Chapter 268


Su Yandai’s eyebrows clustered lightly, her eyes growing gloomy.

This Nian Qingyun is really strange.

She obviously broke off the marriage with Ling Xiao, but now she deliberately targeted herself.

Of course, if it hadn’t been for Ling Xiao, Su Yan would have never thought of the reason for Nian Qingjun’s move.

After all, these two equally famous beauties in the Holy State seldom live in one place.

After all, it was too cruel for this holy state Tianjiao.

A tumultuous tribe, cold and arrogant, and a wealthy realm, with a pitiful face.

If these two stand together, I’m afraid they will kill a lot of arrogance, right?

Who should… lick?

Lick together?

Gan, doesn’t that mean that I am unstable?

Goddess, I hate to lick arrogance the most!

“Miss Su Yan, talk nonsense with her, this Nian Qingjun has robbed us three times, I think she is deliberately targeting you! Let me go up and give him some color!”

Beside Su Yan, a young man with a rough face and his cultivation base was in the midst of breaking his head and snorted coldly.


This Nian Qingjun is the top evildoer in Eastern Xinjiang, but…we are seeking wealth and danger!

If you don’t show up right now, when will you wait? !


Su Yan looked up and down at the person next to him, and finally did not stop or agree.

It’s just an inexplicable sarcasm in his tone.

“Huh? Miss, just watch, Nian Qingyun…huh!”

The rough young man sneered, and suddenly there were two large black axes in his hands. As soon as he stepped on his feet, he wanted to rush towards Nian Qingyun.

“Wait a minute, Brother Li Gui, that means Qingyun is so good, why don’t you let me meet her with you?”

Behind Su Yan, Tianjiao stepped out again.


Want to be in the limelight?

This is more than let you pretend it all by yourself, how can we win Miss Su Yan’s favor?

“Huh? You don’t believe me?”

The young man named Li Gui frowned slightly and looked at the person behind him coldly.

“Hehe, Brother Li is serious, I’m just afraid that Brother Li… will die in the hands of the goddess.”

“You! I think you deliberately humiliated me!!”

“Huh, humiliate you? Are you worthy?”

“Gan! There is a kind of fight with me!”


Seeing the two ancient ancestors who were fighting each other for an instant, Su Yan sighed lightly, only looking at Nian Qingyun’s eyes, but there was a hint of helplessness.

With the strength of the group behind her, it is absolutely impossible to be Nian Qingyun’s opponent.

Although she is famous in the Holy State, it is not because of her strength, but because of her money!

Moreover, Ling Xiao’s infatuation on the top of the Enlightenment Mountain that day had already passed through everyone’s mouth and reached her ears.

Once she sent the crowd to lick her arrogance and act on Nian Qingyun, she was afraid that the wife-protecting mad demon would definitely not let her go.

After all, that person didn’t even pay attention to Taixuan Daozi, and even Xia Chen showed his admiration for Nian Qingjun, and he slapped his teeth.

This is the secret world!

Even if Ling Xiao killed her, no one would know.

What’s more… She also plans to use Ling Xiao as a spare tire choice to solve her vulva.

“Nian Goddess, I know you have some prejudices against me, but I still want to tell you that I will cherish what you don’t cherish. If you think I care about these spiritual plants, then you can continue.”

Su Yan turned his head and glanced at the countless arrogances behind him, and with a light wave of his jade hand, he saw celestial spirits falling from the sky instantly, spreading all over the ground.

“These are rewards from this girl.”

“Wow!! It’s Jade Spirit Fairy Fruit!!!”

“Gan!! It’s black blood ganoderma!”

“Get rich, get rich.”

Seeing this scene, Su Yan’s eyes flashed with sarcasm, and she looked at Nian Qingyun from a distance, “Goddess wants to do it? There are many more in my universe bag.”

“Even if it is what I don’t want, others can’t get involved, otherwise, they will die.”

Nian Qingjun said faintly, Lianbu moved lightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

“Huh, if it weren’t in the secret realm…”

A gleam of cold flashed in Su Yan’s eyes, but in the end he didn’t say much, just looking at the people in front of him who were lying on the ground crazily picking up treasures, his eyes became colder and colder.

On a mountain peak in the distance, Xia Chen looked at the Nian Qingyun who turned and left, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a touch of playfulness, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

“You just said that your lovely female Jiao was beaten into the Lock Jiao Yuan? What is that place?”

In the depths of the secret realm, Ling Xiao stepped on that Bai Jiao Yelang, a little boring.

“That’s a forbidden place for my clan. It is said to have existed a long time ago. How long have I been…”

“Talk about the point.”

Ling Xiao sighed. After walking along the way, he found that although the white water bird had been planted with soul marks, it did not affect his ability to beep in the slightest.

“Oh, my family members of the Jiao Clan, no matter how big a mistake they make, they will not be put to death directly, but will be thrown into the locked Jiao Yuan and fend for themselves, but…”

“Can you stop talking about it and finish it all at once!”

Ling Xiao kicked hard on the top of the white Jiao’s head, and the latter grinned in pain, almost falling from the sky.

“It’s just that I heard the old man in the clan talk about that there is a great demon in the lock flood gate, who eats the flesh and blood of my Jiao clan. In fact, those clansmen who make mistakes are thrown away as sacrifices.”

Ye Lang trembled, and a pair of fierce eyes flashed with panic.

“Big demon? How big is the demon?”

Upon hearing this, the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

In this world, there is a bigger… demon than him?

“Master, I haven’t seen it either. Anyway, when my Jiao Clan mentions Suo Jiao Yuan, I’m terrified, even the ancestors are no exception.”

“Then why were you not left behind?”

“What a joke, I’m also the third son, besides, she obviously seduce me, and drugged me in my wine. Naturally such a bitch is going to die, but why should I die?”

As soon as Ye Lang’s voice fell, he felt a sudden force on top of his head, and directly smashed him down from mid-air, smashing the entire barren mountain, before stopping.


“First of all, don’t call me master later, call me son, secondly, I despise you the most slut in my life, even the sister-in-law!”

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely. If Yelang hadn’t been useful, he would have taken it down long ago and would add some food tonight.

What’s wrong with drugging in wine!

Do you think Nian Qingjun is very happy too!


Ye Lang’s heart trembled, it turned out…this master was so upright.

But… what is sister-in-law?

Are there dumplings delicious?

It wasn’t until a big Ze appeared in front of the two of them that, above that big Ze, an ancient temple stood faintly, that Ye Lang’s figure stopped again, turned into a human form, and stood beside Ling Xiao.

“Lord… Young Master, here is the ancestral land of my Jiao Clan!”

“Well, let’s go.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, not caring about the fear on Ye Lang’s face, and raised his foot towards the center of the Daze.

only! !

Just when the two figures appeared above the ancient temple, a roar of anger abruptly resounded.

“Where did the ignorant ants come from, dare to trespass into my Jiao Clan Holy Land!!”

Several silhouettes with terrifying aura suddenly swept from below, enclosing Ling Xiao and Ye Lang in the air.

“Huh?! Yelang!!!”

Among them, the first person was a second-rank god king, with a majestic appearance and a similar age to Yelang, especially the aqua-blue scales between the eyebrows, revealing a touch of Taoism.

“Huh? The Way of Water?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.


Surprise little surprise too!

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