Chapter 262

“Is it gone?”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Lin Xi in the crowd.

The excitement on the latter’s face just didn’t escape his eyes.

Obviously, that girl in black is undoubtedly his lost sister.

Of course, this girl walked so decisively, obviously, she also had some brains.

Being hard on the front is not something that these blood palace killers are good at.

What they are best at is the technique of assassination.

Just how to attack this little girl?

A groan flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and even a little coldness faintly appeared with the breath of the whole body.

And those Tianjiao evildoers who originally watched the excitement instantly turned into afterimages and rushed towards Yuankong frantically.


It’s cool to watch the excitement for a while, and keep watching the excitement, I’m afraid it will be cool to death.

“My son, Su Yan… will leave first.”

Su Yan glanced at Ling Xiao, nodded slightly, and then led the crowd to turn around and leave.

The entrance of the originally lively secret realm instantly became empty.

“The son…”

At this moment, someone suddenly came in the distance, it was the young master of the Uzu, Wuya.


Suddenly, Ling Xiao suddenly had some novel ideas in his heart.

Since Lin Xi had not dared to show up from beginning to end, he was afraid that his concerns were too serious in his heart.

It’s even heavy…More than missing my sister.

After all, the two hadn’t seen each other in seven years.

The girl will definitely appear again, and secretly shot at him.

She’s just a little girl in the mid-destruction stage, no matter how many means, how can she threaten Ling Xiao?

At that time, he only needs a chance to be alone to convince her that perhaps Lin Xi is no longer her dear brother.

But before that…

“Haha, it turned out to be Young Master Wuya.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes flickering.

But Wu Ya was frightened in a cold sweat, and tremblingly bowed to Ling Xiao.

“In front of the son, Wuya is a young master. If the son doesn’t dislike it, just call me Yaya by the nickname.”

“Oh, I have something. I want you to help me.”

Ling Xiao grinned and stretched out his hand to pat Wuya’s shoulder, “If you do a good job, how will you follow me in the future?”

“Master, please speak!”

A flash of excitement flashed in Wu Ya’s eyes, and Ling Xiao just leaned over and whispered in his ear, then turned and left.

With a dragon sleeve like Wuya, he didn’t even bother to waste a trace of soul power.

Allowing him a little benefit is enough for him to go through fire and water.

“Oh? Huh, in the early days of the deception, I dared to covet the beauty of the goddess, brothers, the son said, give him some color!”

Wu Ya turned his head and glanced at Lin Xi who had hurriedly left. With a wave of his palm, he immediately chased several followers with him.

At the same time, Ling Xiao’s thoughts moved, and Shui Yueer, who was far away somewhere in the secret realm, suddenly trembled, her face a little dignified inexplicably.

“Yue’er, what’s the matter with you?”

Xia Chen seemed to be aware of Shui Yue’er’s strangeness, and Xia Chen’s eyes condensed slightly, and asked with some worry.

“Shengzi, I didn’t want to leave you originally, but I can’t help Shengzi with your side, Yue’er really can’t help Shengzi, why don’t you… let me go to Lin Xi’s side and be a hidden son for you?”

Shui Yue’er’s bright eyes were faintly misty, and her face was aggrieved and determined.

“Huh? Yueer…you…”


Xia Chen pretended to be hesitant, but in fact he had already begun to figure out how to smoothly send Shui Yue’er to Lin Xi.

After all, the relationship between the two people was not friendly.

“Shengzi don’t say it! Come on, flog me! Let everyone in the secret realm know that you and I have broken, so that Yueer can win Lin Xi’s trust.”

“This…well, Yue’er, bear with me.”

Xia Chen hesitated slightly, suddenly shook his palm, and slapped that Shui Yueer to the ground with a slap.


The severe pain on her face made Shui Yue’er stunned for three seconds, and then the last trace of resistance in her heart disappeared instantly.

“Xia Chen!! You are ignorant, hypocritical and insidious. Sooner or later you will die without a place to bury you!!”

Shui Yue’er covered her face, her bright eyes were red, her face looked resentful.


Xia Chen’s expression was slightly condensed, and she understood Shui Yue’er’s intentions in an instant, and the spirit of her body rose to the sky, and her voice spread across a hundred miles, “Shui Yue’er, don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking? Humph, today I will let you know the fate of betraying me!”

“Ah! Xia Chen, you must not die!!”

Above the void, the two streamers chased each other, attracting countless prying eyes.

“It seems to be Xia Chen and Shui Yueer?”

“These two people? Have a fight?”

“Are you blind? Look at what Shui Yue’er’s face is swollen! This is obviously broken.”

“Hey, in front of good luck, there really is no friendship at all.”

The arrogance of the heavens who had gathered in one place suddenly condensed, and the bottom of their hearts was on guard against the “like-minded” brothers beside them.

“Huh! Shui Yueer, don’t let me meet you again!!”

After the two chased for a long time, Xia Chen stopped reluctantly, and looked at the Shui Yue’er disappearing into the sky, the corners of his mouth were full of playfulness.

Perhaps only he knew about the entire secret realm, there was Dao Linghu on Lin Xi’s body.

From what the latter said before, Xia Chen faintly felt that he should be coming for a ruin in this secret realm.

With him leading the way, he only needs to show up at the critical moment, and all good things will not come at hand.

Lin Xi, don’t blame me for being cruel, blame you if you blame it, you shouldn’t count me.

Xia Chen stood up in the void, pondering for a long time, and finally swept away in the opposite direction.

Now that the matter of the ruins has been settled, next, he should also let Nian Qingjun understand who is her real son!

Standing on the distant mountain, Ling Xiao directed Shui Yue’er towards Lin Xi’s direction.

This saint of Yin Brah was not a servant to him, after all, it was too dirty.

Her role is probably no different from Qin Leng.

It was just a camera on the body of the Son of Destiny.

Xia Chen is quite the mantis who catches cicadas, so he will be a oriole that eats mantises.

These two people have been completely under Ling Xiao’s control.

Next, all he had to do was to send a great gift to Taixuan Taoist Sect.

This ancient sect is really evil.

Although the Great Profound Dao Master and Dao Zi did not show any hostility towards him.

But this kind of threatening force is still… it’s better to destroy it.

In this way, the entire Dongjiang really fell into the hands of the Ling clan.

But before that, he should still be cautious.

The Supreme Profound Dao Master made it clear that once a strong person beyond the Divine Hou Realm arrives, the natives in this secret realm will be aware of it.

He must ensure that the strongest here does not threaten him, or that the threat is not big, before he dares to let go of his hands and feet and do a big job!

“Xiao Tu, Senior Sister Fu, you guys…go on your own treasure hunt. As long as you don’t go to places that are too central, it shouldn’t be too dangerous.”

Ling Xiao gave them a magic talisman without any hesitation, and raised his foot towards a high mountain in the distance.

There, he faintly felt a tyrannical aura, which was shocking the surrounding thousands of miles.

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