Chapter 273


Ye Shen was resistant in his heart, but when the words came to his lips, all that was left was obedience.

He probably didn’t know where his courage came from, so he took Ling Xiao and walked to the center of the Jiao Clan, in front of a dark ancient temple.

The hall in front of him was obviously different from the surrounding ancient halls, and the whole body exuded a cold and evil aura.

There seems to be a flash of Dao pattern on it, which contains the power of sealing.

“Huh? It’s really strange.”

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the black hall that was as high as one hundred feet, a touch of joy filled his eyebrows.

Now the combat power in his hands, Jiuyou, Duanying, and Wuyi are in the realm of the god king.

The ancestor of the Jiao Clan was at the level of a god emperor.

These four people can be regarded as all the powerhouses he can take out.

But these four people are obviously far from enough if they want to compete against the Holy Religion.

Although Ling Tian, ​​Ye Qingchan and others are extremely talented, they still need time to grow.

Therefore, what Ling Xiao has to do now is to accumulate strength as much as possible.

If there really is a peerless fierce demon in this Demon Abyss, it will naturally be a threat to the world.

But those who are enemies of the world are not our good friends.

No matter how bad, he still has 10,000 ways to get away, and the danger is too exaggerated.

“Young Master…This Locking Flood Gate has always been the place where the most sinful people of our Jiao Clan deal with it, you…”

“Haha, did my brother ever think about punishing the same clan, why do we need to enter the Demon Abyss? Maybe the person who makes these rules has a problem in itself.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the three big characters written by Long Feifengwu in the middle of the black hall.

Suo Jiao Yuan!

It’s just that above these three characters, instead of half a demon, it’s filled with a sense of grandeur.

Is this something demon can do?

This is obviously done by humans!

“It made the rules…”

Suddenly, a daze flashed across the face of the ancestor of the Jiao Clan.

Who made this rule?

He didn’t remember it for a while!

It shouldn’t be. There are only three generations of the Jiao Clan in his generation. Although it is a bit old, it is not enough to make him forget where he came from.

Could it be that there is really a ghost?

“Yelang, starting today, you are the master of the Jiao Clan, young master, please.”

Ye Shen hesitated for a moment, and finally explained the funeral earlier.

Once there is danger in this abyss, he desperately wants to protect the young master.

In this line, he is at risk of falling.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, did not say any more nonsense, directly pushed open the black palace door, raised his foot and walked in.


The weird and gloomy aura, accompanied by a breath of blood that seemed to come from the past, instantly greeted him.

Ye Shen’s complexion changed, his eyes revealed fear, but in the end he raised his foot and walked to Ling Xiao’s body.

“Young Master, follow me.”

The two of them walked all the way, until they reached the depths of the ancient temple, their pace did not slow down.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Ling Xiao was a dark monster abyss.

The black mist lingers in it, like a demon’s presence.

“This is the lock-flood abyss of our clan, and the people who are usually sinful and sinful are thrown into the abyss. For hundreds of years, no one has been able to get out again.”

Ye Shen took a deep breath, the spiritual glow outside his body was shining, which was obviously quite taboo.

“Interesting, let’s go brother, let’s go down and see, what kind of monster is hiding here.”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and stepped into the abyss. Behind him, Ye Shen gritted his teeth fiercely. In the end, he didn’t dare to hesitate for a while, and followed Ling Xiao to the bottom of the abyss.

For some reason, since coming to the Jiao Clan, he has always had a hunch that there are some answers he wants in this Demon Abyss.

at the same time.

Outside the secret realm, Zhou Yang, a heir of the Zhou family, looked at a black figure above his head coldly, with a hint of guard in his eyes.

“Who are you?”

Next to Zhou Yang, there were several ancient Tianjiao standing, with some surprise on their faces at this time.

In this secret realm, there are people who dare to stop them!

Although the mysterious young man in front of him was wearing a mask, he did not conceal the murderous intent between his brows.

Not Ling Xiao, not Xia Chen, nor the young master of the ancient puppet sect.

But this Dongjiang, how many people dare to be an enemy of Zhou Yang?

“The one who wants your life.”

The black-clothed youth smiled indifferently, and the figure disappeared directly, and when it reappeared, it was already in the crowd.

“Huh? Damn!!! Let’s do it together!”

Feeling the terrifying aura surging outside the figure, the faces of the ancient Tianjiao instantly changed.

And Zhou Yang was not ashamed of being a descendant of the big family. Although his face was a little gloomy at this time, he didn’t see the slightest panic.

I saw outside of him, the monstrous spiritual light gradually surging, the palm of his hand was suddenly printed, and he took the veil of the black figure’s face.

He wants to see who it is and dare to threaten to kill him.


The harsh buzzing sound resounded across the sky, but Zhou Yang’s palm failed to touch the black shadow at all.

Looking down at the black dagger stuck in his heart, the expression on Zhou Yang’s face gradually solidified.

how is this possible?

How could it be so strong?

He didn’t even see how he made the move. The battle was over?

The wind blew, lifting the corner of the black shadow veil.

Zhou Yang’s sluggish face instantly showed a frightening shock!

“Yes… it’s you!!”

In the distant sky, Tianjiao gradually stopped, looking towards this place.

Just waiting to see the slaughtered party, immediately turned his head and swept away towards the sky.


The figure in black killed even the descendants of the Zhou clan. Wouldn’t they be looking for death if they stay here again?

It’s just that they didn’t wait for them to run far, but suddenly there was an ear-splitting exclamation behind them.

“Tao Xuan Daozi!!! It turned out to be you!!!”

The boundless devilish energy began to spread, covering the entire sky in an instant.

And those Tianjiao evildoers who escaped only heard the screams coming from behind them, and their hearts were already cold.

Taixuan… Daozi? !

Was Tai Xuan Daozi the one who killed Zhou Yang just now? !

But… how is it possible?

That breath is clearly mixed with endless magic?

Could it be…

Many people just feel a coolness rising from the soles of their feet, directly on top of their heads.

It turns out that this Fang Yin Shiguzong was actually founded by the Great Demon? !

It turns out that all of this is a scam!

No wonder! !

No wonder Dongjiang Tianjiao, whoever enters this secret realm, will eventually be able to go out of only a few people.

It turned out that they didn’t fall into the ruins, but were killed by the Taixuan Daozi!

Suddenly, many Tianjiao changed directions and began to flee towards the entrance of the ruins.

At this time, they only hoped that this trip to the secret realm could end as soon as possible. As for the hidden fairy treasures… it was not worth mentioning.

Can it live, isn’t it fragrant?

I hope that Taixuan Daozi didn’t see them, leaving them a dead end!

But… this wish seems too extravagant!

Standing on the top of the sky, the double shadow looked at the several figures that had fled in all directions, suddenly a beautiful smile appeared on the original indifferent face.

A descendant of the ancient tribe?

Bulk evildoer?

It’s really boring to kill.

I wonder how the Lord compares with them…

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