Chapter 271: You Are A Good Man

Jiao Clan Temple.

A group of strong Jiao Clan stood quietly, looking at the white-clothed young man sitting quietly above the hall.

Ye Lang stood by his side, his face filled with awe.

“Brother Ye, this is your Jiao Clan’s God King powerhouse? Just three people?”

Ling Xiao coldly looked at the several powerful Jiao tribes standing under him, showing disdain.

“Haha, let’s not hide from the young master, my Jiao Clan is better. There are… one emperor… four kings. There are other monster races in the land of the emperor’s fall, and there are fewer strong ones…”

Ye Shen smiled awkwardly, looking forward to it between his eyebrows.

“But… Young Master, in fact, we… Ha ha, if we can… Ha ha, I don’t know if the Young Master came this time, do you have any plans… and the saint ancestor of my clan, now… in what realm?”

“Hey, your saint ancestor has fallen a few years ago. Otherwise, why do you think I will come? He took my hand before he died, and repeatedly asked me to take care of you when I had time, lead you, and said… he can rest assured It’s not going down.”

Ling Xiao sighed, her tone a little dignified inexplicably.

“What! Saint Ancestor actually…”

Suddenly, Ye Shen and the others suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

That’s it!

The saint ancestor has fallen, and the hope of their entire clan…I’m afraid it can only be placed on this young master!

This is an opportunity! !

Be sure to hurry up and take care of this young master!

Maybe when he is happy, he will give them a chance to become a dragon!

“However, since I have promised my clan elders will protect me, naturally I will not break my promise, but…”

A gloomy flash suddenly flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, “Why do I always feel that there are hidden secrets in this secret realm?”

“Huh? Young Master… are you aware of it?”

Ye Shen’s expression was shocked, and he sighed lightly.

“Don’t hide it from the young master, I actually noticed this weird place as early as my childhood!”

really! !

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, “Brother, let me hear you?”

“At the beginning, there was no human race in this secret realm, but later, two human race powerhouses fought in this battle and slaughtered countless creatures. In the end, one died, but the bereaved family was left, and the other disappeared.”

“But, just three hundred years ago, an old fairy suddenly came here to make rules with our clan and help us eradicate the enemy clan, confirming the powerful situation of the three clans now.”

“Old immortal, my brother is talking about Taixuan Dao master, right?”

Ling Xiao pondered in his heart, as expected, there was something tricky.

That Taixuan Dao master made an unprovoked move to establish an order, it is absolutely impossible… idle pain.

But he never started to fight for the good fortune of the fallen strong man. Instead, he opened the secret realm regularly to attract Dongjiang Tianjiao to experience it. What is he…what is he plotting?

“I don’t know who it is, but his cultivation is terrifying. All god emperors above Rank 5 were slaughtered and cleaned by one of them. All the powerhouses in the entire secret realm regard him as a fairy!”

Ye Shen’s eyes flickered with jealousy, and even when he mentioned Taixuan Dao Master, his face was a little pale.

“That old man, where did the strong man fall?”

“In the holy mountain where the fire race is!”

Ye Shen didn’t dare to conceal it, besides, there was nothing to conceal about this matter, the whole secret realm knew it.

“Sure enough, an ancient emperor who blended heaven and earth spirit fire must be extremely terrifying, but he was still killed here, then who would kill him…?”

Ling Xiao frowned and fell into deep thought.

Maybe the remnant soul of the ancient emperor is still there, chew, search, and everything will come to light.

“Haha, Young Master…Look, you have come all the way, and our Jiao clan has nothing to offer. Our clan lord has already cooked it for you, or else… go to our clan’s treasure trove again. Look?”


Ling Xiao nodded, “You are very good.”

“Thank you Young Master for your praise, Young Master, please follow me!!”

Hearing Ling Xiao’s praise, there was a flash of pride in the eyes of Old Ye Shen, and he turned and headed towards the back mountain.


This fish meat was eaten, Dao was obtained, and good luck took the initiative to take it out.

Although using Ling Xiao’s method, it was easy to find the details of the Jiao Clan, but it felt different.

Grabbing good fortune, isn’t that what the children of destiny are going to do?

I’m a villain, of course… wherever I go, it’s my home!

It wasn’t until the figures of a few people came to a cave that the footsteps of that night ginseng stopped, and with a sudden wave of the palm, I saw that the cave was suddenly blooming with profound glory, a terrible spiritual energy that made the heart surging, and it instantly overflowed. out.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, especially when he felt the gentle and moist spiritual fluctuations like the tide, the whole person began to become excited.

“This Jiao, ah, dragon, it’s really hard to change, it’s rich and lustful.”

However, just when Ling Xiao was about to raise his foot and walk towards the cave mansion, he suddenly thought of something, and directly waved Huahua into the Suppressing Demon Tower.

Otherwise, once this dog rushed out of excitement, wouldn’t it be… to scare the ancestor of Ye Ginseng?


“Haha, young master, this is where our clan’s heritage lies. See if you like it…”

Ye Shen bowed and led Ling Xiao into the cave.

In the dim cave, there are countless spiritual stones and treasures. Although there are no Taoist artifacts, there are many high-grade artifacts and heaven and earth spiritual materials.

“Haha, young master, you can choose as much as you like.”

“Brother, can you really choose as much as you like?”

Ling Xiao grinned, his tone seemed hesitant.

“Of course, it is an honor for my clan to be favored by the young master!!”

The night ginseng stood upright in place, with a straight body and an awe-inspiring appearance.

“Hehe, okay, then I won’t shirk it.”

Ling Xiao raised his hand, patted Ye Shen’s shoulder, and then the spiritual light flashed in his hand, and the cave, which was still rippling with endless spiritual energy, suddenly…completely darkened.


Ye Shen stood there, rubbing his eyes fiercely.

For a moment, he thought he was blind!

“Haha, brother, let’s go, today I am very happy.”

Ling Xiao turned around and wanted to walk outside the cave.

But that night, Shen glanced at the empty cave with a dull complexion, and only after a long while his face turned pale, almost fainting to death on the ground.

“Oh, by the way, since I have taken the details of the Jiao Clan, I have to express it.”

But when Ye Shen trembled all over and a mouthful of old blood reached his throat, Ling Xiao suddenly looked serious and opened his mouth.

“Huh? Could it be!!”

Ye Shen tried hard and swallowed the old blood back.

“My brother, don’t shirk, I want to give you a great good fortune!!”

Did I… shirk?

However, the opportunity to change the sect’s heritage for a trace of the dragon, this wave, not to lose! ! !

“Much…Thank you young master!!”

“Come on, be happy! Don’t resist, you will reach the pinnacle of life soon.”

Why do you want to be happy?

No one really doesn’t know, right?

The soul palace can be repaired above the delinquency, and the soul consciousness can be protected.

If you forcibly break in, not to mention the god emperor, even if the realm is the same, it is by no means easy, or even if it is slightly indistinguishable, you will encounter backlash.

So… let go of the happy spirit, probably means… open your soul palace, I go in and take a look!

Ling Xiao smiled evilly, the soul glow in his eyes suddenly flourished, and that Ye Shen only felt a strange soul power falling into his sea of ​​knowledge, condensed into a seal, and then disappeared again.

This feeling is a bit strange.

At this moment, he didn’t feel the change of strength, nor did he feel the change of bloodline, but faintly, he seemed to be more in awe of the young master in front of him.

Even Ye Shen has an illusion, as long as this young master wants to kill him, one thought is enough!

It seems to be useful! !

This is a complete shock from the blood!

Only the closer the bloodline can feel this strange suppression! !

The young master’s method… really is not what I can understand by ordinary people! !

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