Chapter 264

“That’s right! I don’t have the background of Xia Chen, and I don’t have his talent.”

Lin Xi was holding Shui Yue’er in one hand, with a gentle touch on her face.

“Didn’t you always look down on me? I understand you, because I… come from the mountains, but today I want you to know that what other people can do, I Lin Xi can do it for you too! Even… this time after the secret, Dong Xinjiang, I am king!!”


“What is this forcing you to say? What is Dongjiang doing?”

“Dying is approaching, this is the beginning of hallucinations, right?”

“Gan! Killed these two dog men and women and hated Young Master Wuya!!”


Before everyone’s words were over, a strange hot wave quietly spread.

The monstrous flames reflected the sky into a bloody color!

Even Shui Yue’er felt a trace of inexplicable heart palpitations at this time.

She raised her head and looked at the calm face close at hand, and there was a complex and profound meaning in her beautiful eyes.

According to the normal script, at this moment, I am afraid that the arrogant daughter of the evil sect has fallen.

However…Her body and soul have long been sold to the devil.

No matter how throbbing in the eyes, there is still just one sentence in my heart… Stupid!

Are you king of Dongjiang?

Has it become popular these days?

You directly proclaim the emperor, and you can dominate Eastern Xinjiang!


However, there is a saying, you are right, I can’t die, but you… definitely can’t live.

“What kind of fluctuation is this?”

“Ok…what a terrible breath!!”

Those figures suddenly stopped in midair, with a look of horror on their faces.

“Today, you will have the honor to see my true strength.”

Lin Xi smiled disdainfully, and suddenly squeezed his palm, only to see that the heavy ruler, which was originally pitch black as ink, suddenly turned into a red color.

It is like lava pouring, revealing endless power.

“Brother Lin…you…”

Shui Yueeryu wrapped her hands on Lin Xi’s neck, feeling the heat surging under his skin.

“You are so mighty.”

“Haha, Yue’er, look good.”

A smile was raised at the corner of Lin Xi’s mouth, and it was time to deal with this group of stinky fish and shrimps.

I saw the giant ruler in his hand slashed down horizontally, like a heavenly condemnation, hanging across Cangyu.

The void shattered in layers below this foot, and the boundless flames burned all the ancient forests in a radius of a hundred miles into ashes.

The earth cracked and the monster beast wailed.

Until that foot fell, the whole sky fell into a dead silence.

Looking at the few Tianjiao who had just been clamoring, they had already disappeared, and even Hui… didn’t remain.

“What a terrible flame… Brother Lin, you are too powerful.”

Shui Yueer’s body trembled, her eyes horrified, and she looked at Lin Xi with admiration.

At this moment her surprise was not pretended.

The few ancient ancestor Tianjiao just now, although they are some dragon-like characters, their cultivation bases are all in a state of deception.


Lin Xi just swiped it down and killed four strong people of the same realm?

Everyone knows that Lin Xi came to provoke him that day and was crushed by Ling Xiao’s palm.

Therefore, most people instinctively think that Lin Xi is a waste.

But now it seems that he is not only not abandoning, but… is really strong.

But the two are in contrast… Young Master Ling Xiao… how strong is it?

“Water… Saint, how did you recognize me?”

Lin Xi took out a pill from his arms and handed it to Shui Yue’er, “Take it, it’s healed.”

“Even though Brother Lin’s appearance has changed, the upright and masculine aura on his body hasn’t changed a bit. How could Yue’er not recognize it? Brother Lin…you still do alchemy?”

Shui Yue’er’s eyes seemed to flicker with stars, and her pretty face was actually blushing shyly.

Just like seeing the sweetheart of the lover, the love blooms!

“Haha, understand a little bit.”

The corners of Lin Xi’s mouth raised slightly and her face was arrogant.

At this moment, the eyes that were originally dim burst out with pride.

That’s how it feels!

finally! !

He found the original feeling again and revived the man’s glory! !

Since meeting Ling Xiao, he has been done by the latter…it’s wrong, so scared that he completely lost his confidence.

Especially that bastard, it seems that he can easily perceive his thoughts every time.

So much so that his Dao Xin, which had no time for tenacity, was shattered into humbleness.

But today, when that foot fell, the world was silent, everything was subdued, and the proud girl groaned in his arms, he just felt…

Everything is back!

“Hehe, it seems that Yue’er’s eyesight is short-sighted. Originally, Yue had a slight contempt for the son…, but today, seeing the son’s heroic power, Yue’er suddenly felt that the worship in his heart was like a tide of water, almost overflowing from the body!!”

Shui Yueer buried her head in Lin Xi’s arms, and the smile on the latter’s face was undoubtedly stronger.

In this way, this Shui Yueer was the most authentic one of the people he had contacted.

Her contempt for herself before was real, so the worship at this moment is probably also real.

After all, a pure woman like her has never been able to hide her thoughts.

Otherwise, look, why is there always spring water in her eyes?


Even the title has changed!

“However, how did you break up with Xia Chen?”

Lin Xi lowered his head and looked at the arrogant girl in his arms, a gloomy flash in her eyes.

Ling Xiao, he will kill it.

Xia Chen, he naturally didn’t plan to let it go.

These two people, one arrogant and the other insidious, are not good things!


Can they bite each other, maybe there will be unexpected surprises?

After all, to open the ruins of the ancient emperor, he still needs the ancient green magic cauldron in Ling Xiao’s hands!

And with his current strength, he was afraid that he would be able to snatch it from Ling Xiao head-on.

“Huh! That Xia Chen is upright on the surface, but insidious in his heart. He had some worries outside the Secret Realm before, but as soon as he entered the Secret Realm, he wanted…want…that me again and again!”

Shui Yueer’s eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

“I know how many people in the world misunderstand me, saying what I am seeing a scum girl playing with one another, but people have only talked about a Taoist couple so far, and unfortunately they have fallen into a ruin. Since then, Yue I just guard myself like jade, and cultivate in the sect every day, planting some flowers and plants, why…they say that to me.”

While speaking, Shui Yueer suddenly looked at Lin Xi with tears in her eyes, “Master, you don’t think of me the same way, do you?”

“Ah? I… how could I!”

Lin Xi shook his head, but couldn’t help but sigh in the bottom of his heart.

He naturally knew the demon name of Shui Yueer.

But this… doesn’t mean she is a bad woman.

After all, who can not love a slender lady?

Besides, Shui Yueer risked his death to save him today, even though he could deal with Wuya with his strength.


Am I looking at her cultivation level?

What I see is her attitude!


How could a proud woman who dared to dedicate her life to me like this be a bad person?

Even if she had been with countless men’s repairs before, it was also before.

Follow me Lin Xi in the future, she is my woman!

My Lin Xi’s woman! !

“Huh! If it wasn’t a saint that day, I was really going to be deceived by Xia Chen, the kind of people who are ignorant of righteousness should betray their relatives.”

Lin Xi took a deep breath, and the most important thing right now was to retrieve Gu Ding and find his sister Bai Ling.

In this way, his trip to the secret realm will become an opportunity to reverse his destiny.

As for Shui Yue’er, she was indeed somewhat charming.

Don’t tell me about your ambitions, give you a young, beautiful, and proactive holy land girl, you are afraid that you will be more excited than me, Lin Xi!


“It’s also called the saint… Young Master, should you change your slogan to someone… Yue’er.”

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