Chapter 270

The demon beast, swallowing the essence of the sun and moon, taking in the mountains and lakes of the rivers and seas, has gone through thousands of calamities before proving the Dao.

Therefore, in the same realm, the monster clan’s combat power tends to be stronger.

only! !

Similar to the human race, he is extremely talented, and with his luck, he can step into the heavens and the earth without any leave.

But regardless of identity and background, in a realm, although Lingbao Dao Fa is an external force, it also determines the level of combat power to a certain extent.

And the monster beast has an insurmountable shackle.

That is the blood!

The blood is strong, the stronger the awakening supernatural powers.

Even some prehistoric alien species can crush countless races with a single blood pressure.

This kind of blood is not incapable of killing, but it is also frightening, so that it is restrained and dare not move.

Especially among the same clan, the more noble and ancient the bloodline, the more obvious the suppression of the same kind.

For example, at this time, the ancestor of the Jiao Clan was already a strong god emperor, but when he saw that drop of golden blood, he felt his heart trembled, his legs were soft, and he almost fell to his knees.

As for the remaining gods and gods, they squatted on the ground without hesitation, trembling all over, and even their breathing became humble.

The blood of the real dragon! ! !

This is the treasure that can fundamentally change the bloodline of the Jiao Clan!

Even in the eyes of these Jiao Clan, heaven and earth Wanbao are not as precious as this drop of blood! !


No one doubted Ling Xiao’s identity anymore.

After all, that kind of shudder from the soul can’t deceive people!

This is a drop of real dragon blood!

Moreover, it is the oldest and most noble dragon clan, the heavenly power that has just been contained! !


Ye Lang looked blank, instinctively opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of golden blood into his mouth.

In the next instant, the wind and clouds over the Jiao Clan changed suddenly, and faint thunderclouds gathered, squeezing thousands of miles of rivers.

“It’s Thunder Tribulation, look, it’s Thunder Tribulation!!!”

The entire Jiao Clan began to cheer.

Outside Ye Lang, the monstrous demon energy rushed across the sky, faintly turning into a black dragon shadow, his head up and hissing, shocking thousands of miles.

And in that roar, a real dragon’s might rolled away, and the crowd of people from the Jiao tribe who were pressing down lowered their heads, urinating violently, and their whole bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

“It’s a dragon!! It’s a dragon!! This is the real Longwei!! It’s Longwei!!!”

Ye Shen was excited with tears and his eyes were obsessed.

He regrets it! !

If he didn’t retreat and met the young master of the mighty Tianlong clan first, shouldn’t this opportunity belong to him?

So whether it is a human or a demon, you should go out more.

What chance can you encounter if you are bored in the nest all day?


The sky full of thunder light fell from the sky, slammed on Ye Lang’s body, and instantly shattered his flesh and skin.

Only at this time, there was no pain and panic in his eyes, but there was a strong sense of warfare in his eyes.

“Lao Tzu is a real dragon, how can God’s Tribulation be able to withstand me!!!”

Ye Lang’s footsteps suddenly stepped on, and the whole person suddenly rose into the air, and instantly turned into a huge shape.

In the middle of his head, a black dragon scale suddenly appeared, and the breath exuding from it caused the world to tremble for a moment.

“This Yelang bloodline is stronger than other Jiao Clan.”

A thought flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes. He really did not expect that a mere drop of dragon blood could make this Yelang break through the gods and step into the realm of the gods.

Even more unexpectedly, the blood of this dragon clan was so humble, a drop of blood would make them completely surrender.

If he had known this before, why would he bother and ride directly on Huahua, who would dare not accept it?

As for why Huahua didn’t call out at this time?

Hehe, pretending to force this, of course it’s better to do it yourself!



If you stew the flower and eat it, I wonder if I can change like Yelang?

After all, according to the routines in many novels, dragon blood is the best spirit treasure for tempering physique.

Damn it? ruthless?

So greedy! !


The robbery thunder fell like a waterfall, covering the entire Jiao clan land.

At this time, even the few remaining powerful ancient clan members stood in the air one after another, looking towards this place.

“This volatility…could it be that the ginseng broke through that night?”

“Impossible? He wants his life? Old Immortal said, who dares to…”

“But if it weren’t for him, how could this roar of thunder be so powerful?”

“Could it be that someone from the Jiao Clan stepped into the Emperor Realm?”

A gloomy flash suddenly flashed in the eyes of many strong men, and they turned towards the clan.

No matter which world it is, there is a delicate balance between forces.

Once this balance is broken, war will begin.


When light from the sky pierced through the clouds, it fell on the Jiao Clan’s land.

Everyone just raised their heads and looked at the figure that stood tall in the sky.

At this time, Ye Lang had long been transformed into a human form again, with his clothes shattered, revealing his sturdy muscles.

Outside of him, the mighty pressure of the surging god king quietly diffused, and it was mixed with a trace of terrible fierce power that made people unclear.

While everyone was watching jealously or reverently, Ye Lang’s heart moved, and his whole body suddenly fell from the sky, stood in front of Ling Xiao, and then knelt down respectfully.

“Thank you, Young Master, for giving me great fortune.”

“Get up, just a drop of blood.”

Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, his expression extremely indifferent, then he turned his head to look at the people in front of him, and said in a calm tone, “Now, are there still people questioning my identity?”

“I can’t wait!! Welcome the young master to come to my Jiao Clan, I have neglected before, but I still hope the son Haihan!!”

Ye San first bowed down, and the entire Jiao clan land instantly made a boundless noise.

“Welcome the young master!!”


Ling Xiao shook his head, “My majesty is not to be offended!”


Ye Shen frowned slightly, and that Ye Liu had already clamped his legs, sweating on the top of his head, it was almost feces and urine.

Gan! !

You said you have to be so low-key because you are such a big man.

You directly give out the true dragon’s coercion, dare I be disrespectful to you?

“Come here!! Give me a stew of Ye Liu, and let Young Master taste the taste of my Jiao Clan tonight!”

Ye Shen snorted coldly, and Ye Liu suddenly turned black and limp to the ground.

“Young Master… I was wrong, please, spare my life!! I can be loyal to you and serve as a mount for you!!”

“Give me a mount? You deserve it too?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, raised his foot and walked to that Ye Liu, frowning at the ancestor of the Jiao Clan Yeshen, “I usually kill anyone who offends me, but… Ye… what is your name? ?”

“Hehe, I think the young master is hundreds of years younger than me, so let’s call me brother.”

Ye Shen bowed humbly, and almost took out Huazi and put it on Ling Xiao.

“Oh, brother Ye, are you sure he won’t resist?”

“Resist?! He dares!”

Ye Shen’s eyes condensed, and he snorted immediately, stepping forward, lifting his foot and stepping heavily on the top of Ye Liu’s head.

Although this Yeliu is the lord of the Jiao Clan, his cultivation is only the second rank of the God King.

Now that Ye Lang was appreciated by the young master of Tianlong, he stepped into the king realm in one day, and possessed the might of Tianlong.

Such a person is the future of his Jiao Clan!

If Ye Liu’s death can be used, the Young Master will give another drop of true dragon blood…


“Then I’m relieved! Or… let him slaughter him after he loses his body, so he has more meat…”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, her smile a little shy.

“Didn’t you hear what the young master said? Give me a cost body!”

Ye Shen kicked Ye Liu fiercely, and the latter suddenly let out a roar unwillingly, and directly manifested his body, crawling on the ground and shivering.


Just when he looked up and tried to beg for a few more words…

Damn it! He is drawing a knife! !

“Pay attention, I’m going to cut you off!”

Before he could open his mouth that night, Ling Xiao suddenly had an extra black long knife in his hand, and then cut it out suddenly, slashing his head directly.

At the same time, all the souls and blood of the latter disappeared.

“The way of water, get it.”

A smile flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but his face was still cold and indifferent, “Okay, let’s deal with it.”

“Hurry up, come, let’s stew!”

Ye Shen hurriedly waved his hand, his eyes looking at Ling Xiao became more and more frightened.

Just now that knife…


“Wait a moment…”

However, when several Jiao Clan experts were carrying Ye Liu’s corpse and walking towards the apse, Ling Xiao suddenly shouted at them.

“Remember, put more chopped green onion and crush me some garlic!”

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