Chapter 237-Su Yan is Here

“Huh? I’m…”

Lin Xi looked stunned for a moment, and immediately a face fell savagely.

Why! ! !

Why does this bastard seem to be aiming at himself?

Moreover, no matter what appearance he changed, he would still target himself?


But there are too many coincidences, right?

Is it the old man?

But the old thing clearly fell asleep, how can you tell him about it?

No, for the sake of insurance, it seems that the amount of medicine has to be increased.

Otherwise, the good fortune in the mysterious realm of Enlightenment Mountain might fall into someone’s hands.


What makes Lin Xi feel strange is why there is no spirit fire aura on Ling Xiao’s body.

Didn’t the heart of death not fall into his hands in the end?

You know, since practicing Burning Sutra, Lin Xi has an inexplicable feeling for the flames between the heaven and the earth.

He didn’t believe that Ling Xiao could have the means to completely hide the breath of the spirit fire.

“Brother Lin, don’t worry about it.”

Xia Chen transmitted the sound and shook his head slightly.

In the end, Lin Xi just gritted his teeth and glared at Ling Xiao, took a deep breath, and turned his head no longer to look at him.

“Huh? It’s interesting.”

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly.

It is worthy of the strong to win the house, and he was so calm, his provocation failed to shake that Xia Chen’s mind.

It was Lin Xi who unknowingly contributed 200 luck to him.

“Oh? What the son means is that he has a different opinion. In the eyes of the son, what is this…?”

Taixuan Shengzi raised his brows lightly, and his dull eyes looked towards Ling Xiao.

“The way of the world, there are so many, you ask me, who do I ask.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and instantly a touch of resentment flooded the faces of the Tianjiao.


If you don’t know it, just listen to it. You are always making fun of it.

As a result, we just got a sense, and were interrupted by you in an instant.

“Haha, what the son said is reasonable, maybe it’s narrow.”

Unexpectedly, by this time, the Taixuan Daozi was still not angry, just nodded and smiled, then stopped talking.

“It seems that I… came a bit late.”

At this moment, in front of the building, there was a soft laughter suddenly.

I saw a beautiful figure wearing a red dress and white fur on her shoulders suddenly came from outside, like a glimpse of surprise, beautiful eyes.

“It’s the eldest lady of the Yunlai Business League!! Su Yan!!”

“I didn’t expect her to come too!!”

“It’s so beautiful, I like it!!”

The whole restaurant was suppressed for a moment, and then there were bursts of exclamation.

Even the destined people like Yuan Yue Shengzi and Lin Xi flashed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world?

Moreover, the trace of illness clustered between her eyebrows is really like a finishing touch, touching.

“Tao Xuan Daozi.”

Su Yan bowed slightly and saluted the Daozi on the high platform.

The latter nodded and smiled warmly, looking graceful.

Then everyone’s eyes were once again on this Miss Yunmeng’s body.

At this time, the Yingxian Building was already full of seats.

I don’t know who will be lucky to sit down with this rich and proud woman in the holy state tonight?

Yunlai Shangmeng!

If you can get the favor of this woman, for any clan Tianjiao, it is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

Miss Su Yan! ! I don’t want to work hard anymore! !

Flip me!

Su Yan ignored the eagerness in everyone’s eyes, only lowered his head and smiled, moving lightly, and walked directly under the high platform.

“Huh? Is this… directed at Yuanyue Shengzi?”

“Yes, Xia Shengzi’s fairy name spreads far and wide, not only the cultivation base is tyrannical, but also the dawn of righteousness, he deserves this honor!”

“Bah, you are hypocritical!”

However, when Su Yan walked in front of Xia Chen and the others, he suddenly leaned over and said to the obsessed Lin Xi, “This son…”

“Huh? Could it be that I…Is it…Is it true that I’m not blessed? It’s Nian Qingyun who has no eyes, is greedy for vanity, and is bewitched by Ling Xiao. It seems that in this world, there are still women who have this insight!!”

Lin Xi’s face was reddened, and he looked up at the white and beautiful face in front of him, a little excited.

“I wonder if this young man… can you give me a seat?”


The whole Yingxian Building was quiet for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi’s face was completely green.

you! !

You damn ancient celestial arrogance, why do you have to step on me one by one?

At this time his mentality completely collapsed!

No longer even suspected that Ling Xiao was deliberately targeting him.

Because… everyone seems to be targeting him!


Lin Xixiu was the lowest sitting on this entire table, the most unfamiliar in appearance, and he seemed to be the easiest person to handle.

The luck is gone, and this identity has begun to become humble.


Yuan Yue Shengzi shook his head slightly and signaled Lin Xi’s patience, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Su Yan wants to sit next to him.

Although he is the god emperor seizing the house, his identity is different now.

If you want to return to his realm and fight against the two top god emperors Qingyang and Chiluo, you must accumulate enough strength.

Moreover, so many years have passed, who knows if the two of them have taken that step and achieved respect.

And this Su Yan is the descendant of the Yunmeng, with her help, this road is more or less easier.

Just before Xia Chen pondered for too long, Su Yan turned his head and smiled at Xiao Tu Wan’er, “You are Brother Xiao, I wonder if Senior Brother can change seats with me?”


The look on Xia Chen’s face instantly solidified.

And Xiao Tu hesitated for a moment, then got up and sat on Lin Xi’s original seat, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

“Di, the mentality of the Son of Destiny is shaken. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 200 luck points and 2000 villains.”

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao was extremely indifferent.

Su Yan’s coming here must be directed at him.

What only made him a little surprised was that this god emperor seized the house and was also saddened by the beauty?

“Master Ling Xiao…”

Su Yan took his seat, looking at Ling Xiao with pretty eyes, and a touch of moving shame on his beautiful face.

“The son is so crowded, you don’t mind if I sit here, don’t you mind, I don’t know why, relying on you, Su Yan always feels a little inexplicable warmth.”


Hearing what Su Yan said, in Yingxianlou, all the enchanting eyes of the ancient tribe glared.

What did i hear?

The descendant of the Yun League, Su Yan, who controls the vast majority of the wealth of the Holy State, is actually asking for Ling Xiao’s opinion?

Even faintly a little humble?

absurd! !

It’s ridiculous! !

But as if feeling the hatred in everyone’s eyes, Ling Xiao’s face suddenly burst into a gentle smile.

“Hehe, Miss Su is serious, my side is never crowded, except for wine glasses, waiting for you…but…”

“I see the girl’s face is pale, her whole body is cold, she must be frozen out, right? Come on, give me your hand, and I’ll warm up the girl.”

Without waiting for Su Yan to refuse, Ling Xiao’s palm directly held her soft jade hands and rubbed them gently.

“Now? Is it warmer?!”

Gan! ! !


Hearing a burst of rapid ticking sounds in his mind, Ling Xiao’s smile grew thicker, while Su Yan’s pretty face was already sluggish.

“The son… the son…”

“Do you know, the moment you blush, I even figured out the child’s name…”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, seeming helpless and melancholy, but the gentleness in his eyes, but inexplicably… affectionate.

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