Chapter 263: A Good Show

“Huh! Little brother, where are you going in such a hurry.”

Between the green hills and clear waters, a slightly frivolous voice suddenly came.

Lin Xi’s eyes condensed slightly, and when he looked up again, he saw that Wu Ya and others had fallen from the sky, blocking his retreat.

In fact, Lin Xi had already felt a few breaths a while ago.

It’s just that now he has changed his appearance and never made enemies, so he instinctively thought that as long as he was honest, no one would trouble him.

Of course, even with Wuya, he really didn’t take it seriously.

He is invincible if he breaks the illusion and does not comprehend the principles of the Tao!

“It turned out to be you!”

Lin Xi got up and looked at the few people with sarcasm in front of him, her eyes were gloomy.

Although Wu Ya didn’t know him, he remembered clearly that in front of Lingbao Pavilion, these people in front of him humiliated him in every possible way.

Even if they hadn’t stopped them, maybe he had had a romantic encounter with Su Yan long ago!

How can I get Ling Xiao to pretend to be forced!


It’s just that Lin Xi didn’t expect that even with these stinky fish and shrimps in Wuya, he would be eligible to enter the secret realm.

“Huh? It seems that you know this young master. That’s right, it’s us, kid, the truth, don’t move, let the brothers happy, maybe you can save your dog’s life.”

Wuya grasped the palm of his hand, and saw a ten-foot long knife suddenly appeared in his hand, with golden light overflowing and murderous intent, obviously a rare treasure of killing and cutting.


Lin Xi snorted coldly, and the flames all over his body began to linger. In his hand, he also had a thick black ruler, blooming with endless ferocity.

“Huh? Are you trying to compete with Lao Tzu?”

Wu Ya’s face was taken aback, and the sarcasm in his eyes grew thicker.

An ant who had no background in the early stage of breaking the delusion would dare to yell at him?

Just as he stepped out and was about to swoop towards Lin Xi, a soft drink suddenly came from a distance in the air.

“Brother Lin! I’ll help you!”

I saw a beautiful shadow suddenly fell from the air, and the ancient sword in his hand slashed down horizontally, without giving Wu Ya a chance to speak, and instantly rushed towards him.

“Huh? Shui Yueer?!”

Lin Xi’s eyes condensed slightly, but she couldn’t help but wonder.

How did she recognize herself?


On the road just now, he had heard someone talk about how this Shui Yueer broke with Xia Chen and nearly died in the hands of that Yuanyue Saint Child.

Moreover, if Shui Yue’er hadn’t reminded him kindly, he would not easily see Xia Chen’s hypocrisy and treacherous.

Although the woman had had a big opinion of him before, she was not a sinister, mean and inconsistent villain from this perspective.

“Huh? Shui Yueer? You…”

“Hush, I’m the son of the son, come on, cooperate with me in the show.”

A coldness flashed across Shui Yue’s pretty face, and the ancient sword in her hand fell fiercely on top of that Wuya’s head.

“The son of the son? Acting! What kind of play?”

With just a word, Wu Ya hesitated in his heart.

After all, the conversation he had with Ling Xiao before, even the people behind him couldn’t know.

It can be seen that this Shui Yueer should also belong to the son.

It’s just that, to deal with such a wild ant, how many of them still need to act?

“The saint…how…how to act?”

“Don’t fight back and pretend to be hit hard by me.”

A ray of soul light flashed in Shui Yue’er’s eyes, and thousands of sharp lights swayed from the ancient sword in his hand.

Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be a ghost hissing, and even the vertical lines between his brows began to change into a white color.

A wisp of yin to evil air quietly diffused, and the temperature of the entire space seemed to have dropped to freezing point at this time.

Lin Xi frowned slightly, and instinctively used the power of spiritual fire to stop the evil spirit outside.

But at this time, facing the full blow of the Yin Fan Saintess, Wu Ya didn’t panic at all.

Just kidding, everyone is a prince’s person, this saint of Yin Brahma seems to be fierce with this move, but how can it really hurt herself?

“Shui Yueer!! Don’t think I dare not kill you!!”

The giant knife in Wuya’s hand slashed horizontally, and an unmatched general trend fell from the sky, almost shattering the void.

This Wuya is worthy of being a young master of a clan, and his cultivation is considered top among his peers.

“Young Master Wuya…you stay a little longer, my small body, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold your sword.”

Shui Yue’er’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly as she spoke with her divine knowledge.

“Holy saint, I know it!”

Wu Ya nodded and smiled, giving Shui Yue’er a relieved expression.

But the latter finally stopped hesitating, turning the ancient sword into a ghost in his hand, and slashed towards that Wuya in anger.


The ear-splitting buzzing sound resounded through the nine layers of clouds.

But Wu Ya only saw a beautiful figure falling from the sky, and the handle in his hand was glowing with coldness, and it came into his heart fiercely.

Damn it! what to do!

How can I cooperate with her in this situation?

How to act so as to look realistic and not artificial?

only! !

Before Wu Ya thought for too long, the ancient sword of cold light pierced his heart directly and came out.

The look on Wu Ya’s face instantly became sluggish.

He looked down at the slightly enchanting face in front of him, and his eyes were always full of strong shock.

“What the hell…what are you doing?”

how come?

Isn’t she the son of the son?

Why… Could it be! !

She betrayed the son! !

It must be so! !

This bitch! !

“Young Master Wu, acting, of course we have to be serious. If you are not dead, how can Lin Xi believe me?”

Shui Yue’er smiled indifferently, and her jade hand turned horizontally, directly smashing Wuya’s heart and fu organs completely.


In the end, the Uzbek Young Master didn’t want to understand why he died.


What Shui Yueer said also made sense.

Everything is for the sake of the son!

But, it seems to have nothing to do with me?

Of course, if Lin Xi hadn’t given Ling Lao medicine, the exchange of consciousness between the two Shui Yue’er might not be able to hide from the latter.

such a pity.

“Little Lord!!!”

Looking at the scene before him, everyone around him instantly fell into a sluggishness.

Why just… the young master suddenly received the sword intent?

conspiracy! !

It must be the sorcery used by this Shui Yueer!

Gan! !

“Brothers, take revenge for the young master!!”

Several people roared loudly, using their spiritual power one after another, and furiously rushed towards Shui Yue’er.

The spiritual seal and sword light in his hand fell suddenly, and Rao Yi Shui Yue’s strength instantly vomited blood and flew out.

“Water saint!!”

Lin Xi’s eyes condensed slightly, and her figure appeared in front of Shui Yue’er for a short while, reaching out to embrace her in her arms.

“Brother Lin…”

At this time, Shui Yue’er’s pretty face was completely pale, especially the trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, it was even more shockingly beautiful.

At this moment, Lin Xi was a little shocked.

This is the first woman who is willing to work hard for him!

Although there was some misunderstanding between the two before, at this moment, looking at the shyness in Shui Yue’er’s beautiful eyes, Lin Xi suddenly felt…

Life is short, why bother with the beauty that is beyond reach?

Cherish the present, isn’t it fragrant?

“Ahem, Brother Lin, I’m afraid I can’t hold it anymore, you go quickly, I will stop them for a while, anyway, I have offended Xia Chen, and I will die sooner or later.”

Shui Yue’er smiled sadly, pushed Lin Xi away hard, and wanted to rush towards the people who came.

But at this moment, a broad and powerful palm suddenly gripped her jade hand.

“Water…saint, you won’t die, even if I die, it won’t let you die, no one will do.”

Lin Xi shook his head, took Shui Yue’er into his arms, and looked up at the people who had already arrived in front of him.

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