Chapter 275

“You really are a demon!!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and the corner of her mouth suddenly raised a sneer.

Be honest?

If I show my real body, I’m afraid you will be able to kneel in fear when I stay where I am?

Honesty is fine, but are you worthy?

“Isn’t the son? Otherwise, what do you think made us meet?”

Taixuan Daozi came slowly, and with every step he took, the aura on his body became stronger.

Until he reached the land three feet in front of Ling Xiao, his realm had reached the level of the gods.

At the same time, on his whole body, a series of dragon scales shone with black light, revealing a sense of indestructibility.

And his whole body has long been unable to see the human form, like a human-shaped beast, even the dim eyes of the original, have turned into a touch of golden color!

It’s just…different from human eyes, that golden pupil turned out to be a vertical pupil! !

It turns out that this is why you are blocking your eyes!

“Evil Dragon Battle Body? As expected, you… swallowed those Jiao Clan!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but at this moment he did not move rashly.

All monsters would surrender when they saw the heavenly demons, but this Taixuan Daozi was really weird.

He seemed to know his identity, but he didn’t seem to know.

Therefore, Ling Xiao was weighing whether to kill or… give him a try.

“I swallowed them? I raised them here for the purpose of healing, but I didn’t expect this clan to be so incompetent. For hundreds of years, there hasn’t been an ancestral bloodline born!”

Taixuan Daozi smiled contemptuously, and on a face covered with scales, there was an extremely fierce gleam.

“You are so confident that you can kill me here? Are you not afraid of being killed by me, or escaped by me, revealing the secrets of your Taixuan Dao Sect?”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, and sure enough, all the villains died of Tuo Da.

If this Taixuan Daozi was more cautious, and secretly attacked…Ling Xiao might not be able to die.

But it is more threatening than directly exposing identity as it is now.

Just…for hundreds of years?

no surprise!

This Taixuan Daozi is a person of reincarnation!

“In this forbidden domain of reincarnation, no one can descend, neither the god king nor the god emperor. I have determined that there are two people in this world, and there will always be only two of us.”

Taixuan Daozi didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all, just like a cat playing with a mouse, enjoying the change of expression on Ling Xiao’s face.

“Huh? Reincarnation forbidden domain?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he looked up at the ancient temple in front of him, and he saw some weird fluctuations as expected.

I don’t know, can this world be broken by the power of the Boundary Breaking Talisman?

“Master Ling Xiao, let me see…your real strength, right?”

Taixuan Daozi still just sneered, looking at Ling Xiao calmly.

“Innocent, come out.”

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t believe all of what he said, but communicated with the ancient tower of the town of Mogu, trying to call the demon monk here.


What surprised him a bit was that he did feel the aura of Sinlessness right beside him, but there was no one in front of him.

Samsara Road is really weird and tyrannical.

“Here, no one can help you. Come on, show me that I can suppress the realm at the destructive level. As long as you can defeat me, I will tell you everything you want to know.”

Taixuan Daozi tilted his head and glanced in the distance, the corners of his mouth smiled thicker.

“Suppression is at the breaking level?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place, “This is what you said!”


In an instant, I saw Taixuan Daozi’s head, a terrifying thunder sun instantly condensed, and fell towards the latter.

The Tao of Consummation is naturally unmatched.

Above the thunder day, thunder patterns flickered, reflecting on the sky, as if to suppress all evil in the world.

That kind of scent of radiant yang makes this forbidden domain of reincarnation full of waves.

The thunder light was dazzling, crushing the void and crashing down.

But at this time, the Taixuan Daozi only shook his head and smiled, and a pair of densely covered dragon scale palms came out calmly, and he grabbed directly towards that Thunder Sun.

In his hands, a strange force quietly bloomed, evolving the mountains, rivers, and the sun, and the heavens and the earth were mysterious and yellow.

It seems that the whole world is nothing but a plaything in his hands.


The power of the two Taoisms collided, and then Ling Xiao saw with shocking eyes, that Baizhang Lei Ri unexpectedly began to shrink and shrink, and finally turned into a grain of rice millet, crushed by the Taixuan Taoist in his hands.

“This kind of power is… useless to me!”

“Is it?!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and his heart was also a little serious.

This Taixuan Daozi is considered the strongest opponent he has encountered so far.

Compared with him, Lin Xi, Xia Chen and the like really seemed…a little immature.

“Then you try this again!”

Ling Xiao gave a soft drink, and over the ancient sword in his hand, the monstrous demon energy was surging, and it seemed to contain the ultimate fierceness.

The sky is full of sword lights and shadows, like the wind, indescribably light and ethereal, but incomparably mysterious.

“The two principles are a bit interesting.”

Tai Xuan Daozi smiled indifferently, still just sticking out a palm, and holding it towards the sword light.


The weird rubbing sound resounded instantly, and the aura shattered on the clutches of the Daozi, and the Dao collapsed.


Ling Xiao’s offensive still failed to break through his external defenses!

“It’s this time!”

Just when Taixuan Daozi showed contempt, Ling Xiao suddenly had a bright soul in his eyes, which turned into a void palm print directly in front of him, and crashed down.

“The Great Desolate Prisoner Heaven Seal!”


The endless soul glow filled with the sea, and instantly annihilated the entire forbidden area.

Ling Xiao’s figure stood in the air, looking coldly at the place where the soul mark fell, and there was no trace of joy in his eyes.

He could feel that Taixuan Daozi was not dead, and even the aura on his body had become more tyrannical.

Damn it!

This evil dragon fighting body is so tyrannical?

“Spiritual, not bad, better than I thought, but it’s still not enough.”

The boundless soul light gradually dissipated, revealing a dark figure in it.

At this moment, the Taixuan Daozi suddenly stretched out the black bone spurs, his original hideous appearance became more and more terrifying.

A breath of evil to yin, quietly enveloped the world, making people unable to help but give birth to a trace of panic.

Compared with Miyong, even double shadow, Wuyi, this big demon in front of him is the real evil and strange horror!

“You can force me to display the second form, in the midst of breaking the delusion, you are the best, but… still can’t.”

Taixuan Daozi shook his head calmly, his eyes full of provocation.

“Really? Who told you that I’m in a state of breaking delusion?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a touch of playfulness, and the breath of the gods finally released without reservation.

“You try to pick me up again!!”

The Primordial Demon Blade appeared out of thin air, the thunder glow instantly bloomed, and the Wuxi Sword burst into prosperity.

Ling Xiao slashed out, and the world was silent, only hearing the wind.

And that sword intent, like a wave, is endless and endless.

The world began to fall, and the power of the forbidden domain gradually collapsed.

Facing this sword that contained destruction, Tai Xuan Daozi finally had a touch of solemnity in his eyes.

“The realm of the gods, the four principles, is this your true strength? It really is hidden deep enough!”

Taixuan Daozi chuckled.

In the next instant, the palm of his hand was suddenly squeezed, and in the direction behind him, a dark magical figure suddenly appeared, the head of the dragon, holding a giant halberd.

In an instant, the world was overshadowed, and everything was silent.

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