Chapter 269

“Ye Lang! You beast! How dare you come back?”

The God King of the Jiao Clan screamed coldly, and the whole body suddenly had spiritual power overwhelming the world, and he wanted to rush towards Yelang.

“Ye…Ye Liu! Hugh is rude, do you know who this is?!”

Ye Lang’s face was sullen, and his eyes were a little frightened.

This one in front of him is his elder brother, the current lord of the Jiao Clan.

“Huh, a small human race ant, why, Ye Lang, is this what you dare to rely on for the Hui tribe?”

Ye Liu sneered, he naturally knew about the secret realm opening.

And now the younger generation of the Jiao Clan has already gone to the outlying places to hunt down those Human Clan Tianjiao who carry the most treasures in their hands.

Even if the young man in front of him had the supreme status in the outside world, he would not be counted as a fart when he arrived in the land of the emperor’s fall.

After all, the old immortal had promised, that with him, no strong man would be able to enter this secret realm.

“Presumptuous! The mere wild Jiao dare to be presumptuous in front of the deity!”

Before Ye Lang opened his mouth, before him, Ling Xiao already shouted angrily, and suddenly waved his palm, saw a flashing thunder-light palm print instantly tore the void, and slammed down towards that night flow.


Ye Lang stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his face turned pale in fright.

This little master is too sturdy, right?

Do you dare to attack the King of Gods when you break the realm of misunderstanding?

No, you should take out that hoop anyway, and then use the set that you used to fool me, put it on this night stream, and pretend to be forced!

How is such a tough act different from looking for death?

If it hadn’t been for the soul seal planted by Ling Xiao, Ye Lang would almost certainly turn around and escape.

“Huh! Ignorance kid, look for…”

Ye Liu sneered, but before he could finish speaking, a flash of panic suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, over the Jiao Clan’s ancestral land, an extremely ferocious aura suddenly spread.

That kind of panic, like the might of the sky, actually seems to be the legendary… the might of the real dragon?

At this moment, Ye Liu didn’t dare to move, letting the palm print on his face, smashed him down from mid-air, and slammed him in front of the Jiao Clan Temple.

“Who on earth is it… life and death?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, looking at the shocked Jiao Clan people in front of him, the depths of his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Believe in real dragons?

There is a trace of real dragon blood flowing in the body?

Sorry, there is a real dragon in my crotch!

Hua Hua wrapped around Ling Xiao’s thigh, staring blankly at the dog’s eyes.

The owner is so strange that for a while, he will let people release their breath, and for a while, they will not be allowed to move.

Just now, I actually wanted a drop of blood!

I’m so nasty, I can’t sleep well even after sleeping.


Ye Lang looked at Ling Xiao beside him with an expression of trepidation. Just now, he actually felt a trace of… true dragon Shengwei on this young man?

Although he has never seen the so-called true dragon from birth to now.


That kind of suppression from blood and soul can’t be wrong!

This boy is actually a real dragon? !


You said you were a real dragon long ago, and you used such troublesome hoops to imprint on me.

Don’t say dad, you are my pro-saint ancestor! !

Before he knew it, the look on Ye Lang’s face changed.

It is not respectful and awe, but a kind of…infinite arrogance.

Children of the Jiao Clan, open your dog’s eyes and see clearly, my dad is a real dragon! !

“See the deity, don’t you… kneel down for me?!”

Ling Xiao looked at the powerful Jiao Clan with a cold eye, with arrogance on his face, like a dragon god descending from nine days, sacred and majestic, and no one could provoke him.


The original flood dragons with bad expressions only felt their heads stunned, and they instinctively knelt to the ground.

“Ye Liu, right? You are the clan master of the Jiao Clan?”

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky, standing in front of the swollen face of Ye Liu, and laughed coldly.

“Who on earth are you?”

“It doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is, how many people still believe in my dragon bloodline?

Ling Xiao looked up at the sky with sadness in his eyes.

“It really disappoints me.”


Another wisp of dragon power spread out, and the whole Jiaolong clan land instantly set off a fishy wind.

Even the ancestor of the Jiao Clan, who had been in retreat for an unknown number of years, suddenly opened his eyes, and the depths of his eyes seemed to contain endless joy.

Is it… the breath of the saint ancestor?

Could it be…


In the distance, there were countless wind breaking noises suddenly heard in the sky.

I saw a group of powerful Jiao Clan experts walking out of the cave and toward the temple.

Behind Ling Xiao, Ye Lang’s face was slightly pale, but his expression was extremely cold and arrogant.

“Ye Liu, what is going on? And… who is this person?”

An old figure fell from the sky, standing beside Ye Liu, his eyes dignifiedly looking at Ling Xiao.

From this young man, he didn’t feel half a demon, instead he looked like a personal race.

But just now that Longwei…

“Meet the ancestors.”

A crowd of Jiao Clan members bowed down in an instant, and shouted to the old man.

“Ancestor Ye San… he… he seems to be from the real dragon clan.”


The eyes of the ancestor of the Jiao Clan condensed slightly, and the old eyes were full of doubt and shock.

Real dragons!

Could it be that the saint ancestor sent them to lead them to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm?

“This… little friend, may I ask you…”

“Hmph, I’m the young master of the Dawei Tianlong clan, and I happened to be here to experience. I heard that there are elders in my clan who have blood here, so I just came to take a look. I didn’t expect you to…”

Ling Xiao glanced at that Ye Liu coldly, and the latter suddenly trembled, and a wisp of chill spread from the soles of his feet inexplicably.

“What? Dawei Tianlong clan?”

Shining in the night ginseng eyes.

Although he has never heard of this clan name, it is clear that this is a very terrifying and ancient clan!

Dawei, Tianlong!

The majesty is eternal, named after the sky.

It is mixed with holy intentions, and is full of killing!

Worthy of being the name of our ancestor!

However, listening to what this young man meant, the saint ancestor of my clan was actually just an elder, and he… was actually the young master of that clan?

Before he knew it, Ye Shen’s old face was already humbled.

Even the figure gradually creaked.

How many years has it been?

How many years hasn’t he felt this kind of excitement?

Could it be that the spring of my Jiao Clan…is coming?

“You said you are the young master of the Tianlong clan, but what proof do you have?”

Ye Liu gritted his teeth and asked coldly.

“Presumptuous!! You dare to question the identity of the deity!!”

Ling Xiao shouted angrily, waved his palm again, a ray of dragon power spread out, and directly knocked the night stream to the ground again, without getting up for a long time.

So overbearing! ! !

That’s how it feels! !

This is the aura that the young master of the true dragon clan should have!

On the contrary, if this young man showed any so-called credentials, it would appear suspicious!

After all, why should the real dragon care about Jiao’s views?

“However, I came here today, and I ran into this little Jiao. His words were extremely humble. The deity is very happy, so I will give you a…good luck.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and called Ye Lang in front of him. With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood flew out of his fingertips and fell towards the latter’s mouth.

The mighty dragon, billowing!

At this moment, all the powerhouses of the entire Jiao Clan trembled! !

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