”

Ling Xiao sneered, holding the ancient sword, and walked toward the door first.

He wanted to see which monster it was that he dared to bluff and bluff in front of him.

My majestic Tianlong, is it a vain name?

“Young Master!!! Really… do you want to go in?”

Ye Shen took a deep breath, but Ling Xiao didn’t pay attention to him anymore. He stepped out and disappeared instantly.

“Huh? Young Master!!!”

In the end, Ye Shen hesitated again and again, but still chased after him.

“this is…”

At this time, Ling Xiao stepped into the stone path, only feeling the changes in the foreground of his eyes, the heavens and the earth began to become clear, and the shadows passing by him were all people he knew well.

Ling Tianlin and Xuanyuanyue held the baby in their arms, standing in the temple, their expressions were joyful.

Only in the next moment, I saw magic light on the baby’s body, and the whole hall was flooded in an instant.

The screen flashed, Ling Xiao looked at a spiteful face in front of him, and saw that Ling Tian was tied to the bed by Xuanyuanyue, a sharp blade in his hand flickered with cold light.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Tian’s screams of despair and horror resounded immediately.

Ling Xiao seemed to be an outsider, staring coldly at the foreground object like a glimpse of light, fleeting.

Soon, he stood in front of the Temple of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Paths again, watching the enemies reach out to give him spiritual treasures, and publicly announced that he was the young master of the Demon Sect, attracting adoration.

In the end, Ling Xiao’s sight was frozen in chaos.

There seems to be a space barrier between the Four Desolations and the Holy State.

The original Ling Xiao, probably also at that time, completely ended his life.

This feeling is somewhat familiar.

Ling Xiao stopped and pondered. Didn’t he also experience such an illusion when he was on the top of the Enlightenment Mountain that day, watching the invisible jade wall?

Is it?

In just an instant, there was a bright thunder in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and the ancient sword in his hand slashed out in anger without hesitation.

The three ways of thunder, wind, and sword converged with one sword, and directly smashed the void into pieces, revealing the light that followed.

“this is…”

When the light dissipated, a magnificent ancient temple suddenly appeared in front of you.

Among them, the golden pillar stands tall and the long dragon entangles, revealing the supreme majesty.

And in the direction of the center of the hall, a slightly thin figure stood with its hands behind it, facing him at this moment, with a…unspeakable vicissitudes of life lingering around his body.

He stood there, as if waiting for a thousand years!

“Who are you?”

“You came.”

The figure in black slowly turned his head, revealing those dim eyes.

“It’s you!!!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes widened and suddenly felt an indescribable absurdity.

He guessed that there was a problem with Taixuan Dao Sect, and he also guessed that the identity of the Dao Zi in front of him would not be simple.

But he really didn’t expect that the great demon hidden in this Jiao Clan was actually him! !

The illusion in the stone path just now is actually…reincarnation?

Therefore, it is not the Taixuan Dao master that Taixuan Dao Sect can really see the past and this life, but this Dao Zi? !

But… who is he?

Why are you here again…waiting for yourself?

Did he see… the devilish energy in himself?

“You seem to be… surprised?”

The corner of Taixuan Daozi’s mouth raised a smile, and those dull eyes looked at Ling Xiao calmly.

“Who are you?”

Ling Xiao sighed softly, his face already calmed down.

No matter who this Taixuan Daozi is, he will undoubtedly die today.


Ling Xiao actually asked Duan Ying to pretend to be a demon and kill people.

Since he was here, he must have killed all those Jiao Clan.

Such cruel methods and weird layouts are not something a decent person can do.

But in this way, it saves a lot of things.

As long as he is pinched to death in the Demon Abyss today, this killing game against Taixuan Dao Sect will truly become perfect.

“Who am I…it doesn’t matter, what matters is, who are you?”

Taixuan Daozi smiled indifferently, and there was no aura from his body, but the sense of desolation was unreasonably scary.

“Who am I? Lao Tzu Ling Xiao, someone in Shengzhou doesn’t know?”

Ling Xiao sneered, his body was shining with thunder, and he looked like someone else.

“Arrogant, overbearing, and cruel, but the Taoist couple looks different to the relatives around him, Young Master Ling Xiao, which of these two is the real you?”

Taixuan Daozi shook his head and smiled, not at all surprised by Ling Xiao’s dominance.

“Really me?”

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt an inexplicable dignity.

So calm!

This Taixuan Daozi was too calm from beginning to end.

Calm as if everything were under his control.

And this feeling was something Ling Xiao had never felt before facing Ling Tianlin or even Taixuan Dao Master.

Could it be… a holy person?

Above the ancient sword, a faint light began to bloom.

At this moment, Ling Xiao didn’t care who this Taixuan Daozi was, just wanted to… remove this threat as soon as possible.

“Innocent, ready to fight.”

That night, I don’t know where Taixuan Daozi got it, but no matter how high this Daozi is, I’m afraid I don’t know all the secrets about him, right?

“Why don’t we be more honest?”

But just as Ling Xiao’s heart was pondering, he saw that Taixuan Daozi stepped forward, and suddenly a surging sea burst out over his body…

Devilish! ! ! !

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